Thursday, February 17, 2022

How they are Stealing Your Spiritual Energy - Swami Satchidanand

How they are Stealing Your Spiritual Energy

Everyone is Already the victim of these Luciferian Implant Addiction Energy Blockage Viruses through the implantation of hundreds of implants in everybody's body!!

Remember, Sosan says, "One Complaint, One Energy Blockage, and Heaven and Earth are set Infinitely apart" - Sosan - From "Hsin Hsin Ming: The Book of Nothing" - The Enlightened Mind of Sosan, which can be found by anyone in touch with their Soul, On this site..

This is sabotage towards everything their soul wants to accomplish, leading to an eternal string of bad luck, poor health, low wealth, material and spiritual and unhappiness.

This is the reason why people are all slaves, "You are a slave Neo" and are kept barefoot and back on the Reservation.




Inner children are created by trauma during the life of a baby or child which then split off a personality which sabotages the main personality, the Soul infused personality. These inner children are like subconscious demons which heavily affect a persons choices, thoughts, emotions and activites. Like all energy blockages, Energy Enhancement heals inner children and integrates them back into the Soul.

Energy Enhancement gets you into the Zone using Ancient Effective Techniques which Actually Work!!.

Energy Enhancement Removes All Energy Blockages For Health, For Wealth, For Enlightenment.

Energy Enhancement is the Only Course teaching these Powerful and Effective Techniques

Energy Enhancement is the Only Solution


You can understand why all mention of these techniques - The Kundalini Key, the Grounding of Negative Energies, Alchemical VITRIOL, The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process, Infinite Energy Samadhi from the infinity of Chakras above the head - as part of the Meditational training have been consciously removed from the books and from all Traditional Meditations because all the best techniques have been removed by an Elite who hold Meditational Techniques as one of their main planks to Rule the World!!

Because control over meditation is the ultimate power on this World!!

Meditation techniques - designed to fail - have been dummed down and disparaged for 10,000 years so people have no defense. Everyone is implanted and become energy cows for the implanters. Learn the only defense - Energy Enhancement Meditation by video or live.




Implant Blockages are programmed to use Energy Connections between people which are naturally formed between every human being in order to drain their energies back to the person who implanted them, either in this lifetime or in any previous lifetime, no matter how far they are away.

We have seen in meditation that the implanters have thousands of energy connections coming to them from the thousands of people whom they vampirise, rather like a telephone exchange.

They manage to get so many connections by implanting people

who act as their helpers, their collaborators, their fellow Initiates, to implant people they meet. Any energetic psychic connection between the victim helper and the victim - the sacrifice - is channeled back to the original implanter.

Usually implant is implanted upon implant

as many people have already been implanted in previous lifetimes. These people already addicted and are easier to recognise by the helper/collaborator and to implant over the original implant. People have HUNDREDS of implants!!

There are many young ladies and young men who act as the helper/collaborator/minion of the implanter.

These many evolved helpers unconsciously even implant and vampirise their own children, the mothers and fathers sending the energy of their own children back to the original implanter.

The field of the dark side is sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Sex and drugs, to addict people to things which will burn their energy more quickly as they send their energy back to the implanter so they can burn out and be discarded early.



The Drug Addiction Implant Blockage Experience:  Energy Cords Steal the Energy by connecting to, Anchoring to, Implant Energy Blockages:

Thus the creation of Drug Addiction Implant blockages and Sex Addiction Implant Blockages.

Only with the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process can ALL Implant Blockages be removed.

Initiates involved in Sexual Tantra and Sexual Ritual are taught to steal energy from their ritual partners as a means of prolonging their life,

by stealing energy from their partners!

Initiates involved in Sexual Tantra and Sexual Ritual are taught to steal energy from their ritual partners but because no matter how high their degree if they do not know about Implant Addiction Energy Blockages, How to Create them, How to spread them about, How to gain energy from the victims - then they themselves are the victims!!

