Friday, July 9, 2021

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message, July 09, 2021 - Nancy Tate

9th July 2021. Mike Quinsey.


On many occasions we have mentioned that if you are ready you have the opportunity to ascend. At any given time you can achieve it as an individual, and having passed the marker you are being given help to do so. The vibrations continue to rise up and if you are also lifting yours up there is no reason why you should not be ready to ascend. You should already be aware that if on balance you are 51% or more positive then you are on track to ascend. It means to hold that position you must keep positive by focussing on all that is going to continue to lift you up. It may sound easy and it will be so, providing as far as possible you live your life in service to others. It would be your way of proving that you understand what is expected of you. You will still have time for yourself and you will find that “service to others” is a very satisfying way of spreading the Light. Keeping calm and peaceful regardless of what is going on around you becomes your way of life. It is most rewarding and sets a good example that others will want to follow.

You are in what you may call the interim period that is allowing you to dispense with the old ways, replacing them with more ambition and loving ways that recognise the Oneness of all souls. You have the Creator Atom inside you meaning that you are all part of the Creator God and have eternal life. This no doubt gives you much to think about particularly when you consider that all souls around you are destined to find their path to their true selves. Even the most lowly of all the souls around you will eventually find their true path. You must know by now that all get help to find their way, even if they are still carrying a low vibration. So look upon those around with a more discerning and caring eye and you will see that they have the potential to find the Light. All of you had to start somewhere on your journey home, and you will have found the truth and the Light through your many lives and experiences.

No one has been forced to experience in the Matter Universe, and we can assure you that you willingly accepted the opportunity to do so. You knew that your memory would be blanked out so that you could have lives that were unaffected by knowing your true selves. Ultimately you will greatly benefit from your experiences in the Matter Universe and will help those who follow in your footsteps. Evolution is all about raising your vibrations so as to make progress towards the higher realms. Subconsciously you know what to expect and what you need to further advance yourself.

Particularly at this time the Earth is full of distractions and it takes a positive soul time to travel through life unaffected. You are not expected to be perfect and if you were you would be of such high vibrations, that you would be unsuited to Earth. It is your vibrations that will determine where your level of existence will be, and at this time many of you are well on the way to the higher levels that are known as vibrations. That is the beauty and fairness of the way that determines which level you go to. Many feel that they are well on the path to Ascension, and be assured that they will be helped all of the way. The beauty and utter peace that awaits you if you are successful, is beyond words and if you could glimpse it you would know it was worth all of the effort that you have put in to make it possible.

It may come as a bit of a surprise or even a shock to some to know that through the many lives you have all had, you have been both male and female depending on the type of experiences you needed. This is in preparation for your future when you will take a higher vibrating body that does not need the different distinguishing forms of male and female. Obviously at the present level you are so to say “more animal” when it comes to reproduction. There are many changes to be considered and when you look back you will realise how much things have changed. The power of thought will dominate your life and the spoken word will be unnecessary. Your powers to create by thought will become normal for you. Of course these changes take place all in good time and you will be getting used to the idea of such changes the more you evolve. As you might realise, a Galactic Being is much more different to your present form, but it is the normal progression as you raise your vibrations.

Life is full of surprises as you develop but you are of course prepared in advance. The idea is certainly not new to you as at different stages in your evolution you are given information about them well in advance. Normally you are only given what you need to take steps forward so as not to overwhelm you. You should find it encouraging to know that you have a great future in front of you, one that will be pleasant and enjoyable without the encumbrance and interference of the dark Ones. How exciting the thought must be at a time when you are just making your way out of a very difficult period. Help is being given to you and in time those who share your experience from a higher level will come to meet you.

Let knowledge of the future uplift you and give you the strength to go forward without any doubts as to what lies ahead, it will be very much to your liking. Present events are a passing phase that will go quickly and allow meetings with your friends from Space. Some in fact will be your family who eagerly await the opportunity to greet you again. Re-unions will abound with great celebrations at your success in being able to continue moving out of the lower vibrations. We refer to times to come within most of your lifetimes when those souls who have gone before you will meet you again. Life on Earth is but a pale reflection of what it is really about and you have everything to look forward to in the not too distant future.

Be kind, be gentle with your fellow brethren who are unaware of events to come and help them through what will be, for them, a very testing period. All experience is meant to carry you forward and raise you up to new levels even if you do not recognise the purpose yourself. Life can be exciting and it can be dull, and these differences are all part of your experience needed to carry you even further forward. Nothing happens by chance so take note of what is happening in your life, and if there is something to be learnt from it keep it in mind.

Be assured that you are helped all through your experiences to understand what the reasons are for them. You are never asked to do more than you are capable of and do not forget that you came into your earthly life with a plan that you agreed to. All is well in spite of what is going on around you, which may not necessarily affect you. Keep your goal in sight knowing that many loving souls are travelling with you.


In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.



You are such a treasure to others and most of all to yourself,

for in being a treasure to yourself, you are that to others.

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