Monday, May 13, 2024

THE LAST MANIFESTATION OF DUALITY May 14, 2024 Intergalactic Confederation


poslednee-proyavlenie-dualnostiHello, dear Earthlings!

Our message today is addressed to those of you who have already fully realized the events taking place on Earth as the final phase of the existence of your planet as you know it.

This year will be a turning point for you in many respects, and primarily in the division of the world into two camps: one that will completely submit to the plans of the globalists, and the other that will follow the path of preserving traditional universal values.

And this latest manifestation of duality in your world will pave the boundary not only between the different worldviews of the inhabitants of your planet, but also between different dimensions.

This border will pass in the minds of people - in their consciousness, and each person will be forced to determine his own path: will he remain in the three-dimensional world or is he ready to go further along the unknown path leading him to a higher dimension.

Not everyone will be able to clearly formulate this for themselves, since not all inhabitants of the Earth know what a unique and fateful period of its development your planet is now entering.

Not everyone is familiar with such a concept as measurements, which are based on different levels of vibrations.

But every pure human Soul is able to intuitively grasp the difference between high and low vibrations, subconsciously reading the energy of people and events.

And now, when energies of the highest, hitherto unprecedented vibrations are coming to Earth, people’s intuition is increasing many times over.

It is this that becomes the main tool for people to recognize truth and lies, sincerity and hypocrisy, purity and falsehood.

And the higher your vibrations are now, the sooner you will move forward on the path of your spiritual development, which is currently decisive for every inhabitant of the Earth.

Why did we decide today to remind you of things that seem to be already well known to you?

First of all, because the moment of truth for each of you is approaching inexorably, and everyone will have to make their choice: to submit to the ruling elite, which, already aware of its defeat, is trying with all its might to impose its “agenda” on people, or, despite any difficulties and even threats, preserve your human dignity and defend your right to freedom to decide your own destiny.

The right to choose is the fundamental right of any living creature on Earth, and it is precisely this that the so-called “globalist elite”, which has seized power on your planet, is trying to deprive you of, legislating your dependence on it through various decrees and regulations.

Unfortunately, the majority of the Earth’s population did not pass the “strength test” either during the “pandemic” imposed on you, or during forced vaccination, or during the official adoption of transgender permissiveness and many other anti-human laws.

Therefore, everything on Earth was brought to the most critical point, when a person, in the name of his survival, is still forced to make his final choice, and not go with the flow, as he was accustomed to do throughout his life.

That is why your planet transitioned to the Fifth Dimension according to the worst and most tragic scenario, because most people turned out to be too inert, dependent, obedient, cowardly, indifferent, which your enslavers took full advantage of.

And now you have the last chance to awaken spiritually and physically in order to finally free yourself from the power of soulless and cruel creatures, which are the Dracoreptilians and Reptilians, who have led humanity to the brink of its complete degeneration.

And we believe that you can do it.

Representatives of the Intergalactic Confederation spoke with you

Accepted by Marta May 13, 2024

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