Saturday, December 12, 2020

NATURAL NEWS - Huge situation update - DoD patriots vs. CIA death squads - war on our soil
Huge situation update - DoD patriots vs. CIA death squads - war on our soil
Mike Adams

The war for America is already spilling over to U.S. soil, the CIA death squads already operating to threaten GOP members who support Trump. The DoD just announced that US troops would no longer be offered to the CIA's black hat operations beginning Jan. 5th

Today's Situation Update is packed with analysis of SCOTUS, the 305th expert witness for "Kraken," new proof that the election was rigged by "foreign aggressors" and more.

Read the full story and hear the podcast here.

Also today: Coronavirus vaccine trial participants are starting to test positive for HIV. It turns out that HIV proteins are being deliberately laced into covid-19 vaccines. Can you say depopulation?

See the full story here.

New Videos from
Situation Update, Dec. 11th - DoD de-fangs the CIA, 305th intel proves foreign interference

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Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes urges Americans to prepare for total war

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8 Incredible health benefits of bee pollen, one of nature's most complete superfoods

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Featured Articles
Confirmed: Dominion voting machines in Georgia were remotely controlled during election... foreign interference now a fact

By Ethan Huff | Read the full story

Election was stolen using "Automated Test Decks" of pre-filled Biden ballot stacks that were fed into Dominion machines multiple times after Election Day

By Lance D Johnson | Read the full story

Sponsor: Chief Originals Vitamin C is one of the world's most powerful antioxidants.
Damning Senate report lays bare all the Biden financial connections to Communist China -- no Biden can be our president

By JD Heyes | Read the full story

CNN reveals that vaccinating elderly for covid-19 could kill them, but if you mention this anywhere, you will be banned

By Ethan Huff | Read the full story

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UK allowed mysterious 3-hour covid-19 aerosol "test flight" over nation

By Ethan Huff | Read the full story

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