Monday, October 14, 2024

Prime Creator Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

Prime Creator 🕊️🩷🌎🌠🌌🌠🌎🩷🕊️
My Beloved Children,
I am Father, Prime Creator and I am happy to be back. Today I am to give you a new information about your reality.
First, I want to remind everyone that there are no shortcuts in the Ascension Process. If you want to leave the 3D Matrix, you need to earn your entrance into a New 5D Earth by completing your spiritual responsibility. There are no such things as any formulas or rituals, that can speed up the process. You heard many messages from other sources, about on how the Ascension is going to happen. Nothing on what has been said so far came true, all of it was false information. When humanity will be ready, then we will disclose in detail, on how the transition will transpire in your world.
A while ago Mother Earth started to spin faster and faster, so she is slowly to moving away from her original location to a new location in the Milky Galaxy. We want your planet to relocate, as it’s too close to a big portal, through which daily fly billions of Galactic spaceships. Right now, your planet is unstable, because of the military conflicts you have around the globe at this moment, and also humanity is not ready to ascend yet. Divine has been changing the narrative without disclosing the details of your Ascension until the right time comes.
It was necessary for Divine to step into this process, as no progress was being made towards the transformation into 5D. You need to remove the Dark Controllers from their power positions to clear the pathway for the New Earth. Unfortunately, many of you still don’t accept and take seriously that daily silent meditations are extremely important for your spiritual development. We communicate to humanity in order to inform and educate everyone, on what is really happening on Gaia.
You need to become a savior for yourself and lead by example for others, who are looking for the Light. Now, when Divine stepped in, she is removing negative energies seated from millions of years, a deep cleansing has been occurring on Mother Earth. My Beloved Children, stay in positive thoughts and don’t let negativity to take over and control your life.
Many humans believe, that HAARP is being used to manipulate the weather around the world in a negative way, like creating hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, typhoons and tsunamis. That is not true at all, the Dark Ones build this facility in Alaska, United States, for a much more negative reason than that. They wanted use the technology in the HAARP building to study the different layers of atmosphere on Earth. The Negative Ones were trying to figure out, on how to completely remove oxygen in different parts of the globe.
They wanted to make countries on Mother Gaia to pay for having access to breathable air. If these Dark Controllers would have been successful in achieving their plan, every human on the planet would be walking and wearing oxygen tanks on their backs, just like scuba divers that use oxygen tanks to swim in oceans underwater. Human beings would have been paying money for every breath, they would be taking. Fortunately for humankind, their technology is too primitive to achieve this task, and Ashtar Command has also been interfering with their progress from the distance in their spacecrafts.
We also mentioned previously in one of our messages that the Sahara desert is turning green, not all of it has yet. Recently, in the western part of the Sahara desert in Morocco has been flooded with water from rain. This will help to start the transformation process of changing the desert in this region into a green vegetation. Divine is continuing to remove the Dark Souls from their physical bodies. Their dirty deeds are getting exposed daily. Your planet will continue to experience many challenges until Ascension happens.
My Beloved Children, please, focus on raising your vibrations with daily silent meditations. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please accept my Supreme Love.
Always Be In The Now
Prime Creator
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

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