Thursday, May 9, 2024

TWO REALITIES (THE WORSE THE BETTER) May 9, 2024 Father Absolute


dve-realnosti-chem-huzhe-tem-luchsheHello, my dear beloved children!

So, let's continue the conversation about how you can learn to transform low-vibrational thoughts and emotions that “live” in your third chakra and your emotional body into high-vibrational ones, thereby “moving” them to the sixth chakra.

If this is quite easy to do with loved ones and relatives, since you can directly monitor your interaction with them and correct your words and emotions in a timely manner, then on a global scale it is much more difficult to do.

By “globally” I mean anything that is beyond your control.

These are those events in your city, country and on the planet as a whole that occur regardless of your desire and, most often, contrary to your interests.

How, for example, can you calmly react to the criminal actions of corrupt officials, to the hybrid wars waged by globalists, to the transgender policy being implemented in many countries, to mandatory vaccination and much more that causes you to actively protest?

As a result, for many people, the third chakra literally “explodes” from the negative emotions accumulated in it, which are based on the inability to control the situation themselves and decide their own destiny, and the emotional body suffers from breakdowns caused by such negative energies as helplessness, hopelessness, fear of future, irritation, aggression, condemnation...

So how can you “remelt” your righteous anger, which carries low vibrational energies, into high vibrational energies?

And, most importantly, how can they rise to the level of the sixth chakra?

In fact, doing this is not as difficult as it seems.

And the expression so familiar to you can come to your aid: “The worse, the better.”

In this case, it is based on the understanding that the construction of a new world of the Fifth Dimension is possible only when the current world of the Third Dimension is completely destroyed and goes into oblivion.

And the sooner this happens, the better for everyone: both for those who are ready to make the Transition, and for those who will no longer be able to make it.

For the former, because they are energetically ready for this and perceive the theater of the absurd now unfolding on Earth as the inevitable last “breath” of the Dracoreptiles before their final departure from the world “stage.”

And for the second, the speedy completion of their journey on this planet can help them preserve the best that still remains in their souls, thereby easing their further fate in new incarnations.

Therefore, my dear ones, every time you are “covered by a wave” of indignation at the events taking place on Earth, try to perceive them as the last dirty “foam” that is washed ashore by “waves” artificially raised by representatives of the deep state, and which are called upon to finally cleanse “ water" of the Ocean of Love, in which you will soon live.

Thank these soulless creatures for finally showing the whole world their true essence, which they hid for so many centuries.

And everything they are doing now is only helping to awaken millions of people around the world, thereby accelerating the fall of the Dracoreptilians themselves and their minions in power.

“The abscess has matured” and is about to “break through”...

This is where we will stop today.

The Father Absolute, who loves you immensely, spoke to you

Accepted by Marta May 1, 2024

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