Friday, December 6, 2024

Endgame 2025 – Your Survival Guide for the Final Act - 12/04/2024 by EraOfLight

“A fully-unblocked, source-aligned human being could very easily liberate the entirety of planet Earth, and single-handedly at that.”   


Do remember R’Kok’s golden words as you read the words that follow; for this is without question the most important article that you’ll ever read (or need) prior to the time of the great changeover, aka the great awakening. In fact, you might even want to get it printed and posted on your wall, no joke. Or save it (for future use) so that you may be able to share it eventually with all awakening folks who seek support and guidance from you, as and when the storm picks pace. For indeed shall all of you (reading this) experience the transition from the old world into the new world within the year 2025 (in particular) and beyond. Of course, said changes will still continue thereafter; but you’ll have a helluva lot easier life by then. But until then, you’re nevertheless going to need at least some time to actually prepare and practice for what’s ultimately about to occur, and the ways of actually adjusting and dealing with such. Which is where this whole handy little toolkit of sorts comes in. Practice does indeed make perfect after all. So, and without any further ado, let’s just go kick this little lightship of ours right into orbit now, shall we?   
Note: This article may well be something of a long read. But it’s also worth every single minute of yours invested in reading it! Enjoy! 😉😉   
Question 1: So, what all is even about to happen, exactly?   
Answer 1: The complete and total exposure and downfall (and eventually, overhaul) of all systems of corruption and enslavement upon this entire planet. Be they political, educational, commercial, entertainment-related, media-related or healthcare-related. Basically, everything that represents disempowerment via fear, hate, greed, anger, violence, abuse and deceit is going away for good; only to be replaced entirely by love, peace, wisdom, abundance, kindness, healing, magic, and all things good!   
Question 2: And how exactly is that even going to be made possible?   
Answer 2: Without getting into excruciatingly detailed scenarios specific to each timeline (of which there are way too many to even count); I’ll only be describing here the general idea of what’s most likely to occur within the lives of those who come across this particular article; of this particular ‘timeline frequency range’, to be specific. Because, unless someone reading this somehow makes a drastic frequency alteration (which is somewhat rare); they will indeed experience the “basics” of what I’m about to lay down for ya’ll below. In any case (and as always); use your own discernment here. If any information contained herein does not resonate with you, then know that it is simply not for you, at this time. The end.
Question 3: Alright; so what’s this particular article even about, then?
Answer 3: Excellent question. So allow me to elaborate. In a nutshell, most people reading this are going to be lightworkers, wanderers, starseeds, lightwarriors, wayshowers, lighthouses, indigo children, crystal children, rainbow children, lightbearers, blue rays, galactic volunteers and spiritually advanced masters and the like; who all have been chosen (and have themselves chosen) to assist planet Earth very specifically during the times to come (very, very shortly). Like, it’s literally the core of their very life missions, in all earnest. The very reason each and every single one of you — the ‘strongest of the strong’ and the ‘bravest of the brave’ — even incarnated in here to begin with. For fulfilling this specific part of the mission was not only the very greatest honour bestowed upon you (and not given to countless others); but also was this something that you yourself wanted to do above and beyond all else! In other words, not only were you selected for this job by some of the highest (and most wise, intelligent and competent) universal councils out there (and also source creator no less); but also did you quite literally, choose this willingly! The word ‘willingly’ being key here.
And therefore, the following article will give you all of the tools and techniques (that you’ll ever really need) to make this mission an utterly resounding success! 🙂
Now, it is highly recommended here that you start practicing whichever techniques resonate with you starting this very day.   
So that by the time the storm hits (the first gusts of which are already here); you’ll be more than ready to take it all head-on, much like Batman with prep-time.   
Ain’t no force as unbeatable as a Batman with prep-time.   
So now, and without any further ado; let’s all just dive right into it! (intuit!) 😉   
TECHNIQUE 10: Stay light years ahead of all fear, forever.   
One can only ever fear that which they do not know. Because their (ego) mind is simply unable to fill up those blank spots, those empty spaces. And that is why your mind hates all things blank spaces” and “dark voids”. For it equates those with literal death for some reason (even though such is absolutely not the case). For aren’t some of those very states and ‘samadhi’ experiences sought out by spiritual seekers of the very highest order? Through meditation and prayer and whatnot?   
