Sunday, October 15, 2023

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters Message # 12

Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters Message # 12

It is interesting that these Illuminati occult “fallen angels fake ascended masters contactee” “fallen angels fake aliens contactee” New Age Wicca witch hybrid demon spirits in cloned hybrid human-looking bodies like Laura Eisenhower, who believe the fallen angel channeling spirit guides’ Luciferian doctrine that all Christians need to be exterminated and God removed for humanity to evolve into hybrids like Laura Eisenhower, blames the Satanist President Harry Truman for her Satanist great grandfather President Dwight Eisenhower’s 1954 Greada treaty with the Draco reptilian chimera fake aliens’ avatar body grey alien robotoids, allowing for the abduction of millions of humans for child sex slavery, and human meat food supply, and “biochemical weapons against humans” experimental subjects, and organ DNA harvesting specimens, and mining slaves on other planets, in exchange for military technology, but she totally ignores the part about her great grandfather Dwight Eisenhower’s extermination of hundreds of thousands of people in his death camps. I assume she could not create an excuse for that or blame it on another person, so she just used the other issue to cover herself up. The Luciferian New Age video site Draco hybrid hosts are saying that she is a good person and they are covering up her lies, too, so from a criminal investigative deduction, they are part of the same group. This shows the ethical condition and morality of these “fake truth movement” Luciferian Satanist reptilian hybrid people that are demon-possessed by their fallen angel spirit guides. These are not benevolent “truth movement” “saviors & defenders of the world” witches as they make themselves look like with their fallen angels’ “soft disclosure New Age one-world religion better world tomorrow” propaganda brainwash and angelic spiritual enchantment dark demonic powers mind-control. They are very dark evil creatures with very dark evil agendas, and they are fully demon-possessed by the fallen angels that are controlling them like empty shell mouthpiece puppets. This is why Satan Lucifer does not continuously try to kill them and silence them every day. They do not cook them alive with CIA microwave oven weapons, or poison them with flesh-eating bacteria HIV biochemical weapons, or use their families’ brains to try to kill them, or attack with deep sleepiness attacks when they start saying or writing anything, or send assassins to try to shoot them in the head, or send demons all day long to try to kill them, or use the witches to try to kill them with heart attacks & stroke attacks. They are Satan Lucifer’s Luciferian assets. When their true nature “DID multiple personality disorder” werewolf vampire gargoyle Godzilla Medusa minotaur wraith true character and demonic nature and space fleet assassin mass murderer and killing machine genetic-programming and DNA shape-shifting is triggered by 5G frequencies, then they will start slaughtering people without any emotions, even though they are infiltrated into human society now as propagandists and cover-up agents and New Age Luciferian indoctrination misleaders into hell and savior heroes of humankind. Their behavior shows their true nature already. It is their true nature that is at the core of that person or entity in this case. These witch hybrid creatures are not benevolent as they make themselves to be by their mind-programming and fallen angel spirit that controls them, but they are very dark evil creatures. Be careful of them, and especially those who are infiltrated into the churches by the millions, without themselves even knowing who or what they are themselves. There is a huge massacre coming. If their great grandfather Satanists killed hundreds of thousands of humans, these nephilim great granddaughter witches will kill millions of humans when they transform. Their behavior gives them away.

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