If you have not been informed about implant addiction blockages then you too are a slave

..a sacrificial slave whose death is the ultimate sacrifice to Satan.

Understand how they are stealing your Spiritual Energy

First they implant your base chakra with the Sexual Addiction Blockage.

Then they stimulate you and drain the spiritual energy of the stimulation, of the orgasm, of the pain, of the human sacrifice along energy cords into their Energy Reservoirs.

Draining the spiritual energy makes you tired and unable to orgasm.

Draining the spiritual energy stultifies the mind and kills you young.

Any agent who distributes the Sexual implants takes a tithe of the energy,

 but the major energy is taken by the person who makes the Sexual Implant Blockages.

The meditational technology to create Sexual Implant Blockages is ancient - more than 10,000 years old - which is why I say that meditation is the technology which runs the planet and only Energy Enhancement Meditation can save you from your fate.

All the rest, the Fake News, the Covids, the Wars, the False Flags, everything is a distraction to dum you down, keep you poor, keep you focussed on fluff, whilst the real rulers steal your energy, make you die young, whilst they prolong their lives on the blood of their human cattle!

This is the reason why people are all slaves, "You are a slave Neo" and are kept barefoot and back on the Reservation.




All about the Mind Virus, Colin Wilson's Mind Parasites, Wetiko, DEMONS, Energy Blockages, ARCHONS, ALLIES, INORGANIC BEINGS, THE FLYERS, MUD SHADOWS, THE FOREIGN INSTALLATION, Hyper Dimensional Entities, Predators, Energy Vampires, Mud Shadows






The Eight exercises/initiations of Energy Enhancement Level 1 have greatly helped me for the last week to establish a new energetic experiential spectrum, as well as the beginning of the elimination of a "1st layer" of subtle blockages (mud shadow coat around me, among other things), through the energies of kundalini coming from the higher chakras and the importance of the connection with the Earth's Core, Kundalini Chakra, for the transmutation of those blockages, and thank you from the bottom of the Heart for having the great openness and kindness to offer these initiations for free! My discipline of daily practice (pranayama, yoga and meditation) is now anchored with the sole purpose of rapidly receiving more influxes of higher energies from the Authentic Sovereign Divine Matrix of Energy Enhancement.

I appreciate your consideration of my present request for the Seven Step Process of Level 2 to Remove All my Energy Blockages, regardless of your final assessment of it, positive or negative! Your immense work and unique contribution to humanity is in itself an immeasurable Gift! My faith in my Divine Connection continually confirms to me after all these challenges and stripping that the Force and the Higher Will remain omni-present, and that a path towards the "next higher step" always ends up emerging despite the appearances of the moment!

Thank you for taking the initiative to request my attention through your email, I appreciate it!




The men and women are pigs project


Which bring us to Frozen, Disney’s latest hit franchise and an exemplary piece of propaganda. To start, those films were written and directed by Jennifer Lee, born Rebecchi, now Disney’s Chief Creative Officer. Rebecchi is a Jewish name – see here and here. It comes from the name Rebekah. Am I beating a dead horse yet? Previous attempts at Disney adaptations of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen were made by Harvey Fierstein, Dick Zondag, and Dave Goetz – all Jewish. Okay, now I’m beating a dead horse. Except that the horse won't die. You have to keep beating it, since—like the Phoenix—it keeps re-animating.

If you don’t know the Frozen plotline, I recommend you go and read it yourself over at Wikipedia. If you don’t have the patience for that, just read this quote from producer Peter Del Vecho:
For us the breakthrough came when we tried to give really human qualities to the Snow Queen. When we decided to make the Snow Queen Elsa and our protagonist Anna sisters, that gave a way to relate to the characters in a way that conveyed what each was going through and that would relate for today’s audiences. This film has a lot of complicated characters and complicated relationships in it. There are times when Elsa does villainous things but because you understand where it comes from, from this desire to defend herself, you can always relate to her.

