Monday, September 14, 2020


Due to the impact of COVID-19, private one-hour sessions with Dr. Suzanne Lie & The Arcturians are currently down to $100. 
What would you like to talk about?
Get a head start on your personal mission and connect with the Arcturians. 

Book today! Please e-mail Sue at:
Something new is coming in, 
That's free of guilt and free of sin

The guilt that once did rule your life 
filled you all with fear and strife

But..what if you knew 
what would come true

In the now of here, 
when there is no fear

"No fear at last!"
You hear you shout

As now you know
What it is about

Fear within and high above
Was blinding you from seeing love

But, first the love must be within
So it an clean up all the sin

But "What is Sin?"
You ask above

Sin is the opposite
of True LOVE

Love and light
Can conquer strife

Strife was just a lovely song 
That somehow had gone very wrong

"Gone wrong?" 
you ask your Inner Self

"Oh Yes," says the you
Who does not know quite what to do

"What will I do?"
You ask your Self

"Just put this fear
Up on a shelf"

This "shelf," of corse
is deep inside

Looking for 
a place to hide

"Why do I hide?"
You ask your self.

"And, what did I hide
up on that shelf?"

"It need not hide!"
You must confess.

It only needed
Time to rest.

Within that "rest"
You can look inside

Above your fear
and within you pride

"But pride is bad,"
you think your learned

Or was it something
to be returned.

Pride is what you give your self
And can't be placed up on a shelf

But, if that is true
then answer why

When you see that shelf
it makes you cry?

You think that crying
means that your bad...

But, inside your crying
because you're sad

You are sad because, the YOU you are
 is waiting for your own true Star

This "Star" is our Ship
you know remember

And, you were the recruiter
and the sender

It was then that you
opened up your heart

And KNEW your real life
Could NOW start!

But, will the life that you have known
leave you feeling all alone?

Alone inside your "Inner SELF"
the "you" who is waiting on that Higher Shelf

Is this "Shelf" a grand illusion?
That YOU created while lost in confusion?

But, now you wonder
 just who you are?

Were you born on Earth
Or did you come from a Star?

The "Star" you thought
was just a dream

Turned out to be more,
then it might seem.

Then, before you could remember
You knew that "YOU" were the true sender

The sender of the LIGHT and LOVE
That trickles down from up above

Then, within that NOW
you did remember

YOU are the Giver!
YOU are the Sender!

But, who and what
do you give away?

As now you know
it will return some day!!

And then wherever, you may be
you will know that you are always free 

In fact the YOU
that you could not see

Is ready Now
to be set FREE

This Inner SELF 
that you can"t see

Is your Higher SELF
who will set FREE

Then your Higher SELF
can easily SEE

The ONE that you have
Come to BE

You came from a STAR
from high above

To enter to Earth
To spread more LOVE

And now you know
your life can show

That the YOU, you are
Came from a Star!

(And/or a Star Ship!)

Please find all Sue Lie's Published books at: 

Due to the impact of COVID-19, private one-hour sessions with Dr. Suzanne Lie & The Arcturians are currently down to $100. 

What would you like to talk about?
Get a head start on your personal mission and connect with the Arcturians. 

Book today! Please e-mail Sue at:

Please stay tuned into our next Webinar, which is upcoming soon!

Preparing for First Contact
Landing in a Frequency
Near You
"Being an agent is not about what you do. It is about who you are. When you are an agent for the Arcturian's, or the Pleiadian's, or any other members of your galactic or angelic family, you are “on call for active duty!”

“On call for active duty” means that you walk your talk and do what you hear inside your higher states of consciousness.

Not available in your country? Try here
Sue's Teachings!
Be An Agent of Change

What does it mean to be an agent of change? Join us as we learn how to embody this intention as we begin anew with renewed focus and intention. (Previously Recorded Event)

Being Emissaries
of Light

We embody the shifts into the unknown within this NOW so we can serve as role models and guide those who are ready.
  • Two full webinar recordings (3 hours of audio MP3)
  • Article: Releasing Illusion to Be Emissaries of Light
  • Transmutation Worksheet
  • Study Questions: Releasing Illusion
  • Video: Being Emissaries of Light
  • Video: It Is the NOW to Release Illusion
  • Self-study format of recorded events

BONUS! Bundle & Save
Purchase the recordings of Preparing for First Contact Episodes I & II for a discounted bundle price.

"The time has come! Join us for these one-of-a kind conversations as we discuss ways in which we plan to prepare others for first contact."

Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. |

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