Monday, December 14, 2020

Influencing Humanity - Mark Kimmel

Influencing Humanity -    

Mark Kimmel

Greetings, all,

A wandering universe explorer recently came upon a small planet in the Milky Way Galaxy. On it he discovered a race of beautiful physical beings living in an environment of great beauty with lush lands and great bodies of water. Large concentrations of population were surrounded by areas of green vegetation. Great holes had been dug in the surface of the planet, strange contraptions sucked fluid and gasses from beneath the surface, and many ribbons of hard surfaces were used for transportation. He noted how the environment was being polluted by the activities of the physical beings.

On closer examination, he observed that the physical beings appeared to be confined to their dwellings and covered their nostrils and mouths when venturing outside. This was far removed from the way he had seen the planet not that long ago. From information he had previously received, he knew that a dark energy had invaded this planet millions of years previously. He saw that the physical beings were now even more imprisoned in an existence imposed on them by the influence of this dark energy. It appeared to him that the darkness had invaded the psyches of most physical beings causing them to construct organizations and institutions based on fear, separation and judgment. Monetary systems, controlled by beings under the influence of dark energies, influenced much in their lives.

Because of his higher frequency, he was able to move freely among the physical beings. In telepathic conversations with these beings he was amazed to find that they considered their existence to be entirely normal. He explained that almost all of the rest of the universe functioned quite differently. He told the physical beings that they did not need to be subjugated to darkness. He learned that they called their planet “Earth.”

Slowly he uncovered a few of them who believed in the larger universe picture with which he was familiar. With them, he explored the current turmoil within the political system, the worldwide pandemic, the control of monetary systems by a few, and the broadcast media as a tool for the powerful.

He decided to remain on the planet to assist the people to raise their consciousness, removing themselves from the influence of the darkness. After many conversations with the wiser physical beings, they decided on the following as a program of assistance for all on Earth. They told as many as would listen, the following:

1. There is much more going on than an election or a pandemic. These are merely symptomatic of larger issues which are the imprisonment of humanity through the subtle intrusion of dark energy into every aspect of your lives and working to see that everyone is raised to higher consciousness.

2. Remember who you are: You are a great being of light with a physical body. As such, you are very powerful. Your soul has had many lifetimes, has accumulated great wisdom. Your current existence at lower levels of consciousness is an exception to the ways of the larger universe.

3. Know that there are dark energies and beings with little of the Light of Source. They are committed to the control of Earth and humanity. They have instilled a belief in most people that their current lives are normal. Their fear, separation and judgment has been infused into all organizations and structures of Earth. How you choose to live your life either supports or rebuffs dark energies.

4. You have an affect on others and on all of humanity. How you live your life affects others with whom you come in contact. How you express yourself in words and actions impacts others, both consciously and unconsciously. You have the ability to impact all of humanity positively if you choose to do so.

a. Meditation: Know yourself intimately

b. Meditation: See you power and focus your energies

c. Interact with others directly – simply being in their presence

d. Interact with others via the Internet and phone

e. Consciously determine to support positive uplifting activities E.g. Groups focused on higher dimension activities

f. Consciously determine to avoid dark activities. E.g. Dark movies and broadcast media. Corporations supplying instruments of dark energy.

g. Consciously focus your Great Light on specific activities currently being undertaken E.g. A positive resolution of the current election and pandemic to expose the influences of dark beings and bring relief from your enslavement. Changes in the monetary system to benefit all. Uplifting all to higher states of consciousness.

In Light, Love and Unity,



Purchase copies of any of my 7 books at Here is the link for my latest one: Aon

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