Hell, think of absolutely any major negative experiences that you’ve ever had. If any of those unfortunately came to haunt you once more, wouldn’t you – by the very virtue of having faced it once before  at the very least be able to tackle it at least somewhat better than your last time? You’re a human being, after all. One of the mightiest beings to have ever existed across the very vastness of creation itself. Mighty enough to adapt and to evolve. To plan and to solve. To learn and to innovate. To respond and to recover. To dismantle challenges creatively, resourcefully, ingeniously and utterly inventively. To surf the very spectrum of duality – from the darkest of the dark to the lightest of the light – and in mere moments at that! As mighty as a goddamn phoenix, and those goddamned phoenixes do indeed resurrect…every, single, time!   
You – each and every single one of you reading this – are some of the most brave and gifted children of source creator aka God. Likely the mightiest creator gods to have ever walked this stunning creation of source, to be even more specific here.
About time you used that indomitable might of yours to your very greatest advantage, here.   
Well, take out some time this week to rapidly go through all imaginable “fear scenarios” that could possibly unfold out there during this time (within the space that you refer to as your ‘imagination’). And yet, this time you must do so as a fully empowered (i.e. Superman-like) version of you. And by that I mean the version of you which is ALL power, and NO fear. The one who is so very powerful and god-like in their ways, that tackling a “bad day / bad week / bad month” is but a silly little cakewalk for them. In other words, you tackle said situations (within your imagination) as your higher self or your god self. The one that can be deterred by absolutely nothing and no one. The one who knows no fear and no weakness. The one who is, indeed, the strongest of the strong. That is, none other than you yourself reading this right now!   
All who are reading this can now recall and re-connect with that indestructible, unstoppable and un-beatable aspect of themselves. Their wizard and their witch selves. Their master selves and their magician selves. Their superman selves and their wonder woman selves. The one who is indeed YOU, after all. All those endless (and ever-ongoing) life problems, attacks, darkness, sadness, misery, rage and whatnot; and yet, you’re still HERE reading this!   
And with that powerful reminder, I rest my case here.   
So go be that version of you once more, and take a quick trip down “fear lane” (in your mind / imagination), if you will. Because think about it for a sec; what’s the worst that could even happen? Death and disaster? War and famine? Missiles flying and fireballs shooting across the very skies? Thunderstorms and earthquakes and Tsunamis and mid-air baby deliveries? Civil unrest, pandemics and lockdowns? Zombie apocalypses? Immigrant riots? A full-fledged toilet paper crisis? What else are you even afraid of, really?   
And let’s get some FACTS right: YOU’RE ultimately “afraid” of NO-THING and NO-BODY.   
You know it. know it. And all of those folks who are currently representing “darkness” know it even MORE SO.   
Hell, THEY probably have MORE faith in YOUR power than perhaps YOU even do.   
Or they simply wouldn’t have even bothered putting their best of best resources to stop, pause, derail, hijack and even eliminate you. (And, as most of you reading this know all too well by now; attempting to assassinate their very problems away is something of a second nature to them, if you get my gist here).
Too bad they never EVER really stood even the slightest bit of a chance against you.
After all, you are indeed an awakened embodiment of god, and protected by god at that.   
What chance did they even have here?   
Even the very idea of “fooling about” with you was (and still remains) foolish beyond all imagining.   
So quickly go through any and all (potential “worst case”) scenarios that are currently putting you into a state of fear; and do so as your higher self or Superman-version (as choose to refer to it) by walking through those scenarios knowing not only that you are utterly protected, but also that you are utterly powerful beyond all measure!) And before someone says “But wait, won’t doing such a thing actually manifest such events or something?” The answer is NO. Because A. You’re still visualizing these things from a (higher vibrational) place of empowerment and peace; and NOT one of fear or anxiety. And you can only ever get a reflection of your VIBRATION, and NOT what you merely “visualize”.   
