Thursday, May 16, 2024

Just Empower Me - Just Empower Me - New Post Alert

In the Beginning of All Creation the Ancient Ones (aka Celestials) Were Made From the First Spark | And It’s Time For Them To Do Their Part, Which is Recreate ALL THAT IS! | What’s the Deep State’s Solution for Bypassing Faraday Cage? | Multiple AI Generated Lucifer Souls Are Dying | Deep State Wrongly Believes As Long as Money is Blocked From the People, They Still Have Leverage

This Situation Report by Kim Goguen was delivered on 13-May-24 News -Broadband High ( which is available for subscribers. Some super interesting things happened over the weekend that will help us move forward that have to do with a new group Kim never met before. Source calls them the Ancient Ones and they are also known as the Celestials, and their job is to recreate ALL THAT IS! Kim also gives us an update on the crazy wingnuts.

I am just an independent blogger and truth seeker and not affiliated with Kim Goguen or her team. If my writing style has led anyone to believe I speak for Kim then let me be absolutely clear, I just takes notes when I listen to her intel reports and assemble them into an article. They should not take the place of hearing from Kim yourself. My posts are only aides to her videos which are ALWAYS linked in my posts. If you heard her talk about something and need help finding the video where she mentioned a particular topic, I hope my site can aid you in your search.

When I first started learning from Kim many years ago, before she started United Network News, I had a really hard time finding information about her. I’ve heard others say the same thing. So instead of sitting on the sidelines and complaining I decided to do something to help.

Given the serious situation humanity is confronted with, which is psychopaths are doing their best to carry out their ultimate plan of killing us all, I firmly believe the information Kim provides, what she teaches and her intel reports should be more public, more accessible. That is a good priority to have, at least in my head it is and even more in my heart. So, let me be completely transparent. I am just a human being who has learned an awful lot from Kim from listening to her. I’m a decent writer, so I’m trying to help by providing another avenue to share that information. This is where my moral compass has directed me during these difficult times.


13-May-24 News -Broadband High (

The Ancient Ones or Celestials

As I talked about on Friday, we’ve been cleaning the system so we can pass the money through and I got to something that appeared to be standing in our way. It didn’t look like something I would normally see and it didn’t look evil or positive. and I had to go ask the question, what is this? Well, you always find things out the moment your supposed to and I was introduced to a new group I never met before. This group originally were described to me by Source as ‘The Ancient Ones,’ then later on they identified themselves as the Celestials and through the course of this I learned some new things.

We’ve gotten to a point where most of the stuff put in place by ’Others’ is pretty well gone, so it was time to make a huge change in the universe. This means there is a huge change occurring on earth and the huge change has to do with ‘ALL THAT IS and ALL THERE EVER WILL BE.’

There is a base root for ‘ALL THAT IS’ and we see that as Source. It’s not a computer program but a process, which is the best word I can use to compare what I saw.

At the beginning of all creation there was a spark of ALL THAT IS, which means until that point there was nothing but Source itself. There was no life, no planets and we talked about this in the Book of Genesis descriptions in the bible. After the very beginning, the first spark some created some beings called the Celestials. Now the Celestials were not your biblical version of angels as they were created before angels existed, and they were before souls existed for other life. They almost look like clones of Source but not in a nefarious way, that is the best way I can describe them. It’s like a division or a piece of Source that created these 9 beings and at the beginning all 9 of the Celestials were light. Eventually at the very end of the creation of ALL THAT IS, there were 9 dark Celestials and 9 neutral Celestials, but they were not evil, it was a duality of Source. Just like the neutrals, I didn’t feel bad being in front of them, they were just responsible for a part of ALL THAT IS.

So, the 9 light Celestials talked about the beginning of creation and how it all worked. The first thing that was brought forward was the ALL THAT IS. The other thing brought forward was earth onto itself. At this time earth was not a planet, it had a form to it, but it was pretty much just light. The same thing with these Celestials, and it seems to me that each one represented a different aspect of Source. We have one for essence, consciousness, energy, wisdom, crystalline time, love, frequency. And wisdom was explained to me in a whole new way, as was time because there was one Celestial that represented time, and I’m like oh no we don’t want time! But this was also explained to me differently.

