Sunday, May 26, 2024

Supreme Mother Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

Supreme Mother🕊️💖🌹💠🌌💠🌹💖🕊️
My Beloved Children,
I am Supreme Mother coming today to greet My Beloved Children of Mother Earth. I am aware that it has been very challenging for many of you to stay on this planet.
The whole system was created in your world to benefit only a small group of Negative Entities, who made the rest of the population to work for them and loose the connection with your soul. Your 3D Matrix is made like a computer game, where you need to push a certain button to move forward, otherwise you are stuck. This is an illusion, where nothing is real.
For billions of humans it feels so real, and they are just following the orders and rules, without knowing that they themselves are more knowledgeable, powerful and advanced, than the Corrupted Souls. Money came to your society for only one reason to control you and your life. Many got addicted to the money system, as it represents a false power and glory. You are like a robot, who constantly needs to survive by paying for the very basic necessities in order to be able to live.
None of the Galactic Civilizations have to pay for their existence. It’s very sad to be alive in your world. Humanity, who were a superior race a long time ago, let themselves get enslaved. Please, snap out of this nonsense and this illusion, and start rejecting the materialistic existence by fully embracing your soul and your Universal Consciousness by doing daily silent meditations and by removing all of the Negative Entities from their power positions. Humankind can’t allow anymore for these Dark Souls to direct the human’s life.
Many souls volunteered to rescue Gaia from Darkness, and they got stuck and forgot about their origins. Many reincarnations were the source of you loosing your identity. Our messages are send to help for you to see the truth a little bit at the time, and not for it to become overwhelming. The Light Beings, who directly are overlooking your Ascension, including myself volunteered to get involved in your process to freedom.
Each day somewhere around the globe your experiencing unusual phenomenas in the sky, uncommon weather, appearances of starships and many other things. Recently, the Eiffel Tower in Paris was hit by lighting. It was not a random event, it was a warning from Divine to the French authorities, who are trying to create a global crisis by instigating a war with Russia. The French president is constantly pushing the idea to send soldiers from his country to Ukraine, this would start World War III.
Well, they are going to loose their souls for doing this. The World Conflict is not going to happen. Most of the wars on your planet were superficially created, so that humanity would suffer and loose their physical vessels. My Beloved Children, don’t take their words as a threat, their Matrix has been falling down for a quite a while now, and it will continue to. Be as an observer of this false reality and not as a participant.
The Corrupted Souls are very close to the end of their show. They thought that the Collective Consciousness would never rise and their game would never end. A lot of unseen events are occurring on Mother Earth, which are very positive, and you will find about them in a right timing. I can assure you as a Supreme Mother, everything what you see as 3D is vanishing more and more with each passing day.
You will know, when it’s time for you to move and ascend to 5D. The ones, who did their spiritual work, will leave this 3D reality and will enjoy freedom and peace. Money is not going to exist in the 5th dimension. Please, accept my Supreme Love. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Don’t Get Easily Discouraged, Stay Strong and Safe
Supreme Mother
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

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