Monday, July 12, 2021

New Video - Becoming Your Abundant, Authentic Self - Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, Lovely Being!

Huge Thanks to all who watched the Collective’s latest video, and left lovely comments on YouTube!

It's a huge help to know what assists you now.

Last week we talked about the Transformation needed to come out of the lies and fear-based illusions we've been taught about money and Abundance, over hundreds of Earth lives.

I've also found that the survey revealed people’s experiences of feeling Undeserving or Unworthy of Abundance, a well as having Self-Doubt about their ability to manifest. 

Your honesty and self-awareness are inspiring. The hardest parts seem to be:

  • “Not getting upset while waiting. Knowing it is there, but not manifested yet.”
  • “To have patience, and to let it come from Universal energy.”
  • “Sometimes it’s just too easy to doubt, or to let go of the vision of the outcome."
  • “Negative mindsets of unworthiness. I don't expect to receive money in my life. I have not made room for money in my life. I am not using my thoughts, expectations, or feelings to create abundance.”
  • “The many times I feel trust and a kind of certainty, but still things do not manifest.”
  • “The Power of the subconscious, of which we are usually unaware.”
  • “My own fearful thoughts. I've always thought, Things are supposed to be hard for me—I will never know abundance in this lifetime.”

I've had many times in life when I've related to comments like these. It’s not fun.
If you were taught to feel unworthy or undeserving, and to expect lack and struggle, you go through life feeling like the Universe has forgotten about you.
Coming out of that takes Transforming your beliefs about how much Abundance you feel you're “allowed” to have, or that is possible for you to have.
That starts with healing your subconscious, and the experiences and memories that exist there, mainly without our being consciously aware of them and their effects on our lives. 

In today's video, I talk about releasing some of the energy traps that hold us back. And how the smaller Earth self can absolutely be lifted into the vibration of the higher self: 

Every single one of the above comments from the survey has a subconscious belief, energy pattern, or soul imprint holding that Abundance block in place.

None of that is really you. That is very old wounding, or a false belief held by a false self that was unconsciously created over many lifetimes, just so you could survive.

That self was taught things such as, "You have to work hard to have more money." And yes, sometimes that works -- on the surface.

Yet if simply pouring more money into someone's life is always the answer, why do so many millionaires and even billionaires live with ongoing fear of loss, still threatened by scarcity thoughts?

And why do so many lottery winners end up bankrupt within five years of winning millions? 

If we don’t inwardly feel worthy, deserving, and safe about having money, we'll find a way to get rid of even large sums.

In a written Message following the video (here on the website), the Collective support us in releasing what no longer works for us in life, to make room for a far more easeful flow of Abundance.

Many forget this powerful Abundance principle, that if you want to receive, you must open up the space to receive. 

A vacuum, an opening for our higher good to flow in to us, whether that means creating more physical, financial, or emotional space in or daily life.

The new video is on YouTube (awaiting your comments!), with the full transcript and a new Message from the Collective on the website.

In their next video, the Collective will speak on a very common Abundance block named in the survey: 

The energetic obstacles between you and the financial income you desire. 

Please do leave your comments under each video -- what you felt was helpful or not, and what issues you'd like future videos to address. 

Know that your path is sacred, and that all issues can be resolved and dealt with on a higher level.

Huge blessings and much Love, as always!

To contact me, please email me at




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