Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Valerie Donner ❤️ 2024 October 2 Straight from the Heart

October 2, 2024

Valerie Donner
"Your Work, Love, Light and Prayers are making a profound difference on the Earth at this time!"

~ Valerie Donner


Dear Ground Crew:

Here's the latest from Apollo: “Greetings everyone. I pay special tribute to each of you today. I send you profound gratitude for your participation in the Ascension Process with the Earth. Much is coming to the forefront as I speak to you at this time. The circuits are active because so much energy is moving around. The truth is showing up and the dark ones can no longer hide. The discovery and the clearing of these negative energies is instrumental for the ascension of the Earth. Your freedom is our most important concern, along with the freedom of the Earth. They are of paramount importance. Please keep your blinkers on because you never know when you may need them. Whenever the energies are off, listen to your guidance, pay attention and do something about them. It could be the smallest thing, or it could be something very important where help is needed. The Ascension Process is about paying attention, listening to your inner guidance, making conscious choices, clearing away fear, and knowing that this is the time that you are stepping into your mastery. You will be discovering new aspects of yourself and your abilities. You will be listening to your heart and following it. As a part of the ground crew, you will find your power so use it. I am with you and I align with you to step into the next part of the Ascension Process on planet earth.”

How are you doing ground crew? Here’s a bit of my experience. Yesterday morning I started out by saying, "Well, what a night! What a day! What a planet!” Time is shifting and it feels like I might have missed some of it? I've been awake since early this morning. My body is talking to me fully. I find meditation and prayer are a necessity. Being in nature is healing. Eating well and sleeping the best you can, are helpful now even more than usual. Our sensitivities are higher and our tolerance levels are lower.

Today we are being bombarded with the solar eclipse. There are lunar effects, solar flares, Ascension symptoms and some erratic behavior. According to on October 1, “After several days of relative calm, the sun blasted an X flare late in the day. It was an X7.15 flare, the 26th largest flare since 1966.”

There is a lot to observe. Some people are seeing others looking “out of it” and rather ghostly. I'm not certain it's in preparation for Halloween? Have any of you noticed this? I don't know about your animals, but my cat's been acting strangely. She knows something is up. We always need to watch the animals.

To me, laughter is the best medicine and we need to use it frequently these days. When we can lighten up we raise our frequency and we help the Earth. 

Here's a poem I just wrote:

My Language

By Valerie Donner

My language is humor.

 I dare to make you laugh. 

Playing with words

 Is my craft.

Humor is healing. 

It takes away fears. 

 It brings in love 

So laugh until tears.

Take each hurdle,

 If you like.

 Wrap it with laughter.

 Release your strife.

Wiggle around words.

 See how fun they can be.

 Raise your frequency. 

Laugh and be free.

Make a funny sandwich

 With words silly spoken.

 Light up your life. 

Let the negative be broken.

It looks like October could be the “Red October” we have been hearing about for some time. We are probably in for some events that we've been told about. It appears these events could be about ready to occur.

What has happened here in the United States on the East Coast with hurricane Helene and the flooding in Asheville, North Carolina, Florida and other states is disastrous. Many earth changes are occurring. We are having seven unusual days here in the San Francisco Bay Area of 100° heat or higher. We need to pray, pray, pray. What the world needs now is love sweet love. Here’s the song from 1965:

We need music, music, music for our healing. 

Transmission from Lumina through Valerie Donner on October 2, 2024

Beloved ones, I am Lumina. I am responsible for the luminescence of creation. Today I want to add some light and luminescence to your world. I am working closely with our Creator to share the love that comes from the light. This is important work.

When your eyes meet the light it penetrates into your heart and reminds you of Home. The light is all encompassing and all understanding. It fills you with wonder and creativity. It prompts the magic. The plasma is self-directed and knows what to do. This is how luminescence works. It is infused with love and it is a powerful force that is building everywhere throughout creation.

The luminescence is a spectacle and is a part of everything. When you tap into it you will feel your connection with the Creator. It hastens your faculties in unimaginable ways. When you breathe in this light and feel it to the deepest core within, you will have reached a valuable point in your ascension.

It is helpful if you allow yourself to fully merge with the spectacle of light. It will take you to new places. It will fill your heart with love for creation and for your self. It is a privilege for me to be sharing this information with you. I will be taking you to depths of new understanding. I am committed to bringing you along into this world of light.

I ask you to feel into what I'm saying, and read it over again until you get a deeper sense of how Spirit and love penetrate every aspect of yourself. Meditate on this feeling. Use your breath and take this journey with me into the luminescence. Be all that you can be, and feel all that you can feel into the core of your being, your true essence.

You are loved beyond measure.This energy has been transmitted to you today. Please receive this illumination and let it show you the way.

A Transmission from Beloved Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner on October 2, 2024

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. As you know, I am working full-time with the Earth Council for the Earth’s ascension, which is close by.

We have been preparing for this miraculous time for the Earth and all of life to become free again. This is part of the Pleiadian mission to assist other planets with their Ascension Process.

We know you well because we have studied you and the Earth for a long time. We have built up many reserves to assist you more with your process. All of creation is here for you. What happens with the Earth affects all of creation and we are ready.

Those who are absent of light have been sent packing, or are on their way. The frequencies of the Earth have accelerated to the extent that those of lower vibration can no longer be sustained on the Earth.

Soon there will be much to be discovered. You will begin to understand more of the complexities of this process. You will see how important the Earth is and you understand more of your importance to this process. 

We are offering our assistance, along with many others, who are suffering from the negative forces’ resistance playing out on the Earth. Although it may seem dark and negative, all beautiful souls are being looked after and cared for everywhere the atrocities are happening.

Please stay in deep faith and use your spiritual gifts and abilities to assist. It is necessary that the truth be revealed in order for the Earth to be free again. Beautiful places like Lahaina, Hawaii and Asheville, North Carolina are examples of this. They are huge eye-opener's for the world.

You can use these times to create your new world within and in the Golden Age/ 5th dimension. Stay out of fear and be in love. Remember you will be living in joy, love, abundance, beauty, harmony with all good things.

I am Mira sending you love and healing.

Valerie's Transmissions for October 2024

I will be doing a transmission with Lumina on Wednesday, October 16 from 4:00 to 5:30 PM Pacific time.

The Master Djwal Khul, Thursday, October 10 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time.

Mother Mary and the Master St. Germain, Thursday, October 17 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time.

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, Thursday, October 24 from 5:00 to 6:30 PM Pacific time.

My classes are experiential and you are all invited. They are $33 each payable with PayPal: When you make the payment, I will send you the link.

Sessions with Valerie

I am a spiritual counselor, energy healer/reader, and intuitive who works deeply at the heart and soul level, with the energies of the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi, the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Rafael, and Michael, along with Lumina, Mira and other galactic's. We work with your team of Angels and Masters, etc. I've been doing this work for over 30 years and I have been meditating twice daily for over 40 years.

My rates are: $35 for 15 minutes

$70 for 30 minutes

$105 for 45 minutes

$140 for 60 minutes

You may call me at 925-287-8976 for an appointment or email me at:

In Conclusion

Change and ascension are upon us. We are being guided and assisted by our Creator and all of the Realms of Light.

We have been working diligently throughout many incarnations as ground crew to bring this about to free the Earth. The light has already won and anything contrary to that is not true. We are stable and steady, mighty and strong, along with being unstoppable.

We have got this!

Love and all good things.

In the light, 


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