Friday, November 13, 2020

Natural Health News and Scientific Discoveries

Natural Health News and Scientific Discoveries

- Recommends "bundling" food stamps and rent subsidies to vaccine compliance for Blacks and minorities.
- Says GROCERY STORES, schools, workplaces, senior centers and CHURCHES should be vaccination centers!
- Advises using scientific social engineering experiments to determine most effective brainwashing methods.
- All part of the Joe Biden covid-19 taskforce that will be rolled out if Biden steals the White House.

Latest News


(Natural News) Sidney Powell, the attorney for Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn who now works for the Trump campaign, is sounding the alarm about how the election outcome may not go the way that Democrats are being told it is by the mainstream media. Speaking to Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo during a recent interview, Powell revealed that the … [Read More...]


(Natural News) The next time one of your liberal friends screams baseless! or no evidence! concerning allegations of election fraud, try showing them what former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt had to say about what went on in his state during the count. Speaking to Fox News' Shannon Bream, Laxalt confirmed, citing verified court … [Read More...]


(Natural News) The insanely biased left-wing press, social media giants, and Democrats are all piling on the media’s claim that Joe Biden is ‘officially’ the “president-elect,” though the presidential electors have not met yet and President Donald Trump’s campaign is vigorously pursuing legal challenges against alleged voter fraud and … [Read More...]


(Natural News) Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, a Republican, is once again punishing the people of his state with a fresh mask mandate and threat of business closures due to the ever-elusive reemergence of Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "cases." According to DeWine, the Chinese Virus has become extra scary all of a sudden – this just days after … [Read More...]


(Natural News) If you vote for tyrants, you get tyranny. This is what millions of Joe Biden supporters are about to discover if their candidate manages to steal the election and seize control of the White House. A prominent member of Biden's Covid-19 taskforce, a CIA-linked operative named Luciana Borio, says that people who refuse to be … [Read More...]


(Natural News) An employee for the Clark County Election Department in Nevada is coming forth with eye-witness testimony of orchestrated provisional ballot fraud stemming from corrupt democrat election officials and the Biden/Harris campaign. Election officials in Nevada allegedly pushed out droves of provisional ballots (lacking proper … [Read More...]


(Natural News) This week, the Trump campaign filed a 105-page lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of Pennsylvania alleging that the state carried out an illegal two-tiered voting system in the 2020 general election. The suit seeks to block the state from certifying its count. The defendants are listed as Pennsylvania Secretary of State … [Read More...]


(Natural News) Like many liberal policies, so-called “green” policies aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions are full of contradictions and poor reasoning – not to mention the fact that their stated goal does not have the best interests of the planet at heart. Scientist Charles Rotter takes issue with the fact that burning biomass … [Read More...]


(Natural News) Former vice president Joe Biden is already breaking promises that he made in the run-up to the election even though he has yet to take office – and may never do so if a proper recount reveals he was not the true winner of the election. During the first presidential debate in September, Biden promised that he would not … [Read More...]


(Natural News) A sworn affidavit signed by a poll watcher in Detroit alleges that the voting machines used in the city to count absentee ballots may have been connected to the internet. Former Republican State Senator Patrick Colbeck served as a poll watcher for the GOP at the TCF Center in downtown Detroit on Election Night. He was … [Read More...]


(Natural News) In an otherwise successful cycle for conservatives at the state level, American voters elected seven men who claim to be women as state legislators. (Article by Raymond Wolfe republished from In Delaware, a man who presents himself as a woman, “Sarah” McBride, was elected a state senator. Vermont’s … [Read More...]


(Natural News) On Saturday evening, presidential frontrunner Joe Biden — who doesn't actually become president-elect until vote counts are certified — gave a preliminary victory address. In that address, he spoke of his mandate to govern: a mandate, he said, that extended to marshalling the “forces of decency ... fairness ... science ... … [Read More...]


(Natural News) OF 96 POLITICAL DONATIONS COMING FROM EMPLOYEES OF DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, NEARLY 96 PERCENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS WERE DIRECTED TO DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES. (Article by Natalie Winters republished from The company in question, Dominion Voting Systems, improperly counted ballots to create a fraudulent win … [Read More...]


(Natural News) Former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich accused Democrats of trying to “steal the presidency” in a segment on Hannity on Thursday night, delivering what may have been the strongest remarks against alleged election improprieties from a national Republican Party official. (Article by Richard Moorhead … [Read More...]


(Natural News) Vitamin D is known to protect against viral infections like the common cold and the flu. Given the vitamin's immunomodulating properties and the active search for a safe and effective COVID-19 treatment, vitamin D has received widespread attention for its potential role in protecting against the dreaded disease. In a … [Read More...]