And B. Regardless of that part, I nevertheless asked you to do so quickly, and to get it done and over with soon. And that’s despite the fact that you’re at exactly ZERO RISK here. Nonetheless, I’m still adding in an extra (precautionary) layer of safety and security here (to this exercise) by reminding you to not do this for days on end or whatever. So, just go list down all of your fear scenarios; take some time off; and then, play them all out in your very mind, as witnessed through the eyes of your highest, most powerful self. And finally, once you’re truly and deeply certain that there’s nothing left anymore to ever really be “afraid” of; that you can then move on towards doing some higher and brighter and better things, (hopefully!!)
*Note: I myself literally went through all of the very darkest potential scenarios imaginable (a la Dr. Strange in Infinity War). Something that included (mentally) witnessing literally ALL of my loved ones DYING, with ME still retaining COMPLETE composure and stability REGARDLESS of said “events” (whilst also remaining completely UNATTACHED).   
And since our physical body does not (and can not) really differentiate between “imagination” and “reality”; suffice to say here that if I could manage enduring said things within my imagination; I most certainly CAN manage enduring it within any version of (so-called) “reality”. After all, we can only ever fear the unknown; and once that itself becomes known (to our minds) completely; it simply cannot scare or phase us anymore. For it’s no longer “new” or “unexpected” to us. Just the usual” and all. Plus we literally have it (i.e. the literal art of dealing with it) PRACTICED here; and PRACTICE does indeed make PERFECT for a (damn good!) REASON! Literally how fear even works, by the way (go try it out for yourself to truly verify this!)
TECHNIQUE 9: Defeat death, permanently.   
Practically all of your very greatest fears can all be retraced back to just one CORE fear; namely, the fear of death, cessation, oblivion. The very fear of your extinction, if you will.   
Well, the good news is that neither can you ever die; nor is death as painful as you’ve been told it is. And how do I even know this? Well, through the literal endless records of hundreds of thousands of people who have reported their very own (incredible!) stories from their near-brushes and close encounters with (so-called) death” and glimpses of the magnificent paradise worlds that lie just beyond it. Who have ALL very clearly reported that “death” is an absolutely pleasant, absolutely painless and utterly bliss-filled an experience! PLUS your very consciousness, intelligence, capabilities (superpowers!) and memories (of ALL of your lifetimes!) all return right back to you once you’ve “crossed over”, so to speak!
What? Sounds way too good to be true? Here, have a look at some of those incredible tales for yourselves by clicking here or here or here or here or here; or simply look up the keywords “Near Death Experiences” or “NDE’s” (without the quotes) on Google, Bing, YouTube, or what-else-have-you! For – as it turns out – not only is “death” not even a real concept; the very idea of it itself is as unscientific as it could possibly even get! How? Well, as far as current “science” is “aware”, both you and are either energy (soul?) or matter. For these two are the only two known possibilities/states/things that are currently available to human understandings of things. And both of these things – namely, matter and energy – are One Hundred Percent INTERCHANGEABLE. All because of that one famous equation from this one sciencey dude by the name of Albert Einstein, you see? And guess what, folks; ENERGY can NEITHER be CREATED, nor DESTROYED. And that’s just Thermodynamics 101. Case closed.   
Furthermore, if you “blink out of existence” or “utterly vanish” after “death”; as some of our incredible atheists or totally-not-hubris-affected “scientists” so like to claim (so very often); where exactly does one even go? Because things “vanishing” without as much as a trace is essentially considered magic”. And magic –  the last checked – just so happens to be utterly “unscientific” (as per the definitions of these very scholarly “geniuses”). Go figure!   
THEIR words NOT MINE.   
But hey, nearly ALL of them also (unabashedly!) endorsed masks and vaccines (and other such shit) earlier; so well, critical thinking most definitely ISN’T (and clearly has NEVER really BEEN) THEIR forte or anything here anyways.   
So yeah; once your fear of DEATH ITSELF has been wiped out PERMANENTLY; what real “worry” are you even really left with?
Moving on…   
TECHNIQUE 8: Daily vibrational maintenance.   
well-oiled (and well-maintained) vehicle, is a vehicle that takes you places.   
When the going gets tough, the tough get going upwards (in vibrational frequency). And since all of you reading this are literal incarnations of the ‘tough’ archetype (aka the ‘strongest of the strong’); the more that you commit to uplifting yourselves vibrationally hereafter, the better will you be able to get through that which is to arrive within your midst shortly (and practice does indeed make perfect, after all).   
