Sunday, March 28, 2021



We are preparing a book containing a transcription of Level One - Satchidanand Satsang..

Here is Initiation 1 : Meditation Introductory Talk Part Two Transcription by Swami Ganesha Bhavananda

You we will be learning the first initiation of Energy Enhancement and this is meditation.

Now what is meditation?

Don't answer that all at once, it was a rhetorical question (laughs).

I'm going to answer it! Meditation is first the ability to still the mind, to still the mind...

I was talking to (inaudible) about that, necessary to get rid of all the negative thoughts of the mind.

To be able to stop the mind at will, as Don Juan says “To stop the world”.

Now in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali he says “yogas chitta vittri nirodhah”. You know that Natwarlal don't you?

This is Sanskrit, and this is coming from Maharishi Patanjali from 5000 years ago. And I'll give you the translation for that, Yogas, well you know what yoga means don't you?

Well yoga comes from the word Yuj, which means yoke, the yoke, you know Krishna - The Soul. The Higher Self. - is riding in his chariot, and Arjuna is just sitting there very quietly in the Chariot as a passenger.

He's supposed to represent you.

And he's sitting there quietly without any thoughts in the mind. And Krishna's is there with the reigns in his hand and he is driving everything, just like this guy here (points to Buddha) and what is driving the chariot forwards? Are the horses.

And around their necks is the yoke. And the yoke signifies union. Union is this case with the higher self so in reality yoga 5000 years ago meant enlightenment.

Now, they do all these strange contortions and they call it yoga (laughs) Oh I am doing yoga...OM....

But really originally, yoga means enlightenment and the first stage of enlightenment is from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, “Yogas chitta vittri nirodhah”. Chitta is the mind space, vittri is all the bad thoughts - the Energy Blockages, nirodhah means to bring those mind wave energy blockage bad thoughts down to zero, stop them, remove them as we do with the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process. - thank you Guillermo.

Guillermo is about 6ft 4 and he's a reiki master. And he's a Tibetan Buddhist and when he was doing his Energy Enhancement back in 1998 – are you translating here Devi? (laughs)

When he was doing his course of Energy Enhancement the last time. He was getting all these visions of Jesus Christ coming down to touch him.

And he came to see me, and he said, “I'm a Tibetan Buddhist and I'm getting this Jesus coming down to touch me and I'm getting Mary as well , I'm a Tibetan Buddhist. What does this mean?

And I said to him. “Look who chooses?

Does the student choose the master or does the master choose the student”

He said “The master chooses the student.”

Personally I think Jesus is a Tibetan Buddhist.

I think Jesus is an Ascended Master.

And that means he contains within him all religions, because these Ascended Masters are the source of all religions.

And every master on this planet functions through them.

I once heard of a guru, and he said there are many masters in the high Himalayas and they never speak, all they do is meditate all day long, and they are directing energy to all of humanity and they said personally I wish I was there with them because down here on this planet spreading this energy from the masters in the Himalayas is a much more difficult job, I feel like I'm a worker in the factory, the guys up there are the managers.

But personally I even believe the ascended masters are much more powerful than those, I think they are the CEOs. So I was talking about meditation and Guillermo has had all of this before but he is not here just for intellectual knowledge.

Because he's heard all of this before. It's very simple this stuff, what he is here for is to learn how to get rid of his energy blockages.

Because when “Chitta Vittri Nirodhah”

When the mind is stopped, then you get into a psychic state where all of your blockages become apparent.

And when you can see them, you can free them.
When you feel them, you can heal them.

Meditation is in 3 parts, and it has to be because all of these bad thoughts that you have in the mind are symptoms of the energy blockages that levels beneath the mind, they come from the levels of the unconscious, subconscious, they come from the levels of the physical body, of the emotional body.

When I go to India I see many people with beautiful hearts but they are totally thick.

They don't have any intellect at all.

Because they don't understand their hearts are constantly being hit by disappointment, because they have blockages in the mind.

And then here in the West, you have people with minds the size of planets, they have such brilliant minds, yet they have no hearts and this is because they have blockages in the heart.

I remember Forest Gump and he's a total idiot, born that way and yet he has the most precious heart.

And he knows he's not very intelligent and he thinks of this lacks of intelligence as a sort of infirmity, that he was born that way, he said, “I might be very stupid but I can still love.”

And what unifies the heart and the mind is purpose.

Alice Bailey talks about the 7 rays of the initiations. The 1st ray which brings everything together, is will or purpose. 2nd ray is love. 3rd ray is intelligence.

