Friday, May 10, 2024



dve-realnosti-samokontrol-i-samovospitanieHello, my dear beloved children!

As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to talk to you about those “tools” that will help you transform your low vibrational thoughts and emotions into high vibrational ones.

As you have probably already noticed, my dear ones, theoretical knowledge is not yet enough to radically change your thinking, which was formed over many of your incarnations on Earth.

Only long-term and painstaking work on yourself can completely expel duality from your consciousness as an integral part of the three-dimensional world.

Therefore, of all the numerous “selves” inherent in a person of the third dimension, you will have to use those that will help you concentrate all your attention on your inner qualities.

And we will talk here about self-control and self-education.

How is one different from the other?

Self-monitoring is carefully monitoring the vibrations of your every thought and emotion.

You will not be able to accustom yourself to this right away - the inertia of your already established spontaneous reactions is too strong.

But if desired, this skill can be brought to automaticity.

And self-education is the same self-control, but it includes all aspects of your life.

This is your worldview and attitude, based on the principles of unipolarity, your behavior and all your actions, which carry high vibrations.

This is strict observance of the Laws of the Universe at all levels of your existence.

This is the development of an intuitive feeling for people, situations and various phenomena in your life.

In other words, this is all that helps your consciousness go beyond the three-dimensional matrix and acquire new thinking, completely free from other people’s influence and any stereotypes.

And now, when you have reached the “finish line” leading to the world of the Fifth Dimension, you have to put into practical use all the theoretical knowledge that has been given to you on this site for more than eight years.

This is where we will stop today.

The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you

Accepted by Martha May 2, 2024

Сайт "Возрождение"

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