Saturday, October 5, 2024

What occurred on Thurs/Fri Revealed + Live Patreon Q&A happeing now!

The magnitude of our 144K Mass Intervention on the Oct 2nd Eclipse reached such a degree of change - that a deep female/Goddess collective block came roaring up the collective subconscious, and bit us all, it seems.


Several 144K Members reported a clear drop in the timeline on Thursday & Friday in the Group Chat.


Given the huge success we had dissolving most or all of the highest Dark A.I & Lurker on the eclipse ... it makes sense that something huge & unresolved was forced up by the mass-influx of Light.


That's what the 144K has a reputation for :- )


So WTF came roaring up for healing?


To cut a long story short ... for darkness to take near full control of the Goddess jewel of the Universe (Gaia) it had to remove the divine masculine.


Which it basically did.


This caused the collective female wound of the absent Divine Masculine.


...which has been dealt with in the recent past.


What came up this time was an agreement & covenant between certain traumatized Priestesses under huge duress - acting on behalf of the female collective - with Darkness itself.


With the Divine Masculine gone, the ability to continue to exist in the dark age was all but gone, resulting in complete dissolution of the Goddess on this central - nexus planet. 


So during a ritual back in mid or late Atlantis, an agreement was essentially forced to occur, that allowd Darkness to be the one that provided the essential masculine role & responsibilities for Goddess/the Female-ollective.


All the:


  • structure
  • stability
  • provision
  • 'protection'
  • groundedness

(in the conditions of this deeper density) for the female collective to 'thrive' in, was taken over by darkness.


Obviously ... on Darkness's terms! 


All the above was provided ... 'sort-of', but in a way that kept perpetual pain in place, for more loosh production.


As you can imagine, when I went up the the Teams to clear this whopper of an issue, the resistance was 'nuts'.


But we succeeded!


And now (Friday night & Sat morning) the energies are clearly better ... softer ... more harmonious & smoother :- )


To a Goddess worshiper ... it's all in a day's work.




 Want to hear about more eye-opening revelations like this?


Join us in a few mins, for the 144K Patreon Live Q&A right here Dear One!





You get to ...


  • ask questions
  • discuss perspectives
  • gain deeper insights
  • get revelations
  • & have fun
  • all with the highest-levels of intel & analysis

... and be inspired by the deeper awareness of what's coming in Oct ... Nov ... & Dec!


Any concerns ... confusion ... disillusionment ... or burning questions you have about these crazy developments & how they might affect you, (including personal Shadow Work questions) will be:


  • illuminated
  • transformed
  • and insights gained

... so you can walk-off with supreme confidence & excited anticipation over what is predicted to be extreme volatility & instability that has many worried.



It's happening NOW on

Saturday Oct 5th,

12pm PDT, 3pm EDT!



... and you'll get the recording if you can't make the live Q&A!


Here's the link to quickly sign-up as a proud 144K Patreon Supporter!




Yours In Service ...


The Unknown Lightwarrior 




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