Sunday, October 3, 2021

Daniel Scranton's Channeling

❤ Advanced Group Channeling Class ∞Thurs. ❤ 2 NEW Light Languages ❤ Money Mastery 3-Week Course ❤ Master Courses ❤ NEW Book ❤

Sweet Beings of Light-

All New 2-Hour Advanced Group Channeling Class w/The 9D Arcturian Council - In this Advanced Group Channeling Class, The Arcturian Council will be running the show. They’ll take you through exercisesprocesses, and meditations designed to get you to start verbally channeling a myriad of high-frequency beings, including your own main group of guides. They’ll be prompting you to channel at least 8 different beings and collectives throughout the duration of the classand they’ll lead you into each channeling journey gently and lovingly.

The class will be two hours in length, and there will be a short break in between the two 1-hour long segments. You can join via phone or computer (your choice!). If you cannot be there live, you will still be able to do all the processes, exercises, and meditations by listening to the recording. You’ll receive the recording of the entire class shortly after it’s over so you can practice on your own. The next class will be at 1:00 PM Pacific/4:00 PM Eastern on Thursday, October 7th, 2021. You can sign up for one class at a time or a class + a private lesson (at a discounted rate). - All New 2-Hour Advanced Group Channeling Class w/The 9D Arcturian Council

Light Language for Removing All Energy Drains From Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field - Energy Drains. They can come from so many sources these days - people, EMFs, the collective consciousness, collective anxiety and fear, negative entities, negative energies, and the list goes on and on. I decided to create a light language that would remove all of them from your body, chakras and energy field all at once. This is a very efficient recording! Before I channeled this language of light, I set the intention for it to hold the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes to remove all energy drains from your body, chakras, and energy field, and as I was channeling it, I could feel the shaman in me from previous lifetimes coming up to assist with the transmission. It felt very powerful coming through me, and I'm sure you will agree that it is when you give it a listen. After listening to this one, you might also want to visualize replacing those energy drains with some white light or higher-frequency energies. And make sure you drink lots of water. Love <3 - Light Language for Removing All Energy Drains From Your Body, Chakras & Energy Field

Light Language for Unlocking the Power of Your Starseed Lineage - Starseeds
. If you’re reading this, you are undoubtedly one. But what does that mean for your day-to-day life on Earth? How is that benefitting us to know, besides giving us a nice label to add to our collection of labels? Well, if you know you are a starseed, then you know you have a history incarnating in other parts of this galaxy. And when we incarnated in those other parts of the galaxy, we gained abilities, wisdom, powers, experiences, compassion, and immense spiritual growth from all that we lived. Now is the time to integrate all of that, and this is the light language to help you get there. When I channeled this 6-minute language of light, I held the intention for it to unlock the power of your starseed lineage, and as a result, this light language contains the energy, vibration, and galactic light codes that will unlock all the power, abilities, memories of experiences, and more that we have stored in our DNA from other parts of this galaxy. Joy! - Light Language for Unlocking the Power of Your Starseed Lineage

Yeshua’s 40-Minute Daily Vibrational Upgrade, Emotional Clearing & Energy Reset - In this 40-minute recording, you’ll find everything you need to give yourself a vibrational upgrade, negative emotional clearing, and a full energy reset. Yeshua’s soothing words and tone of voice will allow you to slip into a higher-vibrational state, just by immersing yourself in his energy. This is a four-part process beginning with a light language healing transmission of energy through the crown chakra, which will result in the releasing of all negative emotions, trauma & lower vibrational thought forms. Next, you’ll be taken through a process for deep breathwork using high-frequency thought forms that Yeshua places in your field. Then you’ll receive 10 minutes of toning, while Yeshua indicates the intentions behind each tone, and you’ll be able to match the tones that Yeshua transmits. Finally, you will be lulled into a peaceful, deep state of bliss through a guided meditation. This is a wonderful way to start your dayJoy! <3 - Yeshua’s 40-Minute Daily Vibrational Upgrade, Emotional Clearing & Energy Reset

Register for the Money Mastery: Creating & Manifesting Abundance ∞3 Week Course - This Money Mastery Course on Creating & Manifesting Abundance starts Thursday, October 21st, and then on the following two Thursdays, Oct. 28th, November 4th at 1:00PM Pacific/4:00 PM Eastern. Join me for this 3-week course on money mastery. I will teach you all the spiritual and practical techniques and tools I’ve learned and utilized over the years for achieving financial abundance. They’ve worked for me, and they can work for you too! Also, I’ll channel The Creators, The Arcturian Council, and The Pleiadian High Council of Seven on the topic of achieving a continuous flow of financial abundance into your life. There will be plenty of time for me to answer all of your questions on the topic of money mastery, and I’ll lead you through Abundance Meditations and other processes for manifesting more money into your life experience.

