Monday, November 2, 2020

Highest Possible Outcome - Fortitude as a Way of Being - Mom's in Creation Mode! - Linda Dillon

Council of Love

Highest Possible Outcome

Fortitude as a Way of Being

Mom's in Creation Mode!

Linda Dillon

Tomorrow is election day in the US. With so very much at stake, not only for this nation but for the entire planet and beyond, we are being asked to step forward as the Mother's new species of human, as Nova Gaians, to direct our hearts and energies as one toward the vision of Nova Earth, built upon the foundation of the Divine Qualities: Prudence, Fortitude, Hope, Beauty, Joy, Compassion, Truth, Wisdom, Awe, Charity, Humility and Grace. It has long been the Mother's Plan that America would re-birth divinely ethical governance upon this planet and become the shining light, the beacon, the pattern for all forms of governance to follow. It is time this nation return to her rightful place in fulfillment of the Divine Plan.

And so I ask each of you to join with me and countless others in prayer and meditation - today, tomorrow and in the days ahead. Rather than ask for specifics, let's hold this entire country in a brilliant bubble of the most illuminated light and love, radiating all of the Divine Qualities. Let's embody these qualities within ourselves while praying for the highest and most benevolent outcome of this election. May we come together as the powerfully loving Creator Beings we are and hold sacred space for this ethical governance to be made manifest, in accordance with the highest good of all.

Fortitude as a Way of Being

Due to several factors, the election results may not become immediately apparent. In addition, cases of Co-vid are on the rise worldwide and the next wave of the Mother's Pause is in sight. So, my friends, let's talk about the blessing and virtue of Fortitude.

The COL describes Fortitude as “Courage in all forms, endurance, the ability to keep going forward when others cease and give up. The virtue of pathfinders. Strength of purpose. Stamina in all senses. Know that patience is a part of fortitude. Fortitude is the encompassing of forbearance, and forbearance is indeed a quality that requires patience. To continue going forward with stamina when you really feel like pushing the individual off the cliff; it will be required in working with 12:12 (the 12 levels of the 12 dimensions). The vibration is orange.”

Yeshua adds, “Fortitude is the ability, the stamina, the courage, the bravery to return to center. And it is the center not only of the heart of love, of Mother/Father/One, but to your center… and then to know that ‘the center’ and ‘your center’ have no differentiation.”

Universal Mother Mary tells us, “Fortitude is not a struggle; it is a strength. It is a way of being. Faith and Trust are not struggles, they are simply a form of existence that are the various reflections of love and joy. And so in this time of new beginnings, I ask of each of you, in your infinite wisdom which we respect and love and cherish, “What do you choose? What is your intention? What is your heart’s desires?”

She continues, “In this new chapter, this new realm of existence, there are still going to be incidents of chaos, but it is not internal; it is not something you are engaging in. You are the participant observer insofar as you send the purity of what is dear to you into those situations and you stand back and you watch them dissolve. This is the power of creation!”

Fortitude enables us to return to center – so we come from a place of strength rather than struggle. This is a key to maintaining balance, to remaining anchored in the love, the light and the truth of who we are. It is in returning, and surrendering, into our divinity that makes readily and abundantly available the fortitude – and indeed, all of the Blessings and Virtues – that are already woven into our original divine design.

And there are various ways to accomplish this, such as the quickie "fill-up" in which we open our crown chakras like the lid of a fuel tank and allow ourselves to be filled with the divine Grace that carries with it Fortitude and all of the B&Vs. It's fabulous - so be sure to give it a try!!

But Yeshua also points us to the Triad of Prayer, Meditation, and Ritual, as our consistent use of this 3-legged stool ensures that our sacred self is in regular communion with the Divine, recharging and refilling us. And when we do so, the strength and fortitude – along with all of the other B&Vs – are steadily ever-present there for us to tap into and bring forth as needed.

And as we refill ourselves with strength, endurance and fortitude, let's remember to also ask that all beings be filled with the same... creating a rising tide that will lift all boats. After all, there's truly no separation.

Mom's in Creation Mode!

In a recent channeled message to the 13th Octave class, Universal Mother Mary stated, ”The old is being swept away by a Tsunami of My Love that you have never witnessed before. I am in Creation Mode! And I am in creation mode with you... with your highest, lowest, human, earthling, star-being, angelic, seraphim self. I am you, and you are of Me.”

My friends, no doubt you are feeling and witnessing, as I am, the effects of these incredibly amplified energies that are designed to sweep away the old even while creating and birthing the new! And in perfect divine timing the Mother, the COL and I are offering the New You Webinar Class as the next step of our co-creation with you. This magnificent journey of remembrance and discovery begins on November 21st – and we so hope you'll join us!

With all my love, from my heart to yours,

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