The Snow Queen is the villain in the original story who traps children in her ice palace, but in Disney’s retelling, her evil actions – like subjecting her entire kingdom to eternal winter – are just emotional outbursts due to her “complicated” nature. It’s a tad more subtle than other Disney productions, but the message is the same: being an insufferable, self-absorbed brat is perfectly fine. Meanwhile, the real villain is Prince Hans from the Southern Isles*, who appears to be the typical Prince Charming but is actually seducing Anna in order to kill both sisters and take control of their kingdom. They’re inverting all the traditional roles. The evil queen becomes the heroine, while Prince Charming becomes the heartless traitor. If nothing else, watch the scene where Hans finally betrays Anna. Do you see how damaging this will be to young girls? They are being conditioned from an early age to distrust men, especially ones who appear most normal, caring, and intelligent.

It’s about splitting the sexes, and it works both ways. Girls now have as their role model, not Anna, but Elsa, the frigid (literally), independent, and misunderstood queen. Only by being this way can she protect herself from treacherous men. But men don’t want frigid women, so these stories are ruining the world for men as well. Boys are now going out into a world full of frigid girls. The moral of Frozen is supposedly that love is the only “magic” that can overcome a cold, hopeless world, but the storyline totally subverts this. Anna, the one who is desperate to love and be loved, is presented as gullible and weak, while Elsa is the one who demonstrates the climactic act of “true” love by hugging…her sister. In other words, little girls, real love is a gift for other women, not for men. It’s the perfect inversion of Snow White: The frigid woman holds all the power now, and Prince Charming is removed entirely, since he is no longer needed.

But at least they got the title right: Frozen. As in Frigid. I guess that title would have been too obvious.

There is no coincidence, everything is perfectly synchronized by our Higher Selves, including this email here and now!

The purpose of my present message is this:

To check first if there is a transcription in PDF format for level 2 (such as it exists for level 1), and check with you to access the information of level 2, if necessary and which would obviously suit your conditions.

Considering that you offer energy techniques that I feel to be highly effective and above all authentic, and considering the brief detail of my present situation described below, you will understand that my interest in quickly integrating these techniques is definitely very real, and frame perfectly with the flow of syncronicities experienced personally since last November, and responds to the current call of my Higher Forces!

I allow myself a brief introduction of my Presence simply in order to Ensure an open and authentic communication between you and me, in the eventuality of a relationship a little more concrete! As mentioned, powerful synchronicities are in place right now for those truly aligned in the cleared timelines of their Higher Self, and especially since last November.

The Why my current guidance to study most of your unique sharing and knowledge in this world through your websites! I can intuitively recognize when a Being is truly "illuminated", as your Presence generously transmits it to us! I myself received the blessing of Spiritual Awakening through Enlightenment on the night of December 25, 2007, in my lucky year 2007, if we consider the phenomenon in a linear perspective.

Now, my journey following this awakening was special because my enlightenment Suddenly "manifested", while I had NO notion/propensity to spirituality 6 months before this milestone event of 2007. It is a greatly transformative shock, when no conscious knowledge Is not yet acquired concerning this process of Awakening, and quickly triggers the stripping of the limiting ego structures, and especially in a context where my energy was fully invested in starting, building and developing a company, at a precarious period when I just graduated from University, thereby committing myself to a contractual relationship with several people. An important choice had to be made: to abandon everything that had just been undertaken to better understand what had just happened.

In other words, the years following 2007 (2008-2021) were more years of "dark night of the soul", research, revelations, purification, deep detachments at all levels, and finally acquisition of higher discernment: all symptoms related to the last processes of liberation prerequisite for the development of explicit Higher abilities.

Despite the acquisition of energetic foundations even so "liberating" at certain levels, these experiences of this process of purification took form in the Evolution of the too many paradigms of Luciferian false light/false Luciferian "ascension" that we find abundantly currently in the circles of Awakening and spirituality, and who subtly conceal their Energy Blockage "traps" such as the Implantation of Sexual Addiction Blockages to be transmuted as well. Including my participation in "Ascensional" initiations, which turned out to be only niches of Energy Blockage implantations of my astral fields in order to block the true emergence of my higher energies.

