Tuesday, October 18, 2022

MORNING MESSAGES - Greetings to my beloved Morning Message family-Oct 18, 2022 - My Personal Message - Message from the 'Team' A Divine Agent of Change Peggy Black and the 'team'


The 'team's new transmission, it is valuable and always free.

For those who are interested, this newsletter also
 provides information on upcoming events and special offers.

 FREE Hour with the 'team'  
October 31, 2022 GUIDANCE and GRATITUDE
(Links to free programs toward the end of this newsletter.)
Another FREE Hour with the 'team' November 2, 2022
It is the Wisdom Wednesday Program.

 Morning Messages book sets at a special price
in this newsletter. These make nice gifts.

Schedule your personal session with the 'team.' 
information about Code Gratitude $88 special below.
    (Code Gratitude offer for first session with 'team') 

Consider giving a session with the 'team' as a gift to a friend or loved one.
Greetings to my beloved Morning Message familyOct 18, 2022
 _______________________ My Personal Message____________________________

My holiday started off great; for a small fee I was able to upgrade to first class at the gate. I had an extremely wonderful time in Kauai with my daughter. One of her clients reads the Morning Messages and when this client discovered I was her mother. She offered her stunning home and swimming pool for our use. It was such a delight to swim in this infinity pool surrounded by the lushness of Kauai. What a delight and such a beautiful way to start my holiday. I was so grateful for this generous offer. One night we were invited to a women's gathering. It was so nice to meet her friends and clients.

As usual my daughter was busy with her elite vacation cleaning business, and was busy each day till noon. I rested and ended up reading five books total in the three weeks. We ate healthy foods, watched movies and rested the first and last week of the visit. The middle week we organized a huge garage sale. Her partner died five years ago and she was finally able to begin to clear his storage units. 

The sale was so big she rented twenty eight-foot tables and borrowed six tents. It was lots of work to price everything and he had so many books she offered them free to anyone interested (later she donated over 5 boxes). Friday and Saturday she had friends helping and both were successful days. Sunday however it did rain quickly and briefly four times. What a mess, quickly tarp everything, sun is out again, wipe everything down, furniture and other articles and again and again. 

Monday and Tuesday we both stayed flat most of the day, resting and reading. We finished the clean up and both had a delicious rewarding massage. She treated me to not one but two nice dinners out with yummy foods and Kauai finest. She took such good care of me in all the little ways that made me feel so loved.

It was so nice to come home again even though I miss her and was sad to leave. I certainly had a difficult time adjusting to the different weather, from warm all the time to foggy chilly Felton. After being gone these three weeks I had a big box of mail and many phone messages. I am just beginning to catch up my paper work and scheduling appointments. If you called or emailed for a session please be patient as I am still reaching out to everyone.

Here is an interview with my friend Cyndi Silva. Cyndi and I have worked together for many years. She started my Wisdom Wednesday program years ago. Here's the link to play our conversation on youtube,  https://youtu.be/UK1OvCF3cgs   Enjoy

Just inviting you to practice being grateful and seeing that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia is resolved. We can be grateful that there is peace in the minds and hearts of humanity. Continue to practice your heartfelt gratitude, your prayers and clear intentions that truly make a difference. Be grateful for the opportunity to activate the reality in which humans and nature are honored. We can be grateful for the partnership with beings of love and light blessing humanity with divine forgiveness, divine love and understanding.

Remember that everything you do or express, think or feel is affecting humanity, your entire hologame and the many parallel universes. Use your prayers and clear intentions as seeds of light planted in the fertile energy that is being offered. These cosmic moments offer the opportunity to activate all the very best that humanity can be.

Be aware of your true personal power in all matters. You are a multidimensional star being temporarily dwelling in your physical form.

I am home from vacation, ready and available for your personal session. The sessions are powerful and amazing in what is revealed and in the effective, simple tools the 'team' provides. They gently and lovingly stretch our consciousness. I am honored to be available to you in connecting with the 'team.' Please call and arrange your private appointment.

