Monday, October 18, 2021

Morning Messages - A Bigger Playground - My Personal Message - Message from the 'Team'

The 'team's new transmission, it is valuable and always free.

For those who are interested, this newsletter also
 provides information on upcoming events and special offers.

 FREE Hour with the 'team'  
October 25, 2021 GUIDANCE and GRATITUDE
(Links to free programs toward the end of this newsletter.)
Another FREE Hour with the 'team' November 3, 2021
It is the Wisdom Wednesday Program.

 Morning Messages book sets at a special price
in this newsletter. These make nice gifts.

Schedule your personal session with the 'team.' 
information about Code Gratitude $88 special below.
    (Code Gratitude offer for first session with 'team') 

Consider giving a session with the 'team' as a gift to a friend or loved one.
Greetings to my beloved Morning Message familyOctober 18, 2021
 _______________________ My Personal Message____________________________

We have finally begun to have some warmer days; most of the summer, as I have shared, has been cold foggy and damp. These last few days have been extremely warm for our area. We are still hoping for, praying for and envisioning rain for our dry land, lakes and reservoirs. Some are almost completely dry. This is such a serious issue for us. We are already told to only water on certain days and then ration our water use. 

I had my yearly eye exam and it seems that I will need cataract surgery on both eyes. I have decided to have this done this year; I will start my 80th year January 2 with new eyes and new vision. 

I have been going to flea markets and thrift stores ever since my house burned down in the late 70's. Somehow the idea of always buying new did not appeal to me. So I have been and am an avid treasure hunter. It is always such fun and there are always many garage sales happening on the weekend. Many times I find something that I had before the fire and have the decision to make, do I want it again. The universe has been so generous and has given me 1,000 times more than whatever I lost in the fire. I have been collecting Asian mudmen, the little figurines often put in bonsai gardens. It is always such a thrill to find one on a shelf or table for sale.

I am so thrilled with the graphics being created for the YouTube presentations. It is taking a bit more time since the graphic artist I work with has been busy. It is so fun, we sit together, I have the visions and ideas and he has the computer and Photoshop skills. We worked together on both of my websites, so it is partnership of ease and creativity.

I am getting excited about my holiday to Kauai. I have usually traveled there each year however it has been several years since I have made that trip. I realize how much of a hermit I have become with my simple routine, my sessions with the 'team', my naps and such. In the past I hosted two gathering a month. I hosted one for seventeen years called Sound Pod, a group who came together to play with sound and understand the power of our own voice. The other group of women was Miracles and Intentions which I hosted for over 20 years. My home was usually busy and people filled. These last few years have been so different for me as well as many of us. 

If you are thinking about a session with the 'team' I do have space this month before my trip.  I usually offer two sessions a day. If you are feeling out of balance or having difficulty adjusting to a more active life after the quietness and stillness of the pandemic, this might be a good time to have a session with the 'team.'

They are so generous with their support and their information. They offer powerful, easy tools that certainly have assisted me in my life and affairs. These tools are meant to empower us and support us with all the changes occurring in our reality. I continue to be available to you in connecting with the 'team.' Please call and arrange your private appointment.

I feel so blessed to be supported by this wonderful conscious community. Your kind words, emails and generous bluesky donations are so appreciated. Thank you! You know who you are. It is so important that we own and acknowledge that we are a powerful community of conscious beings truly supporting the upliftment of our planet. We are making a difference. Together we will continue to envision a reality that is life sustaining for all.

I offer you blessings of grace and delightful joy. Peggy
______________________ Message from the 'Team' ______________________ 
A Bigger Playground
Peggy Black and the 'team'

We are here inviting you to acknowledge who you are and to begin to step into your mastery.  We continue to offer you simple ways to shift energy throughout the day; again we remind you that gratitude and laughter are powerful tools to shift energy.

This practice is most important because as you begin to shift your vibrational offerings, this shift allows you to begin to move into different dimensions. Remember that the dimensions are nested levels of vibrations of energy and consciousness.

We are inviting you to practice ways of riding these intense energy waves that are being generated from the stars. All are watching and observing your planet and the skillful aware manner that you manage frequency, energy and vibrations. This is your time to shine. This is your time to own the ability to move from one dimension to another with ease, grace and skill.

