Saturday, May 11, 2024

Advanced Civilisations - Openhand

Dear Openhanders,

When we ditch the simulation that's currently encompassed the Earth, what could truly advanced civilisation be like like? I would say of the various Star Being Nations, the Andromedans have a lot to illuminate for humanity as we escape the simulation. Let's explore advanced possibility. <<< Open 馃檹




Inspiring Advanced Civilisation

My Dear Friends, this weekend we have several inbound solar flares which will not only impact the jetstreams with freaky weather in places, but they'll also likely activate soul, in those working to feel and integrate the elevation of vibration.
Check the latest news about the solar flares and working with the energy.

The Shift is accelerating all the while, which is clearly now exposing the depth of the simulation we've gotten embroiled within. I'm finding it so fulfilling in the Openhand work on retreat right now, because people are stripping off the simulation energies from their being like pulling away some transparent goo!

We're learning to live authentically, from resonant aspects of soul, that then create new possibilites and new landscapes around us, that are more rewarding, fulfilling and uplifting. There's a new vibrancy that people are feeling - a Resurrection of their full multidimensional divinity. It's simply breathtaking!

And then attention turns to: how can we live this way all the time? How can we live in harmony in truly advanced civilisation? That's where our Star Being brothers and sisters come in, like the Andromedans. To be clear, they can only start to work with you as you've stripped the vestiges of the simulation from your being - otherwise, the risk is, they'd be giving energy to the simulation! But as we clear inside, the connections across the ether become increasingly palpable - a part of your reality.

They're elucidating just how we can live at one with nature and technology - in a way that doesn't override or suppress nature. I find that immensely exciting.

I find this possibility for the New Paradigm generates a strong yearning at a soul level. If that happens for you, then simply inquire, "show me!" Then actively participate in the sense of creativity that infuses your being. Perhaps you'll paint, draw, knit or sew? Perhaps you'll write and make inspiring videos to share? Whatever it is, this new sense of beingness wants to speak into our intuitive creativity.

I find the Andromedans blend science so well with art - like in the Mandalas of the Tibetans, for example. What can that energy inspire in you?

Bright blessings
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Advanced Civilisation

Dear Openhanders, let's not wait for advanced civilisation to dawn in society - you'll be waiting to the cows don't come home! Instead, let's live it now. Let divine creativity infuse our lives and create from that new possibility. Then we'll be positively embodying the New Paradigm here and now!

Bright Blessings <<< Open 馃拵
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