And among other experiences and learnings, not necessary to detail in this present email, unfortunately more or less truly aligned with authentic traditional teachings leading to the integral understanding of the process of Enlightenment and an adequate mastery of the body/mind/spirit complex, as proposed, for example, by the Yoga Teachings of Pantajali.


1. Book - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Satchidanand

Save your life with Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Meditation course.. Book One, Sutra One - "Here are complete Instructions on Enlightenment..."


The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali talks about Illumination as being Nirbija Samadhi. This word is a teaching as to what exactly enlightenment is. Nir means no, and Bija means seed. The seeds of desires which have not yet come to fruition. These Seeds are Energy Blockages. This is the Karma which is yet to come. And as it says in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "The Karma, the Pain, that is to come can be averted" - Book 2 Sutra 16. The removal of Energy Blockages, Grounding their Negative Karmic Mass, is an Energy Enhancement Process called, "Karma Cleaning" - The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3 of Energy Enhancement.

Each desire seed when watered can addict us to the desire it contains.

In the Yoga Sutras they talk of the method of roasting the seeds - removing the addiction, the slavery to your desires (When you slaver your saliva over something the desire drips out of your mouth) - so that the life they contain is extinguished, they can not germinate even with all the correct conditions, ever again to bring us to Painful Karma. And what roasts the seeds?

This is the concentration of the Light of the Soul in Samadhi, the next highest energy to the mind and there are higher energies still we can contact on the path of Energy Enhancement, as light is concentrated through a lens, as it is focused through the Brow Chakra, Ajna Chakra or through any of the chakras of which the Brow chakra is the Master - this is called Samyama...

Click Below..

Do you understand what is being said about the "Free Book - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Commentary by Satchidanand"?

Do you understand the depth of knowledge, the Quantum Leap of Understanding, the incisive nature, the complete change of comrehension displayed in just the talk above about the "Free Book - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Commentary by Satchidanand"? compared to the lack of penetration by the one thousand commentaries on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali prior to this incredible work by Satchidanand.

And how much more Knowledge is available In the Book!!

Satchidanand Just Cracked the Code!!

Satchidanand Just Released the Beast!!

Satchidanand gives for the First Time, "Complete Instructions on Enlightenment!!"

Click Below..

Ultimately, at this present stage of my evolution, I fully understand that these post-Enlightenment experiences since 2007, despite being uncomfortable and apparently Luciferian "off track/False Light" when fully brought into the Light of my True Consciousness and understood afterwards, were integral part of my Divine Destiny and embodied Soul contract to heal/purify my energy field, transmute "spiritual ego" karma, and thereby recognize and embody my True Unified Sovereign Presence, as organically intended by Creation.

"Every soul goes through the same stages of detachment, testing, purification through which ascended people pass"

Currently, I admit to having been aware for only 2 years about the distorted realities from the fallen Luciferian False Light/Ascension time-lines, and their Energy Blockage astral implant system for 3-4 years, without ever having been able to expand my psychic alertness to level that you Acquire naturally by the authentic practices of Energy Enhancement, and limiting me up to now only to certain practice/meditation incomplete in their foundations, unlike Energy Enhancement whose foundation rests on accessing an infinity of chakras above the head and an infinity of chakras below the base chakra.

This Luciferian False Light/Ascension time-lines, and their Energy Blockage astral implant system I was implanted with by the Luciferians still currently limits the true diffusion of my higher energies.

And indeed, I still "feel" the presence of these last blockages, despite my good energetic intention even so supported, and other energetic practices, by the presence of their energy blockage implanted chronic pain and until recently, the intrusive presence of certain distractive reflexes and bizarre dreams.

