Saturday, September 12, 2020

FREE Workshop Series with Elizabeth Wilcock

FREE Workshop Series with Elizabeth Wilcock



David here with some good news and a special invitation.

It is truly staggering to witness the fulfillment of prophecies I have studied, compiled and in some cases received and published.

We are all running through a very convincing “End of the World” sequence in the mass consciousness… so much so that people are joking about it with a defeatist tone.

The prophecies did not say this sequence would end in disaster, ruin and pain.

Instead, they very clearly indicated that this event sequence would trigger a mass, public awakening.

We, the People are no longer afraid of the monster under the bed.

You can look down there, and frankly it is truly disgusting, but accepting its existence is a very good first step of healing. And we are all being led through that.

The ‘monster’ has completely lost its one and only true weapon:


Many outmoded patriarchal structures are collapsing away at record speed – before our very eyes.

The process is immensely captivating, the greatest movie-in-real-life ever told… and the next few months should be pivotal.

That is an adventure that we have yet to uncover, and we will all do so as a unit.

Let’s say that our planet goes through an amazing mass revelation and “Global Televised Sit-Down” about how bad things really were all along.

Once we find ourselves there – and it may be sooner than we think – we will immediately begin asking, What’s next? How do we re-build from this? Can we prepare for these sorts of ‘unexpected’ calamities ahead of time?

Elizabeth, Dannion and I provided captivating answers to these questions in our two big launches this year: The Great Awakening and Ascension: Path of Light.

For the past few weeks, I have been taking a much-needed rest after 25 years in this battle. I have been seeking and finding new inspiration, and am just about ready to go live once again.

There are new energies coming in, and it is important that we meet them with an empowered sprit. As certain structures crumble, we need healthy and loving ones in harmony with the earth and the divine to replace them.

AND that brings me to my lovely wife Elizabeth.

When I met Elizabeth years back, I knew right away that there was something different about her. One of the things we had in common was our intensive study of Shaolin Kung Fu.

Not many women have gone to the lengths that she has to study the sacred masculine arts. She also trekked up the Andes Mountains, traversed the Jungles of Peru, and sat at the feet of many male shamans and master teachers...

All to unlock the warrior codes which are part of the medicine she carries in this lifetime.

Now what’s different about her Priestess Path Lineages of Light as it’s called… is that it marries this sacred warrior energy with the sacred feminine and divine energy.

When these energies come together, I can say from experience, there is a beneficial, transforming effect on the environment.

Elizabeth is here to gather women who feel called to the sacred path and support them to create sanctuaries of beauty and love — women who truly desire to be a blessing.

Her Free Online Workshop Series: Voyage Into the Personal Power of Your Soul is about to go live. If you are a woman ready to empower your sacred dreams, then I would not want you to miss this! You can register free right here.

In the FREE Workshop Series Elizabeth will share some empowering gifts with you, such as:

  • Why women’s power was taken away, and how you can take it back (both personally and collectively)
  • How women are rising up to establish a beautiful world that's respectful, loving, and connected (the world we see in our dreams)
  • How to discover unshakeable confidence inside yourself, and unwrap your soul gift
  • Being witnessed & held in sacred support
  • How to active the “Priestess-Warrior-Queen” within you

Elizabeth has taught me so much and I sure hope you take this rare opportunity to sit with her and share some restorative time together, which is so needed right now!

You can join her FREE 3-Part Video Workshop right here!

In light,

David Wilcock

P.S. When women begin to step into their power, there’s some outside forces (and inner ones too) that rise up to stop it. Elizabeth’s video series will support you to move through those blocks and walk confidently on your sacred path.

If you’re ready to rise up in your power, for the benefit of all beings - let’s get you registered free!

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