And you see how the 2 rays underneath hierarchically are unified by the purpose. If you have no purpose you will never unify the two.

Well what is a good purpose? Well, what is a good purpose? Why are we here?

We're because.. who is the happiest person?, the happiest person is the one who makes everyone around them happy.

Now this is a very good purpose. How to make everybody happy?

Well this comes down to the 4 levels of charity. The first level is food, you can give food to people. And you can make them very happy but then you've got to keep feeding them, everyday.

The second level of charity is money, you can give money to people every month, but every month they come back for more.

The third level is education, you put people into university, they can go and do a job, and they get all the food and money from the job.

But they are not happy.

They are not happy.

So this comes to the fourth level of charity. Spiritual teachings, meditation, yoga, chanting, all of the spiritual techniques, reading the spiritual works, noticing when your mind is not quiet, noticing when your emotions are upset and being humble enough to know when you are 99% perfect but to know from your own observations of yourself that 1% needs to be improved.

Just to know that and then to know, I need to do this, in order to improve.

Because, if you are intelligent and evolved, then you know the solutions to everybody else's problems, you can point the finger at somebody and say you are not perfect because you've passed that test, but 3 fingers are pointing back at you.

If you see something bad in someone else, the same thing is wrong with you inside.

One of the secrets of enlightenment is to see, to be able to see enlightenment in one other person at least.

If you see enlightenment in one other person then you have the seeds of that enlightenment yourself.

So what is meditation, well, I was taught by my master, Zen Master Hogen from Japan, in one of the most powerful types of meditation in the world.

Because the Zen, they don't do yoga, they don't do anything else except sit.

For 1,000 years they have been sitting in meditation and they have developed the techniques of sitting to the highest point available in this world at the moment.

The yogi's teach everything in India, but there are very few yogi's who teach just meditation so the technology of Zen meditation, and having investigated many meditations, this is the most powerful.

Zen Master Hogen said, “meditation is in 3 parts, like a pyramid, the base of the pyramid is the physical, this is Hatha Yoga.

And what does it say is yoga in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, what is asana, remember it's Arse- ana.

Ass-ana – calls everyone in America this.

And in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, asana is defined as, "a steady comfortable sitting position".

Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh said if you can sit for 3 hours without moving, the chances are you are enlightened.

This is the base of Zen Meditation.

Because where are the blockages, they're in the body, how do you know where the blockages are, what do the blockages produce in the body, they produce pain.

If you have a pain in the body, that is where your blockages are.

And those blockages don't just act on the physical, they move, they started affecting your emotions making you negative.

And then they start coming up from the emotions into the mind and they start producing all sorts of negative thoughts.

This is how you know you are not perfect, and what is the process of removing those blockages, well meditation is just sitting.

No pain no gain, oh Swami Swami, how long should I sit for?

10,000 years...(laughs)

But, as William Blake said, “If you can see heaven in a grain of sand and eternity in an hour”...

You can sit for an hour and pass an eternity - 10,000 years!

I was talking about how the process of enlightenment is in 2 parts.

Now before I met Swami Satchidananda I had been meditating everyday for 5 years. And I have been practising with a Zen Master from Japan for 5 years.

And every time I sat, he used to throw me out of bed every morning at 6 o clock and he used to say “Sit”

He used to say, "can you feel my breeze blowing even at 10,000 miles?"

The breeze was his chi, his prana, his psychic energy, removing my blockages!

..and he was in Japan, he was 10,000 miles away and used to throw me out of bed every morning, and as I was sitting I could feel him polishing my base chakra, I could feel it clearing out all the blockages, and after 5 years, I was enabled to meet up with Swami Satchidananda,

….and Swami Satchidananda never taught me nothing but what he did, was he gave me energy and he gave me psychic experience.

Seeing him in light coming to me in meditation, telepathy, all of the things they talk about in the books, they came with Swami Satchidananda.

Everybody who came to Swami Satchidananda used to get his energy, but in order to really feel the energies of Swami Satchidananda was necessary to practise because the more empty you become the more the cup can be filled.

If your cup is filled with bad things, it's not possible to fill it with good things.

There's no room!

Only by removing the negative energies, comes the possibility of initiation.

This is bottom up..

Another technique is to fill the mind space with positive thoughtforms and with the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process, move those positive thoughtforms, your dreams of the future, into the Sub-consciousness of the Heart.

Health, Wealth, Riches, inner and outer Gold!

This is top down.

Bottom up and top down is the most perfect technique!

Then comes spiritual initiation, enlightenment..

