Sunday, November 1, 2020

Continue to Practice Using Your Abilities ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Continue to Practice Using Your Abilities ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

continue to practice using your abiities - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

Continue to Practice Using Your Abilities ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have begun to explore some of the abilities that you will have once you are fully fifth dimensional, and you will get better at utilizing these abilities with practice. You cannot expect to master one of these abilities right away. They are no different than your musical instruments, or speaking a foreign language, or playing a sport. You get better with practice at all of those things, and your abilities are no exception. What we see many of you doing is giving up. You think it should be easier, and so you stop practicing.

Now let us be clear about which abilities we are speaking about. The easiest one for you to tap in to at this time is telepathy, but you don’t want to think of telepathy as you sending a thought to another person. You want to practice using telepathy by being of the same vibration as another person, and then you both know what the other one knows in that moment. Or you both receive the same download or inspired idea.

Telekinesis will be another fifth dimensional ability that you will have once you complete your shift, and some of you are finding that you are successful in being able to mentally a spoon, for example. This is a skill that has been demonstrated on many different occasions. But we recommend that you start with something less solid. Start with energy. Send energy to a different part of the room where you are, and then go to that part of the room and see if you can pick up on it.

Teleportation and time travel are abilities that are very far off from where you are now, and so even attempting to engage in them can be quite discouraging. Now, you will all be healers and channels as fifth dimensional beings. These are other areas where it is easy to give up because you don’t feel something right away or because you don’t speak for the beings that you want to connect with right away. But playing with the ability to move energy through you is one of the more satisfying experiences that you can have in the fourth dimension, and it is a very good way for you to create change in your world.

As we have recently said, change will happen within you first. You will feel the energetic shifts before you see the shifts in the physical realm, the physical realm being slower than the energetic one. It will also benefit you greatly having patience at this time, as we know many of you are ready for full e.t. contact and ready for the shift to be completed. But instead, you wait. You wait for your fellow humans to catch up, and while you are waiting, you might as well do something with all that time you have on your hands.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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