Thursday, November 19, 2020

Shocking reason why coronavirus vaccines have to be frozen at -70C
Mike Adams

Why do the new mRNA vaccines require extremely cold storage temperatures like -70 C? The answer may shock you:

They are being engineered with experimental nanotechnology components, laced with toxic chemicals that all get unleashed in your body, hijacking your body's cells to churn out non-human protein particles.

As I explain in today's super important feature story, this is global genocide via mass vaccination. And when people start dropping dead from these vaccines, the media will blame covid and say MORE people need vaccines.

See the full story here.

Also today: I have an emergency election update podcast recorded last night, it should appear as one of the first videos at this link:

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The unelected bureaucracy is a greater danger to liberty than anyone we elect

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Breaking: Latest update from Sidney Powell on the software used to steal election: Dems are caught

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Breaking : George Soros linked to Dominion Voting Systems

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