In this 3-Week online course, you’ll receive practical teachings in the form of processesexercises, and meditations that will bring you into alignment with the abundance mastery you have always sought in your life. These teachings are about merging your sense of the physical with the non-physical, granting you abundance in both aspects of life. As I connect the two realms for you, you’ll see how you can do the same in your everyday life. When you begin to see the results, you will want to invest in that bring you into a state of joy, rather than just saving it all ‘for a rainy day,’ and the newfound joy for life will open you up to receiving even more abundance in the forms of money & opportunities. Join me on this 3-week journey to financial freedom. Love <3 - Register for the Money Mastery: Creating & Manifesting Abundance ∞3 Week Course

Learn to Channel Master Course - 21 Recordings - Over 9 Hours of Content - This is a NEW offering - a Master Course on Learning to Channel. You get a 2-hour recording from my Beginners Group Channeling Class, a 2-hour recording from my Intermediate Group Channeling Class, and a 2-hour recording from my Advanced Group Channeling Class...PLUS you get 18 additional meditations, light language transmissions, sound healings, and other channeled recordings that will put you into the channeling state, and get you channeling higher-dimensional beings of light and love! Learn to Channel Master Course - 21 Recordings - Over 9 Hours of Content

Light Language for a Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Detox - DetoxificationWe all need it, no matter how healthy we are. There are so many toxins everywhere, and I am not just referring to the physical/environmental ones! Imagine how much mental programming we are exposed to in a single day. And our emotional bodies, especially for empaths, can absorb so much of the toxic energies that others are putting out into the field of energy we all share. Toxic energies are another matter entirely. How much do we not even know about that our energy bodies are absorbing in every single moment of every day? That’s why I created this 6-minute language of light. For this light language, I intended to access and channel the energies, vibration, and galactic light codes that would give us all the detoxification of all of the aforementioned toxins, resulting in a purer experience of all of our bodies – the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic. Joy! <3 - Light Language for a Physical, Mental, Emotional & Energetic Detox

July 2021 Beginners Group Channeling Class ∞Audio Recording - Throughout the course of the two hours I spent with the attendees of this July 2021 Beginners Group Channeling Class, I lectured on the art and craft of channeling, while also fielding questions from the group. I was able to cover a wide array of topics within the realm of channeling, and by the end of the first hour, I was confident that all in attendance had what they needed to proceed with the channeling exercises. I led the class through two exercises that were designed to get them into the channeling state and bring through higher-dimensional beings and collectives. The first exercise was aimed at accessing any being or collective from the higher realms, and the second one was specifically designed to get the attendees to channel Yeshua (Jesus Christ). By the comments people wrote in, I knew that the exercises were a success as some in attendance channeled verbally for the very first time. Joy! - July 2021 Beginners Group Channeling Class ∞Audio Recording

Master Course for Raising Your Vibration & Ascending to the 5th Dimension - Included in this Master Course are 22 individual recordings, totalling over 9 hours of listening time. My two 3-hour courses - Ascending to the 5th Dimension & High Vibration Master Class: How to Raise Your Vibration - are included, along with 16 other meditations, light languages, breathing exercises, sound healings, a course I taught with my lovely wife, and other recorded exercises. You can listen to these recordings in any order you like, and you can listen to the ones you LOVE over and over againAscending to the 5th Dimension and Raising Your Vibration go hand-in-hand. They are the keys to living the life of your dreams, and all the tools you need to live in a higher vibrational state and shift your consciousness to 5D are included in this master courseEnjoy! <3 - Master Course for Raising Your Vibration & Ascending to the 5th Dimension

Creating Your Reality & Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams ∞A Master Course - What Is Included in this Master Course on Manifesting & Creating the Life of Your DreamsFirst off, I’ve included the audio recordings from two 3-week courses I’ve done in the past – Using the Power of Your Voice to Create Your Reality: Toning, Light Languages & Mantras & Manifest Your Desires: Law of Attraction/Law of Creation. Also included are two classes I taught with my wife, Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz-Scranton – Becoming Powerful Creators of Your Reality & Creating with the 5th Dimensional Energies: The Creators & Archangel Ariel. That’s a total of 11 hours of recordings. In addition to those two courses and two classes, you get a combination of 23 recordings of the following – sound healings, overtones, light languages, meditations, mantras and processes for creating your reality and manifesting the life of your dreams. This is an enormous master course, and as such, it can be done at your own pace, on your own time, and you can listen to the recordings in any order you wish. After doing this course, your wish, in fact, is the universe’s command. Joy! <3 - Creating Your Reality & Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams ∞A Master Course