(Natural News) There are many mainstream treatments available today for cancer patients. Of these approaches, chemotherapy appears to be the most widely used. However, because it requires the administration of high doses of chemical agents, chemotherapy also kills healthy cells and causes undesirable side effects. These include fatigue, … [Read More...]


(Natural News) A chain of supervolcanoes on the Kerguelen Plateau in the Indian ocean erupted continuously for 30 million years, according to a study published in the journal Geology. Researchers from Curtin University and the University of Tasmania in Australia, as well as Uppsala University in Sweden, said that the supervolcanoes were … [Read More...]


(Natural News) Experts say that Mars most likely had water as early as 4.4 billion years ago, thanks to data from an ancient Martian meteorite discovered in northwestern Africa. In a recent study published in Science Advances, an international team of researchers revealed that certain minerals in meteorite NWA 7533 were oxidized, … [Read More...]


(Natural News) As more evidence of Dominion software vote theft continues to emerge, President Trump has tweeted a bombshell news item, stemming from a data analysis of the raw vote log transaction data: “REPORT: DOMINION DELETED 2.7 MILLION TRUMP VOTES NATIONWIDE. DATA ANALYSIS FINDS 221,000 PENNSYLVANIA VOTES SWITCHED FROM PRESIDENT … [Read More...]


(Natural News) President Donald Trump is being told, literally, by the ‘mainstream media’ to concede the 2020 race to Democratic rival Joe Biden, but he’s refusing to do that and in fact, is acting as though he’ll be reelected. How else do you describe his actions at the Defense Department in recent days in firing the country’s top DoD … [Read More...]


(Natural News) The pukes in the ‘mainstream’ media have been claiming for months that “widespread voter fraud” in U.S. elections is a myth, which is exactly why Americans would be wise to disregard them. Our media establishment, when it isn’t beclowning itself with insane rants against President Donald Trump, has been complicit in … [Read More...]


(Natural News) Emmy-winning TV host and political reporter Rita Cosby strongly believes that the Supreme Court will end up having the final say as to what becomes of the 2020 presidential election, particularly as it pertains to the situation in Pennsylvania. And our guess is that SCOTUS will ultimately defer to Congress, which will then … [Read More...]


(Natural News) The Trump campaign is just getting started in its pursuit of justice concerning the election outcome. While the mainstream media has long since declared Joe Biden to be the new president-elect, the nation's courts have yet to even look at the evidence put forth by President Trump and his team of lawyers, which is growing … [Read More...]


(Natural News) On election night, President Trump was on the verge of winning the state of Georgia, as Republicans typically do. But then a water main supposedly broke, which delayed the count for just long enough to pad the numbers in Joe Biden's favor. America was told that a pipe burst at State Farm Arena, preventing some 40,000 … [Read More...]


(Natural News) A Twitter user with the handle "V_C_435" put together an extensive analysis outlining numerous anomalies in the official Pennsylvania vote count. Almost unbelievably – but these are Democrats we are talking about, so it all makes sense – mail-in ballots were somehow returned fully filled out before they were even mailed … [Read More...]


(Natural News) President Donald Trump’s campaign has now filed over a dozen lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Nevada, Michigan, Georgia and Arizona over allegations of election fraud in those states. Virtually every single mainstream media outlet has already declared Democrat Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election. The current … [Read More...]


(Natural News) 1. Votes can theoretically be ignored for individuals if a straight ticket vote is selected. This setting could very welI enable "Repubiican"-style typo fraud. Many complex rules decide how the "straight ticket" option works. (Article by Ron republished from 2. Network Security is very weak since … [Read More...]


(Natural News) A Trump campaign lawsuit in the state of Michigan challenges ballots tabulated using Dominion Voting equipment on Election Day. (Article by Charlie Spiering republished from The lawsuit cites the well-publicized incident in Antrim County of a Dominion Voting machine mistakenly counting thousands of extra … [Read More...]


(Natural News) In January of this year, NBC reported on a team of election security experts who found almost 3 dozen US voting systems connected to the internet. The three largest voting manufacturing companies, including Dominion Voting Systems, have acknowledged they put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners so that election … [Read More...]


(Natural News) Joe Biden called an early lid on Nov. 11, probably because he is starting to realize that he is not the legitimate president-elect, despite media claims to the contrary. As the lawsuits move forward, and several states announce hand recounts of their ballots, the writing is already on the wall to suggest that President … [Read More...]


Reference Information

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