Sunday, November 29, 2020

A New Phase - Mark Kimmel

I believe we have moved into a new phase of humanity's ascension.

Phase 1: Phase one of humanity’s recent history was a period of discovery when light illuminated the nefarious activities of those functioning according to the dictates of dark energies. These activities have served to imprison humanity by infiltrating our institutions and lives. This initial phase showed us how humanity’s fear fed those dedicated to the darkness, as they sought power from it and enslaved us. This phase also showed us how we had been allowing this to happen. We have failed to recognize who we are.

Phase 2: I believe we have now entered a new phase of humanity’s transformation. This is a time of action and reaction: Legal actions and reactions resolving the election of the president of the United States. Arrests of those involved in a variety of acts against humanity. Disclosures about the pandemic and lockdown as the dark energy’s final attempt to control us. Reactions by those of dark consciousness will result in turmoil and conflict as those aligned with the dark struggle to maintain their positions of power and wealth. A new monetary system – one without debt – will come about. All of this will be accompanied by continued misinformation in the media.

However, this moment is about so much more than the outcome of an election or dealing with a virus. This moment is about humanity throwing off the chains of its long imprisonment. It is about the ascent of all of humanity to a state of higher consciousness, to a place of Light, Love, peace, transparency, and compassion.

It is important that we move forward rather than return to the old ways in which service-to-self and a focus on comfort were the predominant ways of behaving. We can move into service-to-others behavior if we set aside the old ways and adopt new ways of thinking and behaving. At the same time, we need to recognize that abandoning old ways will not be easy or quick. Those aligned with the dark energies of service-to-self will not give up their positions or wealth readily or without a fight.

Keep in mind there are powerful forces arrayed against any uplifting outcome. Dark beings, the dark energies, and those who have allied with them have had thousands of years to construct schemes controlling humanity. They have infected every institution and structure – from education to religions to governments to corporations to the medical system to the legal system, and to the media -- turning many individuals to service-to-self in support of the dark’s desire to control humanity.

We now have a unique opportunity – one that has not been available for thousands of years – to rid humanity of the influences of the dark energy. Facing the darkness is a loosely linked worldwide cadre of wayshowers, starseeds, and light workers who see a spiritual-based way forward. They are wiser, more experienced, dedicated, and aware of who they really are. A critical mass of such powerful beings is emerging. It will ultimately help to ascend humanity to higher consciousness. It may take some time, but the ascension of humanity is assured.

This time is about more than the results of an election, more than overcoming the lockdown due to a virus, and more than any one activity being carried out against humanity’s best interests. This is the moment when humanity can assert its true nature as physical vehicles of great beings of light.

We can assist this process by manifesting what we wish the new Earth and new humanity to look like. It’s a simple process, we need only imagine what we want, then focus our energies on it. Doing this will make it happen. It’s as simple as recognizing who you really are and holding that realization at every moment. Your energies will be broadcast to those around you and to all of humanity.

Join with me to manifest a new Earth and a new humanity.

Blessings to all.



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