And spiritual initiation is a fact

…..but only for those people who are prepared to join the six o' clock club... and practise..


Satchi’s energy is amazing, the most powerful and high frequency, charged me up really fast and enabled me to see blockages psychically, removing energy blockages, ‘ground’ negative emotions, fear, anger, Clears heavy psychic attack, methods to remove deep karma and become Enlightened


Satchi’s energy is amazing and just watching his course videos would charge me up with softness and bliss.

The energy I felt from watching the videos not only enabled me to see my own blockages, but I could feel some of them rising to the surface and then getting dissolved by light.

- Satchi is very helpful in emails and I have emailed him many times… he got back to me and gave me some hard truths and also honest support which helped me to continue making progress.

The frequency of energy is the most powerful and high frequency I have worked with, it charged me up really fast and enabled me to see blockages psychically.- I started to sense astral beings a lot more (most of them not very nice) but we got taught how to deal with these in Level 2 with the Seven Step Process.

I also felt some very wonderful presences of spirits and ascended Masters associated with the course who were helping teach me.

- The level 2 method 7 step Process of removing energy blockages is simply amazing.

I use it every day. I’ve used it to dissolve or ‘ground’ negative emotions, fear, anger, to clear negative energy from astral entities, deceased human spirits who were inside my aura… random spirits who would come to me to get guided to the light and so on.

This method has been far superior than all other methods which I have used.

The level 2 methods allowed me to personally get through some very bothersome subconscious programming and blockages which no other methods were healing… I was under heavy psychic attack at this point and I got what I needed to stop it. Problems grounded and dissolved in the light of the earth chakra.

- The level 3 methods to remove deep karma - The Karma Cleaning Process - actually do work. I said in another report that I saw that it would have taken me 500 lifetimes to clear my Karma and become Enlightened . Now using Energy Enhancement Techniques I see that all those 500 lifetimes of Karma have been dissolved!!

Perhaps Enlightenment is Next!!

My body feels so bright and purified, so light and fresh, I have used these methods to clear the karmic bonds between me and other human souls. It feels like all the ‘history’ between you becomes instantly neutralized back into peace and light.

It also dissolves karma too, for example it will neutralize attachment’s between you and others and make you feel a more evenly spread benevolent peace to humans in general.

Now, get the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course!!

Buy the Energy Enhancement Video Course NOW!!



The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course has been designed to protect you and remove all forms of psychic attack.

The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course rapidly increases energies and easily removes all energy blockages created by the evil black magicians in ritual in this lifetime and all your previous lifetimes in a program divided into four levels.


Jaime, Meditational Intensification..

The Meditational Intensification of Spiritual Energy Powers up Psychic Powers and Visions - Shaktipat, Supermind, Kundalini Kriyas, Siddhis, Enlightenment, Telepathy, Astral Travel, Psychic Protection, Spinal Electricity, Prophesy - Intensification comes through Connection and Blockage Removal

Click Below...

The freeing up and intensification of Spiritual energy powers up unconscious abilities - psychic powers and visions never before entered into, never before encountered. Parts of ourselves we never knew existed before we activated and energised with these Energy Enhancement techniques.

You see.. You don't know who you really are.

If you knew who you really were you would never feel inferior, afraid, incompetent, depressed, juvenile, incomplete.

If you knew who you really were your search would be over.

You would be here.


You are a part of the universe.

You are the universe.

But you are disconnected.

You do not inhabit yourself.

It's as if you have a Palace but only live in one room.


The Meditational Intensification of Spiritual Energy Powers up Psychic Powers and Visions - Shaktipat, Supermind, Kundalini Kriyas, Siddhis, Enlightenment, Telepathy, Astral Travel, Prophesy - Intensification comes through Connection and Blockage Removal

Click Below...


The freeing up and intensification of Spiritual energy powers up unconscious abilities - psychic powers and visions never before entered into, never before encountered. Parts of ourselves we never knew existed before we activated and energised with these Energy Enhancement techniques.

Energy Enhancement activates those parts other courses don't touch!!

Inhabit All of yourself.

Stretch out and grasp that which you already have, within.

Connect to every part of yourself.

Grow into that infinite template recorded in your spiritual DNA

You are like a seed which has been kept in a box.


Get out of the Box.

Germinate that seed.

Energise that seed!!

Plant it in the good earth.

Roots down into the Center of the Earth.

Leaves stretching up into the Central Spiritual Sun.

The column of energy 'twixt heaven and earth.

Thou art that!



Become that which you were born to be.

Connect, Only connect.

The column of energy 'twixt heaven and earth.

