Thursday, November 12, 2020

Starting Soon! 11:11 Portal Abundance Call ✨

Caroline Oceana Ryan

Greetings, Beautiful Light Being!

Our special 11:11 Portal Abundance Call is starting soon!

Wednesday, November 11!
5:45 PM Pacific / 8:45 PM Eastern

US Dial-in Number: (206) 402-0100
Participant Code: 213193 #

For local US and international numbers, go to:


If your phone company says it will charge you when calling in:

Please call this number instead: 206 - 651-8151

For each call, please have your Abundance notebook handy, or a blank computer document

We sometimes write things out to shift subconscious beliefs, unearth old blocks and dissolve them, or to affirm more concretely what we're creating.

See you soon!

In Divine Love,

“Be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behavior. You are beneath the thinker. You are the stillness beneath the mental noise. You are the Love and Joy beneath the pain.”

- Eckhart Tolle

Tapping Meditation for Raising Your Vibration

What is hardest for you, about what you want to heal or manifest?

Is there a fear or uneasiness that comes up as you think of it?

Where do those feelings show up in your body -- feelings of anxiety, or unworthiness, or that it's "not possible" or "too hard to do," or that it's always off in the future somewhere.

On a scale of 0-10, how intense are those feelings?

Take two or three deep breaths before you begin . . .

Tapping on the side of either hand, say out loud:

Karate Chop Point: Even though I'm not sure I can create this thing, I acknowledge how I feel, and I deeply honor and respect myself

Karate Chop Point: Even though there are things I'm unsure of at times, I honor how I feel, and I still deeply love and accept myself

Karate Chop Point: Even though I'm not sure I can have what I desire without a lot of hard work and sacrifice, I accept how I feel, and I allow my body to relax and to go into Receiving mode more and more, with every tap

Inner eyebrow: All this unsureness  . . .
Side of eye: All of this stress . . .

Under eye: All of this uncertainty . . .
Under nose: All of this chaos and confusion . . .

Under mouth: I just carry it with me every day
Collarbone: This whole year I've felt to be on high alert
Under arm: It feels like asking the Universe for what I desire is just too much
Top of head: I acknowledge how hard life can be some days


Inner eyebrow: Part of me wants to release this stress . . . 
Side of eye: Part of me knows I can create anything that is for my higher good

Under eye: But I'm used to feeling unsure about life
Under nose: I'm used to feeling life is hard, that I can't always have what I want
Under mouth: Maybe I can let go
Collarbone: I acknowledge that some things are out of my control
Under arm: But maybe co-Creation is something I have powerful presence for 
Top of head: Maybe I don't have to know how something will come to me

Inner eyebrow: I release the stress that my country and the world have been experiencing this past year
Side of eye: I give my mind, body, and emotions permission to take a break from thinking life is always going uphill
Under eye: I can move into the Present Moment
Under nose: I can release feelings of stress and worry
Under mouth: I can release feelings of not being good enough, or not deserving
Collarbone: I AM always moving into greater health and fulfillment
Under arm: I AM always becoming more financially Abundant
Top of head: I AM always Divinely Safe, Protected, and Abundant, no matter what


Inner eyebrow: I can create; I don't have to live a life of reaction 
Side of the eye: I can respond calmly and quietly to outer events, while molding what I desire in my own visualizations and heart-mind
Under eye: I can live in a place of calm
Under nose: I can live in a place of knowing I AM deserving, and well-loved  
Under mouth: I can channel any unsureness or anxiety into self-care and self-nurturing
Collarbone: As I relax my body and calm my emotions . . .
Under arm: I AM supporting all areas of life perfectly
Top of the head: All are safe and well, and my ability to co-Create gets stronger every day

Inner eyebrow: I meditate daily to move into a space of calm, of open Receiving and Acceptance
Side of the eye: I speak with my higher self and guides, and call upon their Wisdom
Under eye: I relax and just breathe, and the more I relax . . . 
Under nose: The easier it is to gain their higher viewpoint, and hear their direction on what I need to do, if anything, to create this
Under mouth: Feeling grounded and steady, releasing all resistance now 
Collarbone: Feeling calm and centered
Under arm: I AM Wise, Peaceful, and Divinely guided at all times
Top of the head: Feeling relaxed and open now -- open to Receive


Take a good deep breath in, and then breathe out. Notice how you feel in your body. Check in again on the intensity of your denser emotions on a 0-10 scale.

Any shift towards 0 is moving us in the right direction!




Abundance Books

Abundance For All by Caroline Oceana Ryan [channeled from the Collective]

Love Money - Money Loves You by Sarah McCrum

Feel Free to Prosper by Marilyn Jenett

Manifesting 1, 2, 3 by Ken Elliott

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder

Easy Breezy Prosperity by Emmanuel Dagher 

Creating Money: Attracting Abundance by Sanaya Roman & Duane Packer [channeled from a higher being called Orin]

21 Days to Abundance Through the Immaculate Heart of Mother Mary by Jennifer Ruth Russell

Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness by Esther Hicks [channeled from a group of higher beings called Abraham] - on video as well as in print and on Kindle

The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life by Lynne Twist

Abundance Videos

How to Ignore Negative Manifestations (and still believe in your Abundance - Jake Ducey -

You Are Worthy - Brad Yates -

Tapping on Allowing Money - Brad Yates:

Tapping to Become a Money Magnet - Brad Yates

Tapping to Release Fear & Worry About Money (Stress about not having enough) - Brad Yates

Tapping for Financial Anxiety and Overwhelm - Jessica Ortner

Tapping for $50,000 - Margaret Lynch

Abraham/Hicks Speaking on Money and Abundance - See list on YouTube at

Any of Abraham/Hicks's Videos on the Law of Attraction -- see Amazon's list of videos here

For direction on budgeting, planning, saving, and wise spending: YouTube Channel The Financial Diet - Written for millenials, but 95% of content applies to people of any age -- a fun and easy way to absorb helpful, practical money guidance

For starters, try: 5 Psychological Tricks To Help You Be Good With Money:

Abundance Webpages

The Collective's Abundance Meditation series

Bonnie Serratore's Abundance Package [videos & MP3s] -

The Tapping Solution website -

For those who are or wish to be self-employed: Internet millionaire Jeff Walker's whole mission is to support entrepreneurs and other self-starters, so they can serve others from the heart -- go to: for free info on product and service launches and other areas that will catapult your business forward (at no- or low-cost)

Also see Walker's wonderful book
 Launch: An Internet Millionaire's Secret Formula to Sell Almost Anything Online, Build a Business You Love, and Live the Life of Your Dreams




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