Also, I obviously do not doubt that my dormant potential "attracts" the attention of certain invisible forces that do not want me, of course as everybody down here, to access this full potential by stealing my spiritual energy.

I still have a VERY STRONG cognition of latent abilities to manifest "magically" without any effort, but still consider feeling the effect of being caught/limited in the "net" of Luciferian False Light/Ascension time-lines, and their Energy Blockage astral implant system. Again, I'll spare you unsolicited details regarding powerful manifestations and synchronicities that took place during the very first months following my awakening/enlightenment in 2007, where my strong cognition of my true abilities for rapid manifestation originally came from. My journey afterwards (2008-2021) "innocently/unconsciously" resulted in a detour into the niches of False Luciferian Light ... for the purpose of acquiring new apprentices and improved discernment in the end, despite the pitfalls! This is why 2022 is shaping up to be my final stage of Final Integration!

Now, the Energy Enhancement Initiations information you share in the Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course is absolutely unique and illuminating in this regard, and as mentioned in the intro to my present message, this email is perfectly synchronized with the times-lines of our respective Higher Selves.


The Eight exercises/initiations of Energy Enhancement Level 1 have greatly helped me for the last week only to establish a new energetic experiential spectrum, as well as the beginning of the elimination of a "1st layer" of subtle blockages (mud shadow coat around me, among other things), through the energies of kundalini coming from the higher chakras and the importance of the connection with the Earth's Core, Kundalini Chakra, for the transmutation of those blockages, and thank you from the bottom of the Heart for having the great openness and kindness to offer these initiations for free! My discipline of daily practice (pranayama, yoga and meditation) is now anchored with the sole purpose of rapidly receiving more influxes of higher energies from the Authentic Sovereign Divine Matrix of Energy Enhancement.

I appreciate your consideration of my present request for the Seven Step Process of Level 2 to Remove All my Energy Blockages, regardless of your final assessment of it, positive or negative! Your immense work and unique contribution to humanity is in itself an immeasurable Gift! My faith in my Divine Connection continually confirms to me after all these challenges and stripping that the Force and the Higher Will remain omni-present, and that a path towards the "next higher step" always ends up emerging despite the appearances of the moment!

With all my gratitude, I thank you in advance for taking the time to read this email!



The Solution?


Solution? - ONLY The Science of Energy Enhancement Meditation can Heal the Problems of this World - Which will increase the only thing you can take with you - Lifetime to Lifetime - when you die..



With the Energy Enhancement Kundalini Kriyas, VITRIOL, Samadhi, Samyama, the removal of Energy Blockages, Implant Blockages, Energy Connections and Cords.


Just by meditation and energy blockage removal, you can find the truth for yourself, increase your energy, access incredible quantities of Kundalini Energy, become Enlightened.

And that's the only way, I think, you can actually make a practical, actually practical indication of how we might be able to save humanity from its degenerate Satanic predators.





Satchi explained that if we had the power to heal our own blockages, we also had the power to heal the blockages of others. The power to do this comes from an integration of the body, emotions, mind and spirit created through the Core Energy Techniques of Energy Enhancement within the Energy Enhancement Buddhafield.

Satchi explained that the higher levels of Energy which create the Energy Enhancement Buddhafield and the Energy momentum to heal the students and raise their Energy Levels so that they can do likewise came from His connection with his teachers, Zen Master Hogen from Japan, Swami Satchidananda from Yogaville in the USA but previously a disciple, a Yogiraj, of Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh.

" There is a transmission of Energy from Master to Disciple which occurs in silence. The preparation for this is the student's responsibility but the Energy always finds its place. It is the Energy of Initiation, which confirms the student in his enlightenment, but before this Initiation, "you need to be there before you can stay there"".

Indeed, many people go searching for Integration and Enlightenment from technique to technique and teacher to teacher whereas a true student can learn anywhere. We need to increase that studentness within ourselves. We need to learn to be a true student. The ability to learn. The ability to ask. The ability to receive.

