Saturday, May 11, 2024

TWO REALITIES (PRINCIPLES OF SELF-CONTROL) May 11, 2024 Father Absolute , Practices


dve-realnosti-princzipy-samokontrolyaHello, my dear beloved children!

As a continuation of my previous message, today I want to move on to practical exercises and tell you about the basic principles of self-control.

The first thing you should pay attention to is your weakest points: what manifests itself most often in you and what carries duality to the greatest extent.

It can be anything:

— hot temper and irritation towards people with different views on life from yours;

- condemnation of everything that does not correspond to your understanding of reality;

- comparing yourself with other people, both for the better and for the worse;

- the desire to meet any standards already familiar to you;

— the habit of “cooking” accumulated problems, grievances and irritation within oneself for a long time;

— fear of the unknown, which, by and large, carries with it self-doubt and distrust of your Heavenly helpers;

- verbosity or, conversely, excessive secrecy and silence.

You can list for a long time the qualities inherent in a person of the three-dimensional world, but it is better if you find them in yourself, giving them an extremely objective assessment and clearly defining for yourself what you would like to get rid of in order to find harmony in your soul.

Surely you will find in yourself not one, but several such qualities.

And they should also be “sorted” in order to understand which of them is prevalent, and therefore a priority for you.

If you want to get rid of all your negative qualities at once, then most likely you will fail, since it is very difficult for a person to control ALL of his thoughts, emotions and behavioral patterns at the same time.

So start with the main thing.

For example, if you are accustomed to condemning people or even non-humans who are too different from you, concentrate all your attention on instantly dissolving with the Fire of Universal Love thoughts and emotions that spontaneously arise in you and carry comparison.

And remember that every living creature on Earth has the right to exist and is either a teacher or a “trainer” for you to enrich you as an individual.

Or, for example, if you suffer from verbosity, not being able to express your thoughts clearly and clearly, then learn to stop yourself in time, remembering sayings familiar to you: such as “The word is silver, and silence is gold”, “The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it”, “Brevity is the sister of talent” and many others that carry centuries-old folk wisdom.

And remember that verbosity can “drown” any living thought and therefore carries very low vibrations.

Start with this, my dear ones, gradually - step by step - getting rid of all your three-dimensional habits, which are based on duality in all its manifestations.

This is where we will stop today.

The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta May 3, 2024

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