Advanced Group Channeling Class w/The 9D Arcturian Council ∞Audio Recording - In this 2-hour advanced group channeling class, Daniel channeled The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council for the duration of the class time, and the Arcturians led the class attendees through a variety of exercises and processes to put them into a trance-like channeling state so they could bring through the following beings and collectives: an angelic being, a faerie, an ascended master, their spirit guides, their higher selves, an Atlantean past life version of themselves, and the beings/collective they will be channeling most often in their channeling sessions with themselves and clients. The Arcturians used a variety of different approaches to get everyone in the class channeling, and they were gentle and reassuring to the attendees throughout the two hours they were running the show. Love <3 - Advanced Group Channeling Class w/The 9D Arcturian Council ∞Audio Recording

My NEW paperback book is available on amazon & the ebook version is available on my website...

I’ve been channeling The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council since the summer of 2016, and over the years I’ve brought through hundreds of timeless messages from the higher-dimensional collective that is for the purposes of assisting us in navigating these topsy turvy times of the shift in consciousness to the 5th dimension. This ebook contains 240 of those timeless messages in written format, with one message per page, making them easier to assimilate. One of the great aspects of an ebook is how easy they are to navigate. You can search for certain keywords or phrases, and the results will show you which pages in the ebook contain those points of interest of yours in the moment.

The 240 channeled transmissions in this ebook have been broken down into 7 chapters: Chapter 1) The Shift to the Fifth Dimension; Chapter 2) Creating Your Reality; Chapter 3) Processing Your Emotions & Raising Your Vibration; Chapter 4) Receiving Energy; Chapter 5) Your Galactic Connections; Chapter 6) Love & Service; Chapter 7) Your Spiritual Evolution. Having this ebook on your computer, or other device, gives you instant access to some of the most important information and wisdom from The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Councilchanneled by Daniel Scranton, and you won’t need to be online to access it. Joy! <3

Purchase my NEW ebook Here

Master Course for Accessing the Healer Within for Healing Yourself & Others - For this Master Course on Healing, I’ve included three sets of recordings from three of my courses that I know are related to healing yourself and others. The Intuitive Sound, Light Language & Hands-On Healing Academy is the most obvious choice, as all three of the modalities in the title were taught by me to those in attendance. The next course recordings included in this Master Course – Light Languages for Creating Your Reality, Healing & Channeling – contains even more instruction on light languages and how to utilize them for healing yourself and others. And the third course – High Vibration Master Class ∞How to Raise Your Vibration – is also all about healing, because in order to heal anyone or anything, you must be in a high enough vibration to receive and transmit healing energies. 

With the other 17 recordings that I chose for this course, there are light languages, sound healings, activations & meditations to bring your innate healing abilities to the surface of your consciousness, as well as offerings that are for providing the right vibrations and energies for healing yourself. As a healer, no matter what modality you utilize, you will always want to have faced all the wounds and traumas in yourself so that you can put your best foot forward in your service work of healing othersJoy! <3

Master Course for Accessing the Healer Within for Healing Yourself & Others

Personal Message from Your Spirit Guides ∞The Creators
- For this unique offering, I will channel the 12-dimensional collective known as The Creators, and together, we will produce a brief downloadable mp3 recording of a message from your spirit guides. In this recording, you will receive a message that The Creators will get from your own personal spirit guides and they’ll speak that message through me, Daniel. I know that some of you are going to want me to channel your guides directly, but that’s not how make these connections with your guides. I need to work with your spirit guides through the beings I channel and have channeled for so long in order to feel confident about receiving and accurately translating the message your guides want you to know. This will be a short message from your spirit guides, but it will also be powerful and exactly what you need to hear. Nothing more. Nothing less. Love <3 - Personal Message from Your Spirit Guides ∞The Creators

Connecting to Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, E.T.s & Other Beings of Light & Love ∞Master Course - This first offering in the master course bundle of recordings consists of five hours of recordings from a 5-week course I taught a while back, and this course was in fact a journey that will leave you feeling more connected than ever to your spirit guides, higher self, oversoul, and any other high frequency beings (such as: angels, e.t.s, faeries, archangels, and ascended masters) that you want to connect with. Each week, I lectured on how to connect with these beings, and through the recordings, you will be guided through meditations, exercises and processes to get you feeling fully connected to these beings of love and light who want to support you on your journey. Everyone wants to have an open dialogue with their spirit guides, higher self, oversoul, and all of the other high frequency beings that are out there in the universe. This is your chance to give yourself that experience.The remainder of the downloadable recordings included in this Master Course (which you can look through below) were channeled by me, Daniel, over the past 5 years. Each mp3 file is between 6 and 16 minutes in length...
Connecting to Your Spirit Guides, Higher Self, E.T.s & Other Beings of Light & Love ∞Master Course

