Saturday, May 18, 2024



dve-realnosti-otkladyvat-uzhe-nelzyaHello, my dear beloved children!

Today I want to step away from our topic and talk to you about something that can unite people around the world and help them destroy the existing system of power.

We are talking here, of course, about people - pure human souls who suffer more than others from the actions of the globalists and their puppets in power that have already reached the point of absurdity.

And we will talk about the widest circle of people who may know nothing about the Transition, but nevertheless retain the best human qualities in their souls.

The most important thing that can unite humanity is caring for children.

They need to be protected first of all, since all the “poisonous arrows” of the criminals in power are now aimed at them.

It is they who are trying to “poison” physically and morally in order to extremely reduce the birth rate and disfigure the psyche of your children, depriving them of natural moral norms and values.

And the main tool for this are the so-called “vaccines”: lethal - in the literal sense of the word - drugs containing not only a whole range of different diseases - physical and mental, but also components leading to infertility and causing various kinds of genetic distortions .

And as has been the practice for centuries among the Dracoreptiles and their minions, the most insidious and dangerous things and phenomena for people are presented in a beautiful package under the guise of the government caring for the people.

But now such “care for children” is being introduced forcibly in order to accelerate the process of depopulation of the population and deprive future generations not only of health, but also of the opportunity to think adequately.

Thus, one of the terrifying consequences of such “care” is autism, which has no longer become a rare disease, but practically the norm.

Every concerned person can now find a lot of materials on this topic, as well as statistical data on the side effects of vaccination.

Therefore, saving your children from a common misfortune can mark the beginning of the unification of humanity against the criminal system of power on Earth.

But such a unification must start small - with the joint work of parents in every district, in every city, in every country.

And so gradually the “streams” of your joint efforts will merge into a powerful wide river, which will sweep away in its path all those who issue criminal decrees that deprive your children of health and a happy life, and those who carry out these decrees.

And we can’t put it off any longer.

This is where we will stop today.

The Father Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta May 9, 2024

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