Saturday, October 30, 2021


List of Known Galaxies in the Universe
  • Andromeda. It is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light-years from Earth and the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way. ...
  • Black Eye Galaxy. ...
  • Bode's Galaxy. ...
  • Cartwheel Galaxy. ...
  • Cigar Galaxy. ...
  • Comet Galaxy. ...
  • Cosmos Redshift 7. ...
  • Hoag's Object.

List of Known Galaxies in the Universe

The Universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. A galaxy is any of the systems of stars and interstellar matter that make up the universe. In this article, we are giving the top 10 list of Galaxies in the Universe which is very useful for the preparation of competitive examinations like UPSC-prelims, SSC, State Services, NDA, CDS, and Railways etc.
CREATED ON: DEC 12, 2018 13:06 IST
List of Known Galaxies in the Universe
List of Known Galaxies in the Universe

From the inception of scientific revolution, human always keep discovering or unveil the secret of the nature. The man curiosity drives them to reveal the wonders of the universe and the splendour and majesty of the cosmos as never seen before.

What is Universe?

The Universe is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. A galaxy is any of the systems of stars and interstellar matter that make up the universe.


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Galaxies in the Universe

The lists of known Galaxies in the Universe are discussed below:

1. Andromeda

It is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light-years from Earth and the nearest major galaxy to the Milky Way. Its name stems from the area of the sky in which it appears the constellation of Andromeda.

Constellation: Andromeda

2. Black Eye Galaxy

It is a galaxy which was discovered by Edward Pigott in March 1779 and independently by Johann Elert Bode in April of the same year, as well as by Charles Messier in 1780. It has a spectacular dark band of absorbing dust in front of the galaxy's bright nucleus, giving rise to its nicknames of the "Black Eye" or "Evil Eye" galaxy.

Constellation: Coma Berenices

3. Bode's Galaxy

It is a spiral galaxy about 12 million light-years away, in the constellation Ursa Major. It was discovered by Johann Elert Bode on December 31, 1774.

Constellation: Ursa Major

4. Cartwheel Galaxy

It is a lenticular galaxy and ring galaxy about 500 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor. It looks like cartwheel that's why astronomer called it 'Cartwheel'.

Constellation: Sculptor

5. Cigar Galaxy

It is a starburst galaxy approximately 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.

Constellation: Ursa Major

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6. Comet Galaxy

It is a spiral galaxy located 3.2 billion light-years from Earth, in the galaxy clusters Abell 2667, was found with the Hubble Space Telescope.

Constellation: Sculptor

7. Cosmos Redshift 7

It is a high-redshift Lyman-alpha emitter galaxy.

Constellation: Sextans

8. Hoag's Object

It is a non-typical galaxy of the type known as a ring galaxy. It is named after Arthur Hoag who discovered it in 1950 and identified it as either a planetary nebula or a peculiar galaxy with eight billion stars.

Constellation: Serpens Caput

9. Large Magellanic Cloud

It is a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way.

Constellation: Dorado/Mensa

10. Small Magellanic Cloud

It is a dwarf galaxy near the Milky Way. It is among the nearest intergalactic neighbours of the Milky Way and is one of the most distant objects visible to the naked eye.

Constellation: Tucana

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11. Mayall's Object

It is the result of two colliding galaxies located 500 million light years away within the constellation of Ursa Major. It was discovered by American astronomer Nicholas U. Mayall of the Lick Observatory on 13 March 1940, using the Crossley reflector.

Constellation: Ursa Major

12. Milky Way

It is the galaxy that contains our Solar System. It appears as a band because its disk-shaped structure is viewed from within. Galileo Galilei first resolved the band of light into individual stars with his telescope in 1610.

Constellation: Sagittarius (centre)

13. Pinwheel Galaxy

It is a face-on spiral galaxy distanced 21 million light-years away from the Earth and located in the constellation Ursa Major.

Constellation: Ursa Major

14. Sombrero Galaxy

It is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Virgo.

Constellation: Virgo

15. Sunflower Galaxy

It is a spiral galaxy in the northern constellation of Canes Venatici. It was first discovered by the French astronomer Pierre Méchain then later verified by his colleague Charles Messier on June 14, 1779.

Constellation: Canes Venatici

16. Tadpole Galaxy

It is a disrupted barred spiral galaxy located 420 million light-years from Earth in the northern constellation Draco.

Constellation: Draco

17. Whirlpool Galaxy

It is an interacting grand-design spiral galaxy with a Seyfert 2 active galactic nucleus located in the constellation Canes Venatici, and was the first galaxy to be classified as a spiral galaxy.

Constellation: Canes Venatici

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