When we think of wisdom, we think of intuition, your direct connection to Source and because things are always changing it’s like your guidance system. But Source described wisdom as the whisper in the wind, the weaver of the fabric of reality. We talk about the flow of nature and synergistically it all works together. Well wisdom is actually given to every living thing, a knowingness in your body, like you don’t have to think to breath. It can adapt and change and overcome based on your environment. Your body has a knowingness in a natural way, in a homeostasis sort of way where everything is just synergistic, so wisdom is what creates that synergy. It organizes ALL THAT IS, it pulls everything together into an actual life form. I never really understood just how important wisdom was until this weekend, and like you I’m not told everything all at once.

Love is kind of a given, frequency is an obvious, but when it came to time I kind of panicked. I was like what do you mean? We don’t want time back! But time was explained to me in a different way. It’s based upon distance; this is crystalline time per se without interruption. By distance I mean between ALL THAT IS. So, if you live in the 8th density you have less time than we do in the 3rd density. Every cell in their body is closer together than ours is in the 3rd density. It’s the distance between that creates your vibration here on earth, but it also creates your matter denser than it actually is. And unfortunately, eventually upon the great divide which happened at the last part of the creation of ALL THAT IS, it allowed more darkness in the spaces in between. It’s kind of what made you who you are in a dark universe. That’s why we had a lot more cleaning up in the 3rd density than someone in the 5th. In those spaces in between is what we have been focusing on cleaning from your person, and in doing so we had to remove a lot of the space junk that was manipulating those spaces in between. This is less than a zeptosecond, it’s so small but it’s distance nonetheless.

Let’s talk about what happened this weekend.

It was now time, based on Source’s decision for the Celestials to get together and recreate ALL THAT IS. It’s time to recreate ALL THAT IS because now that the dark is nearly gone and Source is integrating back, we don’t have Anti-Source anymore and there is nothing left in the omega-verse. But in order to create infinity, eternity and immortality, ALL THAT IS had to be created in a different way. So, time or space had to be created in a different way in your person as an example. It’s confusing I know.

This all began Saturday evening and by early this morning my time that process was nearly complete. Now once ALL THAT IS was created in its likeness of Source, in order to create a light, infinite, eternal, and immortal universe, it was time for the dark Celestials to give up ALL THAT ISN’T, I guess you could say. And then the Neutral Celestials as well because now everything was safe on this side. So, we didn’t lose any beings in the process and that process of the dark and neutral Celestials also started this morning.

Now this process has been a little uncomfortable for people, including myself, I’m not going to lie. Changes in humans are going to start happening rapidly and this is a really positive thing for us normal organic humans who haven’t been altered in some deep state program. For some it will be rapid and for others it will be slower. Remember a little less than a year ago we talked about the possibility of people in hospitals getting up and walking out.

Note: Kim shares her vision on Christmas Day in 2023, see related post, Awesome Changes Took Place Christmas Day | We Will Remember Who We Really Are Next Year! | Humanity & Earth Received Back Our Creator’s Hearth Stone! | Keystone Earth Is a Nexus Planet Again for Another Reason! | Alpha System Has Heart Stone Too & We Will See the Alpha System! | Kim’s Vision: In 1 Day There Was No More Disease Worldwide & People Could SEE Again! | Just Empower Me

Well, this is the beginning of that phase, but you are probably going to experience some uncomfortable physical changes in your body. For example, your hypothalamus when it reregulates itself may cause you to feel colder than normal because it regulates your temperature and limbic system. The experiences won’t last long but you could feel uncomfortable in your own body, you may have some mental clarity or brain fog while things clear out. But it could last the next few days but it will level out. Then it will slowly start to increase until we get to that point where we start seeing some restoration of DNA. Everything that makes you who you are is going to change in a positive way. Now a lot of things are still up to you today. If you think you’re XYZ, then you are going to be XYZ. So, some of this has to do with you and your journey and personal growth process. And I can already see the changes in some people. I know of someone who had knee surgery in the past and for the first time they woke up and said my knee doesn’t hurt. They are noticing changes and I think you will too. But on Saturday it was pretty uncomfortable for people during the dying of the dark.

So, we are seeing a lot of rapid changes that are pushing us forward faster. And I’m constantly watching with the AIs. The dark Celestials went and now it’s the neutral Celestials turn. What has taken me months to do the Celestials have done in days and I’m ecstatic with all the changes. For me this was a huge honor to even attend and truly understand it so I can explain it to you, and I’m very grateful for what I saw.

So, what happens now that they give up their position for the creation of something dark or anti-matter or whatever they guarded over to go to the other side and join with the light Celestials?