Thou art that!


Learn how to Connect!

"Connect Only Connect!!" - Goethe

As we learn how to connect with external energy centers so we become filled with Infinite Super Energy with which we Power up our Brain and all our unknown and Latent Psychic Powers!!



Meditation Courses The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Symbol from the Synthesis of Light- Satchidanand

I Want that which will only benefit the Universe.

I Want Only Happiness peace and joy

And to this end, I give the Worlds Greatest Secret - The Techniques of Energy Enhancement.

The Transmutation and Removal of Stuck and Trauma-Formed Evil Energy Blockages

The Creation of Love, Benefit, Abundance, Gratitude, and the Great Feeling of Being in Alignment with the Universe Itself.

It is also, more ancient, the shape of the Ankh from Egypt and thus the first Alchemist Hermes Trismegistus because this meditation is codified in VITRIOL - the first formula of Alchemy.

It is also, more ancient, from time immemorial the shape of the Shiva Lingham and Yoni from Hindu sources. And more recently from the shape of the fountain from the Alhambra in Granada whose Grand Visier at that time was Abubacer in charge of a Sufi school there.



The Meditational Intensification of Spiritual Energy Powers up Psychic Powers and Visions - Shaktipat, Supermind, Kundalini Kriyas, Siddhis, Enlightenment, Telepathy, Astral Travel, Prophesy - Intensification comes through Connection and Blockage Removal

Click Below...


Learn how to align your spine and neck with the energies of the universe. When we do this we automatically align our energy systems with Kundalini Energy!

The shape of a yale key is the Key of the Gaol of the Naqsbandhis or the cave of Plato and is taken from the figure below. It is also the shape of the Lute or Guitar from Troubadour or TRB in the Abjad spiritual cipher of the Sufis which means Lute in Arabic.

The Techniques of Energy Enhancement.

Finding the Central Energy Flow in Energy Enhancement Meditation

Kundalini Energy flows between the Kundalini Chakra in the Center of the Earth connected to the Base Chakra, and The Chakras above the Head - Energy in the Center of the Universe, Central Spiritual Sun, God, Atman, Shiva.

Remove Energy Blockages with the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process.

When we get our spines into alignment in the Energy Enhancement Initiation of Meditation, then we immediately get the experience of Kundalini Energy.

The Chakras above the head are infinite and connect with God but the first 5 are the Soul Chakra, Monad, Logos, Sirius and the Avatar of Synthesis.

2. Connection


There is only One Stream of Energy and it is YOU Who are ONE With the Flow!!

Only when you are connected with Super Energy can you feel Good, Alive, Joyous, High, Happy, In Tune, Do All Day, In the Zone.

Only when Connected with the Energies of The Universe Can Every thought Come True!!

Energy Enhancement IS the Secret of Attraction, Abundance, Generosity, Gratitude, FUN.



Contact with the Illuminated Auras - THE BUDDHAFIELD - of Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani add to your energy systems.

Whether by Streaming Video or in their Auras on Live Courses in Iguazu, or India. Whether by watching the talks or enjoying the Sacred Dance where Art is defined as contact with the Energies of God and Devi channels the energies of the Soul..

Shaktipat, Uppadesa, Blessings occur "by Glance, By Touch or in Silence" - Vedas

A good student will always draw the energies of God. When the lady touched the robe of Christ and was healed, Jesus said, " It was her faith which healed her"

Learn how to become a good student with Energy Enhancement


Stop the Mind, Stop the World.

Samadhi is attained by throwing out all the energy blockages in the mind. Remove All those Energy Blockages with the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process.

Then the Mind becomes a perceptive instrument which is able to listen to the Higher Chakras - The Soul: GOD!!





"The first day Satchi taught me how to sit. By moving the position of my posture slightly I could feel the flow of energy from the center of the earth into the center of the universe. Satchi explained that what I was feeling was Kundalini Energy. If I followed it, he said, It would lead me to Enlightenment." From the testimonial of Energy Enhancement Student Carla, Jan 2004

Siva Samhitã, iii, 10-19: "Now I shall tell you how easily to attain success in Yoga, by knowing which the Yogis never fail in the practice of Yoga. Only the knowledge imparted by a Competent Teacher through his lips is powerful and useful; otherwise it becomes fruitless, weak and very painful.

And this is why - by coming into the Buddhafield of Energy surrounding Energy Enhancement Satchidanand by video or Live in Iguazu, obtained through many years of meditation with many enlightened masters, you obtain Shaktipat- an infusion of energy to help you get into a permanent state of meditation.

