Thursday, October 19, 2023

Return to the Pleiades! -

Our Return to the Pleiades

In this newsletter:

1. The next gathering of the Tribe of Light: “Our Return to the Pleiades”

2. “But what if I just don’t believe in all this alien/ ET/ Starseed stuff?”

3. A very special offer for attendees of the monthly Tribe of Light gatherings

4. Join Zingdad’s news channel
A jam packed newsletter, as you can see! 
1. The next gathering of the Tribe of Light: “Our Return to the Pleiades”
Starseed lore is replete with stories of the Pleiadian civilisation. UFO lore has many stories indicating that these tall, pale, blonde, “Nordic” humanoid aliens either visit Earth or have a permanent presence here, walking among us. Many of you have deep feelings and knowings about being a Pleiadian starseed yourself. But what does it mean to be a Pleiadian? How did people first arrive in the Pleiades?

At the next Full Moon Gathering of the Tribe of Light, I will continue the story of humanity’s ancient history in our galaxy. I will be sharing how the Lyran civilisation ended in a massive diaspora: Lyrans leaving in Lightships and dispersing across the galaxy. And then we’ll focus on the arrival in the Pleiades.

My dear Lisa will once again be leading a meditation to bring us emotional communion; feeling our essential compassionate oneness with each others’ pain. And from there I’ll lead a meditation in which you will be able to feel what it was to step out of a Lightship; to step out onto a new planet; to begin again anew. A new life in the Pleiades. Physically, what did that mean? But more importantly, what did it mean emotionally? It was an experience so deep and so profound that we, today, here on Earth ALL carry a little of that wounding.

Share with us in this experience and discover how we, together, can process that most ancient ur-trauma and feel the profound relief of becoming conscious of it, processing it and letting it go.

We will be doing work for the whole of galactic humanity in this session!

Catch up on replays of previous gatherings you might have missed and /or book your place at the next gathering here:

2. But what if I just don’t believe in the alien/ ET/ Starseed stuff?

I’m sure many of you are feeling this.

Many of you are drawn to my work for the unity-conscious spiritual philosophy espoused in works like Book 1 of The Ascension Papers and the Dreamer Awake seminar series. But perhaps the Adamu material is just not something you really resonate with. What then?

Well…. you are not alone! My dear Lisa feels just this way! And in the latest video in the “Conversations with Zingdad” series, Lisa asks precisely this question. And I answer it. In briefest terms, I tell her that this is perfectly okay!

But I think you’ll enjoy hearing the conversation anyway as it also addresses some important issues around “Truth versus story versus truthy story” and “belief versus knowing”.

Find this video conversation here:


3. A very special offer for attendees of the monthly Tribe of Light gatherings.
At the previous Full Moon Gathering of the Tribe of Light, I signalled my intention to gift my Tribe members with some very special offers. If you have attended any of the previous gatherings you can, therefore, expect a second mail from me this month inviting you to partake of a very special offer.
4. Join Zingdad’s news channel
I read the news so you don’t have to! :-)
Seriously though: For many years now, ever since Adamu began talking to me about the tumultuous times we are living in and preparing me for “events to come”, I have been somewhat fascinated by “the news”.

Under Adamu’s guidance (and even more so just listening to the resonances of my own heart) it has become abundantly clear to me that mainsream media news is pure propaganda and not to be trusted. It’s “programming” for the minds of the masses, used as a kind of mass hypnosis to control all who ingest it.

And so, for myself, I sift through a plethora of non-mainstream sources to find the stories that really do speak to the times we are living in.

More recently I have been trialling sharing the news stories that I find interesting and noteworthy on a new Telegram channel, humorously named, “Zing-goggles”. This is the stuff I see. If you’d like to see what I see, you are welcome to subscribe!

First get the Telegram app on your device. Either get it from the Play store (for Android devices) or from the Apple store (for iPhone and iPad).

Then join Zing-goggles with this link:

I greatly look forward to sharing the next gathering with you!

Until next time,
With love,

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