Monday, December 14, 2020

Your INNATE Inter-dimensional SELF - Dr. Suzanne Lie

Your INNATE Inter-dimensional SELF
You, the members of Gaia's Earth, are moving closer and closer to recognizing that you are also the member of your Galactic Family. Many of you are not, yet, aware of the fact that Humanity and the Galactics are becoming more and more intertwined in an Inter-dimensional manner. This inter-dimensional inter-twining is because the members of humanity are increasingly awakening to a growing awareness that they/you are NOT alone. 

This awakening to the awareness of your own higher dimensional expressions of SELF is beginning because of your growing more and more awareness that you have an innate ability to remember your dreams, your meditations, and your experiences in which you are able to feel your own Higher Dimensional SELF. 

What is your "Higher Dimensional SELF?" you may ask yourself. The answer to this question will best come when you are in a higher state of consciousness such as during meditation, during a powerful moment of creativity, while having and or, awaking from, a powerful dream, and or any NOW in which you can allow your human self to remember the feel of your own Higher Dimensional SELF. 

How can you FEEL your Higher Dimensional SELF? The answer to that questions is different for each individual, but there are certain components of ones state of consciousness that will best assist your awakening. 

For example, you may be in a state of "dreaming" and remember that dream when you awaken. In fact, whenever you remember a dream, be sure to write it down as soon as possible, as dreams often return to their innate higher frequencies once you fully awaken to your third dimensional life.

Therefore, it is recommended that you document your dreams as soon as you awaken. In fact, it is a good idea to keep a pen and paper by your bed so that you can immediately write your dream down before you forget it. Some dreams disappear almost as soon as you awaken, but some dreams can stay in your consciousness for a very long time.

Either way, if you create the habit of writing down your dreams as soon as possible, you will find it easier and easier to remember your dreams. When your document your dreams you will remember them more and more easily. Please remember that your dreams are your own self communicating with you. 

If you can remember to take the time to write down your dreams, or document them in some way, you are also telling your self that what you dream, or what you receive in a meditation, or during a creative action is your own Higher Dimensional SELF communicating with your third dimensional human self.

When you realize that, you will begin to increasingly remind yourself that YOU are not just the physical body that you are wearing during your third dimensional life. Then, you can more easily remember that YOU are a Multidimensional Person who resonates to the third, fourth, fifth, and/or beyond frequencies of reality.

Your Multidimensional SELF is often forgotten during the rush and hurry of daily life. Therefore, it is to your greatest benefit to document any dreams or meditations that seem to be reaching out to you so that you can expand your awareness from just sleeping, but also during your mediations and all aspects of your waking life. 

in this manner, your awareness of all reality will become more and more aware of the full, multidimensional reality this is there--but is only experienced by those who have remembered their innate ability to communicate with the higher frequencies of reality, as well as the frequencies of your daily life. 

Blessings to you all
Sue Lie

Please find all Sue Lie's Published books at: 

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