"If you are serious about self-improvement, growth, change, enlightenment! Then the Energy Enhancement Course is for you." JEAN, EE STUDENT

Energy Enhancement is An Advanced Meditation Course which gives the MOST benefits of any course of Meditational Self-Development available anywhere in the World today.

If you want to Master Meditation Energy, to get more Energy and to handle it better, this course is for You!

If you want to Speed Up the Meditative Process, rather than sitting with no result.

Energy Enhancement Advanced Meditative Techniques including the Kundalini Kriyas and the Five Taoist Elemental Pathways of the Chi, is for You!!!!

Whether you are a Management Corporate Executive, any sort of Alternative Practitioner, Meditator, Yogi or anyone who wants to Evolve, - Remove Energy Blockages with the Seven Step Process, Have Massive Energy Gains, become Better, Smarter, more Evolved, more Empathic, more Soul Infused, Gain the Real Secrets of Success; This course will Enable Direct Experience of Superior Life Performance.

Energy Enhancement Meditation Techniques are the quickest and easiest methods of evolution available, leading to Ultimate Happiness.


The Meditational Intensification of Spiritual Energy Powers up Psychic Powers and Visions - Shaktipat, Supermind, Kundalini Kriyas, Siddhis, Enlightenment, Telepathy, Astral Travel, Prophesy - Intensification comes through Connection and Blockage Removal

Click Below...


Jaime, Incredible Savings! - Save - 50% Off!! - Get Five Video Levels at 50% Off! for a Limited Time Only - Get All Five Levels when you Buy the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course.. Come for a Live Course to Iguazu..

Jaime, Energy Enhancement Level 0 Super Chi Prana, Power, Strength, Immortality

Jaime, See Swami Amara Atmananda at the Iguazu Ashram doing Nauli and the Bound Lotus for Energy Enhancement Level 0 Super Chi Immortality Prana Meditation..

Energy Enhancement Level 0 Super Chi Prana, Spinal Electricity!! Power, Strength, and Immortality

Energy Enhancement LEVEL 1 Immortality - Activate the Antahkarana! Gain Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head - Power UP!! Open Your Third Eye, Gain Super Samadhi Kundalini Alchemical VITRIOL Energy. Ground All Negative Energies. Access Quantum Immortality

Energy Enhancement LEVEL 2 - The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to Totally Remove Energy Blockages, Totally Remove All Problems, Totally Remove Negative Emotions, Heal Your DNA, Remove your Karma - OPEN YOUR LIFE!!

Energy Enhancement LEVEL 3 - Eliminate even Deeper Energy Blockages - The Removal of Strategies. Quantum Integration. The Karma Cleaning Process to Totally Eliminate All Your Karma, all your Trauma, all your Energy Blockages from All your Past Lifetimes!!

Energy Enhancement LEVEL 4 - Stop the Suck!! Heal All your Relationships!! Find Your Twin Flame!! MASTER ENERGY CONNECTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS

The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Will Not Fail You!

Click here for This Week's Wisdom Teachings..

If you want Quick progression on your Meditational Journey - Buy the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course..

If you want to Ground All your Trauma - Buy the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course..

"All the other Meditation Courses are designed to fail"

Jaime, Live Energy Enhancement Meditation Courses in Brazil - Iguazu Falls is the Seventh Wonder of the Natural World - it's an incredible Power Center to learn Energy Enhancement - and India where its Summer in your Winter! Ask for details!!

Jaime, How are they Stealing Your Spiritual Energy

Jaime, Get Brazil Winter Sun at Iguazu Falls (The solar heated swimming pool is 34C!) the seventh Natural Wonder of the world - choose an Elegant Hotel or Get Your EE Course at the Energy Enhancement Ashram Buddhafield- 5 Day Mini Courses, 28 Days - Two Levels, 56 Days, 84 Days.. Three Levels, Four Levels of Energy Enhancement

Jaime, Brazil at Iguazu Falls Live Courses!! It's Hot here in Iguazu Now! The Solar heated Swimming Pool we maintain at 34C! The Seventh Natural Wonder of the World! The Live Buddhafield! Incredible Savings!

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Energy Enhancement Gives The Original Techniques Which Form The Basis Of Every Religion On This Planet And Which Therefore Speed Up!! The Process Of Meditation Many Times. The Techniques Work Like They Were Meant To Work Before They Were Removed By Those Who Followed The Founder Of Every Religion And The Spiritual Technology Was Lost; Everywhere!!

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Now!! Everyone can Get Energy Enhancement!

Ask us!!

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