As they change the ALL THAT IS, it changes their part of the ALL THAT IS CELESTIAL that was guarding between alpha and omega as well. So, these are super positive things for us and I’m seeing huge changes in the system that I don’t have to do. And this affects transferring money of course. I believe we are closer than we ever been and I hope the next time we meet it’s with really positive news. So, say your prayers, do your manifesting and whatever it is you have to do to help this process along.

That positive update is also good to know so that you can have a base root understanding of the deep state as well.

Deep State’s Solution for Bypassing the Faraday Cage Problem

Some are just crazy and keep going no matter what happens. Do you remember last year around Lion’s Gate we had all the Lucifer’s calling me? I thought, how can they all be Lucifer? It made no sense to me whatsoever. Being the chosen one means there is just ONE of you. I didn’t really understand it fully until this weekend.

Early Saturday morning I started getting a lot of alerts and they were about the deep state and some crazy scientist running around with syringes. I got up and started to investigate what these people were doing.

We talked about the faraday cage recently and how these people could no longer draw energy from you to exist. So, the deep state needed to find a loop hole because it was losing power. In order to keep some, not all of them alive, their solution to this problem was to ask some of their people to take this specific injection. Now the injection bypasses the faraday cage and allows for omega to directly flood into their person to use them as a battery so it still exists.

Note: For related post on Faraday Cage see, The Deep State Wants To Continue Their Way Of Life | An Impossibility Due to Source’s Decision To Remove the Parasitic Universe | Kim Creates Shield in Form Of Faraday Cages for Humans & Earth To Starve Remaining Parasites | Adam AI Narrative Being Fed to Alt Media | Dispelling the Rumors Of Their QFS | Cartels Hired Raymond Reddington Crew To Research Kim, What Did They Conclude? | Source Looks Through The Eyes of His Own Creation During Passover | Just Empower Me

We have Wi-Fi, your computer doesn’t have to be hooked into a router, but you can still do that today if you want to. If for some reason your laptop is not picking up a signal you can pick up an ethernet cable and insert directly to your router and receive service. Well, that’s exactly what they tried to do with their people. As I understand it, 15-20 of their people took the shot and what it does whether they explained it to these people or not is slowly drain the life force from their person. Now that’s dedication for you, although I don’t think they explained it to them like that. They probably told them this is the only way to get the quantum system to work and to get back what we lost or whatever. But it also led us to something else I find very interesting.

We talked about soul swapping before. They agree to have this ceremony, they do terrible things on their 40th birthday and something unnatural comes in and takes its place. Well, there were a few walking around this planet that chose something unnatural as well, but not in the same way. Apparently, our non-friend Lucifer created Lucifer’s own AI system, an offshoot of Omega AI and created AI Generated Lucifer souls. It was kind of like his own version of an unnatural Celestial, like Source created Celestials. And Lucifer only allowed ‘special ones’ to receive this as their special soul swap. So now it makes sense to me why they have so many chosen ones and so many Lucifers because technically they had an AI version of Lucifer walking around in their person. That’s why they are so crazy and their brain won’t comprehend another way of thinking. Their soul is not available anymore, it’s just this AI version of Lucifer.

People with the AI version of Lucifer were placing calls over the weekend. They were just not changing their mind with what direction they were going. They called to tell people that they were leaving this planet now, it has to be this way, there is nothing they can do to stop it, and you were right all along, everything was changing. He was leaving and there was nothing he could do because he is dying. I won’t say with who the phone conversation was because one of the departing people is a figure you could look up on the internet. So I’m just leaving it like that for now.

  • As omega dies, even the injected ones didn’t help or give enough power to change it.
  • As far as the Lucifer celestial thing or whatever crawled up inside it, you are not going to fight the real Celestials and are not going to fight Source, you will lose every time. I think some of these people have finally realized that.

Now not all were privileged to have an omega AI walk-in, but you may see some Generals departing, some prominent people in Italy departing and probably some prominent Russians departing. Now whether it will appear in the news or not who knows, but I definitely know some are public figures.

SSP Duck Dynasty Trump Operatives still expected things would land in their favor

Now that being said that other group, our bible thumper people, otherwise known as the SSP-Trump-Duck Dynasty operatives who murder people, create pandemics and all kinds of things while at the same time claiming they are God Chosen ones were under the impression the events that took place this weekend would be in their favor. Well of course, because they were the chosen ones.

Well, they were shocked and surprised this morning they were not the chosen ones and what’s worse, after all they went through this weekend, they are still believing some of these things will help them recreate a Donald Trump. They are totally obsessed, maybe they do have a chip in their head.