Perfect Health & Ideal Body Weight Master Course - Included with this Brand NEW Master Course are a myriad of courses, classes, sound healings, light languages, mantras, meditations, and other recordings. Now, if you’re wondering why I’ve included recordings from my Toning Class, Breathwork Class, and Meditation Class, along with the Mastering Your Physical Body Course recordings with the this master course, it’s simply because I believe with all of my heart that these three practices are the keys to maintaining a healthy body and being at your ideal body weight. There are over 10 hours of recordings included with this package and 28 downloadable files <3

Perfect Health & Ideal Body Weight Master Course

Master Course on Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities and Starting a Spiritual Business
. Over 11 Hours of content, including two full courses & one class, plus 23 bonus recordings - Total Value: Over $450. This master course will grant you access to all of your spiritual gifts and then show you how to develop them into a spiritual business. The 23 bonus recordings include: meditations, light language transmissions, mantras, breathing exercises, and sound healings to open you up to receiving and activating all of your spiritual gifts. In the spiritual business course, I teach you everything I know about growing a business with your gifts from I did. Check out the full list of courses, recordings, and the class I taught with my wife Maricris here: Master Course on Accessing Your Spiritual Gifts & Abilities and Starting a Spiritual Business

Creating Abundance, Manifesting Wealth & Allowing Money In ∞A 10-Hour Master Course - I’ve been teaching a Money Mastery Course for several years, and after teaching the same course over and over, I decided to do a Brand New version of the Money Mastery Course earlier this year (2020). This bundle of recordings includes the original Money Mastery Course, which I taught for the last time in September and October of 2019, as well as the recordings of the NEW Money Mastery Course I taught in February and March of 2020. That’s six full hours of teachings, meditations, and channeled messages from the collectives I channel, complete with questions and answers from the attendees. You’ll benefit from hearing the answers I gave to those questions, as I’m sure you’ll find you had the same questions yourself! In addition to those six hours of recorded class sessions, you’ll receive 16 recordings, that I’ve created over the past 5 years, including one of the very first downloads I created with Archangel Michael, titled: Manifesting Abundance. Also included in these additional 16 recordings is a workshop on Manifesting Abundance with Ease & Joy I did with my wife, Maricris Dela Cruz-Scranton that is over 2.5 hours long. Altogether, the total run time for the recordings included in this Master Course is over 10 hours. Below, you will see the list and descriptions of all the other recordings included with this offer…

Creating Abundance, Manifesting Wealth & Allowing Money In ∞A 10-Hour Master Course

When you purchase this Personalized Mantra, you'll then be able to send me an email to indicate which being or collective or being you want me to channel it from. Here's a list of the beings/collectives I channel: The Creators, The Arcturian Council, The Hathors, The Pleiadian High Council of 7, Quan Yin, St. Germain, Mother Mary, Ophelia the Faerie, The Founders, Archangel Michael & Archangel Gabriel. I'll go into the channeling state, and I will bring through a brief, powerful mantra that will be customized, just for you! Then, you can use your mantra in any way that you would like. You can meditate with it. You can repeat it while you're doing something mundane, like washing the dishes or brushing your teeth, and in so doing, you'll be able to stay more mindful and present with whatever you're doing in the moment. This mantra will be yours and yours alone, and you will feel the resonance with itLove! <3

Get Your Personalized Mantra

These Channeled Bedtime Stories from the ArchangelsAscended Masters and other High Frequency Beings are appropriate for people of all ages! 

This is a FREE downloadable audiobook with Bedtime Stories that I channeled. The higher frequency beings and collectives included in this 5-hour recording include: The Buddha, Archangel Gabriel, Yeshua, Archangel Michael, Ophelia the Faerie, The Creators & The Founders. Several of these stories brought me to tears as I channeled them!

EnjoyShare with your friends, and prepare yourselves for more. There will be a volume 2 of the Bedtime Stories series. Love! <3

Get the FREE Audiobook Here

Check out the NEW Page on my website that contains all the information you'll need to become a member of any level you choose.

All the Membership Programs/Packages in One Place

Thanks! I love you <3

Donate your gratitude ~ and receive a gift!
Receive guidance from your couch ~ Join the next Group Q&A
Learn how to connect with and receive the wisdom of your guides: 
Download the 10 minute audio here

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