I feel so blessed to be supported by this wonderful conscious community. Your kind words, emails and generous bluesky donations are so appreciated. Thank you! You know who you are. It is so important that we own and acknowledge that we are a powerful community of conscious beings truly supporting the uplifting of our planet. We are making a difference. Together we will continue to envision a reality that is life sustaining for all.

I offer you blessings of grace and delightful joy. Peggy
______________________ Message from the 'Team' ______________________ 
A Divine Agent of Change
Peggy Black and the 'team'

We are here. We want to remind you of the importance of vibrating and maintaining the emotions of joy, gratitude and appreciation. These are challenging times upon your planet; as a change agent, a being of Light, you and all others will be most effective in bringing about transformation and change by holding a clear pure vibration.

It is important for your well-being, your health, and your ability to connect with your divine essence to recognize when you are vibrating at a low, dense, heavy emotion of fear, anger, sadness, frustration and worry, and to shift that reality as quickly as possible. Again we stress how important it is for you to make this shift in each moment.

The emotional state of the human is far more important than you have been taught. The emotions are frequencies, vibrations; they interact and interface with your reality. They are your points of attraction. There is beauty and complexity to the unit you call your body/mind/emotions/spirit. The emotions play a very important role in the well-being of the human. They are the indicators, your sign posts and your road map.

The physiology of the body responds to the vibrations of the emotions. When you radiate joy, happiness, gratitude, appreciation and love, the chemicals/hormones and all directives from the brain are expansive and opening. The very cells respond to your high positive emotions. You experience pleasant sensations throughout your entire being, your mind is clearer, your heart more open, your inner realms more expansive and your connection to the higher realms easier and smoother.

By contrast, when you experience fear, anger, frustration everything in the body/mind contracts; the cells, the organs are bathed with stress hormones and you reach a level of being closed off with defenses up. You as a being shut down when the vibrations are dense and heavy. Remember, when you are operating at the frequencies of these low, dense emotions, you are automatically plugged into the mass consciousness grid that matches these feelings.

Your planet is undergoing an evolutionary shift and the old dense energy, the dense heavy vibrations of fear, anger, and hopelessness are being pushed to the surface in all situations, from the individual to the collective. 

You can more easily be discouraged, swept away with the sense of being overwhelmed, and feelings of being powerless, because these dense emotions are the most familiar. They are the most prevalent vibrations on earth at this time. There is an addictive nature to these emotions. Remember that emotional vibrations are contagious. The body recognizes the chemical reaction within and this chemical reaction triggers the old mental programs, the old past experiences and the hurts. Every aspect of your system becomes engaged with all defenses activated.

When this occurs you are on automatic. You are easy to manipulate by your current events. You are linked to the mass grid/matrix of fear, anger, guilt, worry, frustration and a total feeling of failure. These emotions are holding the evaluation of your planet in a lock down. There are those individuals who take their power from generating these dense negative misqualified emotions. Do not feed them yours.

Your reality has many triggers, many traps, many landmines to switch off your higher more cohesive, unified vibrations and frequencies. Remember in this game of evolution, this game of transformation, the most valuable skill is the mastery of evoking, sustaining and maintaining high emotional vibrations and frequencies of joy, gratitude, appreciation as well as love. They are your power. Love being the purest and the highest frequency. However on your planet the word love is charged with issues and beliefs. This word love can act as a trigger for the dense emotions of fear, anger, frustration, guilt and sadness.

So we say to you at this time, maintain your joy, gratitude and appreciation. These frequencies will allow you to operate at your most receptive and clearest.  

When you begin to come out of this numb and unconscious state of mind, it can be extremely painful as you allow yourself to feel those vibrations that you have repressed all the fear, anger, sadness, guilt and loss. However what is happening to the mass consciousness on your planet at this time is that the minds and hearts of everyone are being bathed with unprecedented energy from the galaxy, from your very planets, your sun, moon and stars.

