Thursday, December 10, 2020

NATURAL NEWS - Eight states join historic Texas lawsuit at SCOTUS; the Constitution hangs in the balance

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mié, 9 dic 17:26 (hace 14 horas)
Eight states join historic Texas lawsuit at SCOTUS; the Constitution hangs in the balance
Mike Adams

The Texas lawsuit filed with SCOTUS is being called a possible "death sentence" for the U.S. Constitution if SCOTUS doesn't rule in favor of Texas. At stake is our entire future, our elections, our freedoms, everything.

We have a short update here, with more coverage to come.

Meanwhile, I've posted the Situation Update podcast for Dec. 9th, containing all sorts of stunning details on depopulation, the coming deployment of US Marines in liberal cities, left-wing terrorists threatening Georgia legislators, no vaccine exemptions for White people, and much more.

Hear the full podcast here.

Also today: YouTube just committed full-blown treason, declaring they will now delete all videos that question the "official" Joe Biden win. Imagine that... now YouTube is criminally complicit in treason and election rigging. They must be taken down and seized under Trump's 2018 EO.

New Videos from
Situation Update, Dec. 9th - Humanity's breakthrough moment: We refuse to be enslaved

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Situation Update, Dec. 8th - All ballots after Nov. 3rd are null and void

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Doctors & Medical Professionals From All Over The World Speak Out 

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