Remember that you are first a divine energy being and that divine energy is what animates and creates your physical form. 

Everything you experience as solid and “real” are vibrations of energy, held or locked in place by belief systems. If for a moment you could set aside all the mental programs about your reality, you would experience an entirely different perspective of what you call reality. Practice letting go of your perceived ideas of what is real. Practice asking yourself often, what am I creating with my energy, vibrations, thoughts right now? 

Make it a conscious practice of shifting or pivoting from a low vibration/frequency of worry, stress, fear or anger into one that is gentler and uplifting.  Practice turning up your volume so to speak to one of loving kindness and grace. Each time you shift to offering a higher vibration/frequency you are capable of moving to a higher dimension.  Become aware of these subtle shifts in your awareness. 

In the holograph of the corridor of time your sages and wise ones have all spoken of the ability to shift from one dimension to another or one state of awareness to another. They have offered suggestions of prayer, meditation, fasting…the shamans and mystics have offered mind altering herbs and ceremonies of dance, drums or sounds to bring a shift of consciousness. There are scores of methods, pathways and tools that have been offered to humanity throughout your history.

All these suggestions and techniques are for the important purpose of shifting your awareness to understand that the world you view is only one small perspective of the whole. There are levels and dimensions and timeframes in which an aware individual can experience and, so to speak, ‘travel’. This is our invitation to you.

Let us give you this example; imagine a young child is raised in a small house, all their needs are met. They are happy and their entire world that they consciously know is that small house. They become an adult yet never venture out of the small house, believing that the space of the small house is all that exists. Their parents only know and see the small house as reality. They are taught nothing more. Everything they experience, all their beliefs and mental programs tell them that reality is this one small house. As long as they do not believe, they cannot see a different reality. 

Imagine now that something happens and they are shocked out of their stance and beliefs. They briefly catch a glimpse of a bigger reality beyond the small house. This is the beginning of expanded awareness. They are shocked, even amazed.  They might even question their own beliefs; perhaps there is more than the small house. They even share with others about this new reality that they have seen. Everyone invalidates them, shames them, even mocks them. They begin to doubt what they experienced. 

This is what is happening on your planet right now in a big way. People are being shocked out of their stance of what’s real. When no one believes them, they doubt their own experience. It then becomes frightening, it is fearful and they have a tendency to run back into the small house rather than explore the new reality.

Another example here, you have the television in your home; even though it is turned off at this time you could simply activate it and there would be a program or news or movie. There are various selections and offerings here to view, different realities so to speak.

Imagine all the assembled electronic equipment called TV, is much like your brain. You can switch the channels, you can find a memory of the past which invokes emotions or you can review a channel of your worries or you can envision and get a sense of your possible futures.

Yet you are still in the small house, or you are still in the box of the TV. You are still in your small mind; you are still in your beliefs about this limited reality.

We are encouraging you to step out the door and embrace the countless realities that are only a frequency/a vibration away. Allow yourself to imagine traveling to the stars. Allow yourself to imagine being a tree, a rock, or some animal, what might that feel like. Allow yourself to see energy in its different forms without an overlay of your beliefs. Allow yourself. It is a practice. It is an intention. Allow your imagination to be free.

There is much assistance being given at this time to awaken humanity to the rich tapestry of multi-realities. It is a bigger playground…a freer playground. It is riding the energy flow, it is reading the energy signature of the moment. 

It is opening the door to all possibilities and stepping into an awesome new awareness of being unlimited. As a multidimensional being and a galactic citizen, now think of the size of your playground. 

As you increase your personal vibration and frequency you operate at a higher resonance. This invites the expanded reality; the bigger playground is open to you. Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to ride into realities of wonder and awe.  Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to move from one dimension to another. Be at peace, Beloved the 'team'
©2021 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited.  You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available
_______________________ Thought for the Month _______________________ 
"As you increase your personal vibration and frequency you operate at a higher resonance. This invites the expanded reality; the bigger playground is open to you. Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to ride into realities of wonder and awe.  Balance, laughter, joy, gratitude and appreciation are vibrational tickets that allow you to move from one dimension to another. Be at peace, Beloved" the 'team'

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