This energy is triggering the DNA codes, calling each individual to wake from their unconscious slumber and step fully into their magnificence as a being capable of transforming the denseness of the personal and collective fear. It is important for each being to train them self, to lift them self up into the higher emotional vibrations, to reach for feelings of joy, gratitude and appreciation. These emotions will be your life raft, your safety in times to come.

We encourage you, that no matter what, we repeat, that no matter what is happening in your outside world that you will be wise to maintain an open, expanded state of mind and body.

So we say dear one, return to the vibrations of the higher frequency as quickly as possible.

Over your years you have collected an impressive selection of exercises, processes, tools of consciousness, suggestions of visualization, breathing techniques and the use of intentional sounds to clear collective emotions of hatred, violence, and despair. We suggest you use these tools often and have them ever ready in an emergency. It is NOW your responsibility to transform and uplift these dense heavy emotions.

We encourage you this day to not allow yourself to feed your anger or frustration but to consciously make a shift to appreciation, gratitude and joy. Each individual is responsible for the emotions that they offer to the collective. The question to ask is are these emotions I am experiencing right now adding to the fear, anger and hopelessness or are they contributing to the uplifting of consciousness, my personal consciousness as well as that of the collective.

If you are not uplifting consciousness, if you are not enhancing and enriching consciousness, yours or the collective’s, do all that is within your power to shift your feelings. Work one vibration, one frequency, one thought and one emotion at a time.

Remember there is no one responsible for how you feel; it is your responsibility as a divine agent of change. Maintaining a high vibration will be a key to your connection and the connection that others will need to link up with. When the human is offering an energy field of joy, gratitude and appreciation they are open to divine guidance. Realize that by sustaining a matrix of these pure high vibrations love in its most divine form will gently embrace you. We embrace you. the 'team'
©2022 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited.  You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. www.morningmessages.com FREE 88 messages available
_______________________ Thought for the Month _______________________ 
"We encourage you this day to not allow yourself to feed your anger or frustration but to consciously make a shift to appreciation, gratitude and joy. Each individual is responsible for the emotions that they offer to the collective. The question to ask is are these emotions I am experiencing right now adding to the fear, anger and hopelessness or are they contributing to the uplifting of consciousness, my personal consciousness as well as that of the collective." the 'team'
_______ Upcoming Events, Tools and Offerings from the 'team'  _______ 
Here is information 
  about sessions with the 'team,' book sets, Andara crystals, webinars, 
free webcasts, Facebook and 'Bluesky' donations.

 _______Personal Channeled Transmission________
Receive incredible empowering information, 
supportive tools and the answers to your questions.
The 'team' offers clear, loving, humorous and expansive energy.
The Code Gratitude special of  $88
(One hour session with free mp3...energy exchange usually $111.00)
                 (Code Gratitude offer for first session with 'team')
Give me a call to set up an appointment for your own transmission with the 'team.'

You must mention the "Code Gratitude" special when you call for your appointment.
Phone my appointment line 831-335-3145 between 9:00-6:00 Pacific Time.
You can also e-mail your phone number and time zone to: apersonalmessage@aol.com
Please include your full name, address, phone number and email.
Testimonies about the transmissions and sessions:

"Dear Peggy, Thank you again for the session with you and the Team! The messages and guidance and your empathy when we talked afterwards help me so much, and I'm full of gratitude. Yesterday, I was also online enjoying your Wisdom Wednesday. It was wonderful. Thank you so much for everything you share with us. It is so precious. With all my love" Liselotte

"Thank you again so very much for the amazing session this week! Many thanks" Laura

(She has had a session monthly, since her first reading with the 'team' in 2014)

"I just wanted to tell you how awesome the reading was and much it has touched me and is helping me.  I was just blown away with what the Team shared with me that seemed right on and so healing! So just wanted you to know!  I can't wait to get another reading!   I have two friends who want to get one!!" Reenie 