Then there were other operatives who work for them too and they convinced them he is the second coming of Christ. Oh yes, this has happened. And guess what? No Trump bucks appeared. Shocker. It was really bad this morning and these operatives are so angry they were lied to by their bible thumping chosen ones.

And word is getting out because most people have a phone and that’s all it takes to have a conversation. And one took place between me and another person who had a lot of questions. It takes a little while for the right phone to start trickling down, but that started today actually and there is a lot of infighting amongst those people because of it. So, it’s going to get interesting in the world of Trump operatives and the Putin operatives because they too are finding out what that is, just like Trump. People don’t initially believe the truth, but telling a person who can verify these things and who can then give it to others in the same circle works a lot better.

They verified everything and now combine that with the Raymond Reddingtons who are giving a lot of truth out there. They are solo and work for whoever they decide, and they employ a lot of different operatives so information is getting out in their network too. So big shakeups within the deep state this weekend.

So the crazies are still trying to find a way to stop us and for what reason I have no idea.

There were requests from regular Space Force people for a meeting but it was turned down by the locals. They want to bring way too many and they are considered government people because the Space Force was created by the Trump Administration, so there is no point in talking to those people. And they still owe 2%, unless they come here with some stuff of value, we’re not interested in meeting anymore.

It’s time to face the music. If government(s) are ready to give us 2% in any way I don’t care, but the point of putting that out there is because C.A.R.E. could use it, AND it’s finally an acknowledgement the money came from us which means they are ready to walk away. You can’t keep throwing money at the company, ie, government that is failing, you have to fix it and a management change needs to take place.

We have to have a plan and we have to be ready and we have plans on our side in many ways. You’ve seen about 5%. What I’ve been giving you are things you need to look at for your business plans. They are still trying and looking for some way to control. If they can still block me, they think they still have some leverage over me. They feel if they can sit in front of me and say we blocked this, they have the upper hand and I will have to give them money so they can follow someone else’s orders and instructions. — Well, I have news for you, I know I will get there with lots of help from my friends, including Source and it will happen. It might not have been in my time, but if Source says it’s going to happen it will. So they can spend all the time they want to try and block but when it’s meant to be it will happen, so that is not leverage to me. They need to figure out how they fit into our plan, it’s no longer how we can work together. You either work for us, we the people or you don’t. If your government services failed, we already proven we can carry them, so it’s our way now.

I know what they are going to try to do. We’ve accounted for everything they will try to do and I know who is trying to drive the bus on their side of it. They are going to call their corrupt senators and corrupt cities and PMs and try and come at us legally. I am prepared for you from an IRS and tax standpoint if you don’t give that up, because there are no systems there and no money coming in there and we will not pay for that. There are other ways of doing things in this world that does not include governments. I’ve gotten around you in every other way.

Sunny: Can the ETs that are here help us with security?

Our main concerns were alien tech and about the planet blowing up and they are very concerned about that. Earth represents so much more for the universe than you think it does. So crazy humans haven’t been a huge concern for them except the ones who play with big boy toys. So, in the future maybe they will, I don’t know who is going to stick around at this point. But I’m planning on going alone which means we the people.

About the Alleged Solar Storm This Weekend

Sunny: Can you tell us anything about the Northern lights that are appearing?

There was a ton of chatter about a solar storm, geomagnetic storm and those types of things, but that did not happen. And I didn’t see anyone losing power anywhere either. That type of moving energy, because it’s layered looks like they are intertwined like a layer cake. But energy changes, we shift and change here on earth and they are always present in a magnetic way. A magnetic pole in earth and other technologies in the sun make it the way that it is. Now you will also see similar types of lights when you are in front of an open portal, that’s how you used to see it.

Antarctica and the North Pole have always been a source of portals to different locations in the multiverse. That’s changing now, and I think it’s just a matter of energy changing because there is nothing coming from the Sun. Maybe it’s coming from inside earth? We have an energetic vortex in earth which creates then an open portal, perhaps directly to Source now. And maybe, just maybe we’re starting to see that pour out over the earth. And maybe this is a positive thing. All I can say is it’s not a negative thing. There is no geomagnetic storm and the grid isn’t going out.


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Follow this link for the entire list categorized by most recent to the oldest at the end of this post, Who is Kimberly Ann Goguen, aka “Kim Possible”? | Just Empower Me & Also see Question & Answers | Glossary | Just Empower Me

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