One lack of respect for the teachings. One negative word, ONE BLOCKAGE, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart. One negative word can destroy the silence of a moment.


Swami Satchidananda talked of the time when Swami Sivananda of Rishiketh died and of the Energy Initiation, which came to him at that time even though he was in Celon and Sivananda was dying in Rishikesh. He felt that some of Sivananda's fire had been sent to him, given to him, transmitted to him, at that time.

Each Spiritual Master is a gift from existence, working in his own personal individual way to express his gift, his way, his energy channeled from the universe itself. They are individuals with strong personalities, "Personages!!" unselfishly aiming their lives at the benefit of humanity, the world and the Universe.

Even the intellect gets confused because the intelligent energy of existence, above the intellect, is the guiding force and initiator. Each spiritual master is as different from the others as a rose is different from a lily.

Just smell the perfume. Are they not the flowers of the Universe itself?

As Jallaluddin Rumi said around 1200AD, " Take what is in my hand! ' "

Satchidanand explained that these energy initiations had come to him also.

He had the last and his only interview with Sri Yogendra of Bombay. Sri Yogendra died that same night saying that at the age of 96, it was difficult for him to hold in his energy. And this from a man who in his prime they used to put in darkened rooms where people used to go to see the blue prana, bioenergy, rushing blue over the surface of his body.

In the interview, Satchi said he could only sit at the masters feet and say nothing.

Yogendra glanced at him and he was drawn to sit. Rooted to the spot. Yogendra talked of the time he was in New York, healing the children of millionaires. It was there in the 1930s where he gained the money to build his ashram in Bombay, "They used to appreciate me there and gave me a black stallion to ride around on in Central park." Satchi heard him say at the end of the interview that the people of England had good hearts.

And then afterwards the energy.. Sent to him by Yogendra, which he was given during the interview.


Up and Down.

Down and Up.

From Heaven to Earth and Earth to Heaven.


With great noise for 24 hours!!

Sri Yogendra chose to die that night!

He Died Consciously.

He attained his Mahasamadhi.

Satchi attended the last Satsang with OSHO. During the Satsang, Satchi had the experience of seeing Osho's aura. Satchi's mind just stopped, during the satsang when Nivedano hit the drum. As it stopped he saw the physical aura of Osho, Yellow, Black and horrible just one inch away from his skin, I suppose this is what killed him, Satchi said.

But then the spiritual aura came out, white and filled with light up to 10 feet away from Osho and then Whoof!! It spread out over the whole of the Buddhahall and filled it with white light. Satchi said he just sat there, tears falling down his face for what seemed forever.

Osho died 2 days later.

And then at the "Satchidananda" Ashram of the Bendictine Father Bede Griffiths on the banks of the River Cauvery in Tamil Nadu in Southern India. more energy phenomena. Father Bede, a famous monk who exemplified the urge of the Benedicines to Ecuminise, to explore the Energies of the Hindu Religion, had his first heart attack 2 days later at the age of 96 and died 3 months later.

And then 2 days before Swami Satchidananda died at the untimely age of 89

Satchidanand felt the transmission of Energy from his Master. Filled with white light for 3 days in a row, in the middle of the night for hours, unable to sleep.

" Masters take no heed of which religion they are born into. They become channels for the light despite, or rather because of, the general low energy level of the world and its corruption and mixedness. It is their job to raise the energy of their students and of the world in the few short days before they leave this planet. To leave it a better place than when they came. "

As I leave after a couple of days in the company of Devi Dhyani and Satchidanand I look forward to my future training with them Learning Energy Enhancement Levels One, The Connection with Energy!! Energy Enhancement Level Two, The removal of Blockages and Energy Enhancement Level Three, the Mastery of Relationships and the Psychic Sexual Energy Connection, this August


Bad luck and trouble are my only friend.

I've been down ever since I was ten.

Born under a Bad sign.

I've been down ever since I could crawl.

If I didn't have bad luck.

I wouldn't have no luck at all!

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