"Thank YOU, Peggy! I am truly honored to have received the connection. I am looking forward to applying the wisdom to my life. The information was just what I needed to hear and be reminded of. Many blessings," Deja

_____  Archived Webinars Available on website  _____
______ Two Book Set Special $25.00 ______
Only in this newsletter are these books offered at this special price.
 Morning Messages "We Are Here" Transmissions
& Morning Messages Invitations

 The "MORNING MESSAGES" will support you to      
*Claim your power as a Multidimensional being.            
*Receive clearer guidance from your own celestial team.
*Transform all that is before you.
*Expect more miracles!

ORDER YOUR Signed Set Today for $25.00 plus s&h
Books may always be purchased separately on webite.
Include your name, address, phone and e-mail.
________________ Newest Book Set Special $30.00 ________________
Only in this newsletter are these books offered at this special price.
Each book offers forty-four transmissions that will shift your perceptions and certainly stretch your understanding of this reality. They weave a framework of words that can and will expand your awareness and consciousness in a simple, playful manner.

"Some people write to newspaper editors, some to their congressperson. Peggy and her 'team' have found a way to write letters to the world. Her Morning Messages are a great way to start your days, and will inspire you to find ways to help bring back balance, peace, and harmony to our world."  Nicki Scully is the author of eight books.

ORDER YOUR Signed SET TODAY for $30.00 plus s&h
Books may always be purchased separately on website.
Include your name, address, phone and e-mail.

_______________ Andara Crystals & Jewelry__________________

These rare, Monatomic Andara Crystals are like a multidimensional super computer. Andaras are quantum in every aspect. No matter the color or size, their vibrations and energy offers these benefits;

* creating a strong bridge between ethereal and physical dimension
* accelerating the spiritual process and expanding states of awareness
* unveiling inner world of sacred wisdom and insights
* increasing access to universal knowledge 
* activating the ability to channel
______________________Tele-webcast Information_______________________

Monthly Phone + web Simulcast
Free Hour with the 'team'Ask your personal question

 October 31, 2022

Title: Peggy Black Guidance and Gratitude October 2022
Time: Monday,  October 31st at 10:00 AM Pacific
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
Phone Number: (425) 440-5010
Pin Code:  753491# 

Title: Peggy Black Guidance and Gratitude November 2022
Time: Monday,  November 28th at 10:00 AM Pacific
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
Phone Number: (425) 440-5010
Pin Code:  753491# 

Title: Peggy Black Guidance and Gratitude December 2022
No program; Xmas holiday
Tele-webcast with Peggy and the 'team,' hosted by Tom Johnson
All information is on the website www.morningmessages.com on the telecast link.
This program is an opportunity for our community to discuss the latest transmission from the 'team.'
Title: Peggy Black Wisdom Wednesday November 2022
Time:   Wednesday November 2nd  at 12:00 PM Pacific
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
Number: (425) 440-5010
Pin Code: 753491
Title: Peggy Black Wisdom Wednesday December 2022
Time:   Wednesday December 7th  at 12:00 PM Pacific
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
Number: (425) 440-5010
Pin Code: 753491
The link to all free archived programs;
___________ Join me and the 'team' on Facebook ________
 Please join and invite your friends and together we will connect and support one
_____________________'Bluesky' Donation_______________________
To all those beloved supporters who continue to surprise me with their generous financial gifts, thank you so very much.  May your gifts multiply a thousand fold with grace and ease.

Donations are appreciated to help fund

*ongoing webcasts, website fees and posting messages to subscribers
*the expansion of messages from the 'team' on a global scale
*administration and new product development

Click to Donate  I am so thankful for your support.

I hold you in my prayers and send you my deep love and gratitude for our connection. You have truly enriched my life. Thank you each personally for your support and love. 

Blessings beyond measure, Peggy




Morning Messages P. O. Box 199 Felton, CA 95018

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