Furthermore, the more that you are able to master the art of rising higher and higher up the vibrational / frequency ladder; the more are you (effortlessly!) able to assist the entire human collective in doing so. Plus, as an added (and much needed!) bonus of sorts, you’re also able to upgrade your entire individual and collective timelines with each little effort that you so make (even if merely practicing this stuff just for fun!) Thereby making not only your own, but also everyone else’s journeys through this period that much more easy, smooth, and free-flowing; with all kinds of joys, abundance, peace, love and healing energies being made all the more accessible (to all the more people as a result!   
So, how exactly do you even achieve all of that, you wonder?
Well first things first: you begin by taking care of yourselves first and foremost, and on top priority no less! Or you’re never ever going to be able to assist another, take my word for it. There’s a damn good reason they tell you (on all of your flights) to put on your OWN oxygen mask FIRST; prior to (even as much as attempting to) assist another!   
And so, there’s exactly three simple layers to this ‘Daily Vibrational Maintenance’ activity that I (highly!) recommend that you all do; each taking no more than a mere 10 minutes of your day per layer (at the very minimum). Which makes it a total of exactly 30 minutes each day. An amount of time that practically every single person reading this can find without fail. And yes, I know exactly what I’m saying here.
And so, here are the three important layers (of be-ing) that ought to be addressed (every single DAY) as a part and parcel of of your ‘vibrational upliftment’ routines:
Layer #1: The Physical Layer —>  Taking good care of your physical body (i.e. your physical vehicle) is BEYOND CRITICAL at this particular juncture in time (and even well beyond it). What with the increased solar and cosmic radiations that are all busy bombarding you (at your very cellular levels) with frequency uplifting radiation NON-STOP!   
In order to nourish this particular layer of be-ing effectively; consider regular exercising; play and sport and running (for all who find “normal” exercising way too “boring”). Also add in connecting with nature via grounding mats or grounding walks (or even standing barefoot on grass or soil) and/or communing and connecting with plants and animals. You can also go hug a tree (or cuddle a kitty) near you; for all of the above ways work beautifully in your (and our planet’s) very highest benefit indeed! Finally, do NOT forget to hydrate yourselves at regular intervals by drinking sufficient, clean and self-blessed water; for that alone can work literal wonders when it comes to uplifting your very bioenergetic fields, cleansing your auras, cleansing your entire body of all toxins and negative vibrations; as well as resetting your total biorhythms no less! And yes, a full night’s rest is a goddamn MUST HAVE; and I simply cannot stress as to how very CRITICAL that is to your very healing and wellbeing at this time! Finally, consider connecting with minerals, stones and crystals; not only as a means of grounding yourselves, but also for bringing you into a state of balance and purity and harmony and absolute wholeness! Same with things the likes of salbaths, incenses, Tibetan gongs and what-else-have-you’s!   
Layer #2: The Mental Layer — What does the mind even want? I’ll tell you what it wants: Confidence and peace. One more time for the people in the back! Confidence, and PEACE.   
To understand as to just why these two things are so very interrelated, just imagine being trapped in a building that is literally on fire. Then, imagine two dudes in there; One, who is endlessly screaming and shouting and wailing and losing their goddamned mind. The other, a calm, composed and confident fellow who is alert AF, doing their level best to assess the situation, and mind-fully and positively offering words of comfort, direction, assistance and hope (the best that they can at said moment). A guy, who likely even knows less about said building (and which exits go where) than even the former guy in question.   
Nonetheless, whose lead would you be naturally (and intuitively) inclined towards following here? In whom would you place your trust to guide you right out of that mess? Who would you rely on for proper guidance and protection? Who would you have more faith in, to keep you safe and secure (against all odds?)
Both you and I know that answer.   
But even if you were indeed selfish AF; which state of mind – in your raw and honest opinion – would YOU need to be in (or remain in), in order to find your very own way back towards safety, all by yourself? A mind at peace? Or a mind (trapped) in utter chaos? A mind full of disturbance? Or a mind experiencing utter clarity? A mind filled with anxiety? Or a mind filled with endless calmth, composure, and utterly unshakeable CONFIDENCE?   
Looks like we all know the answer to that one, TOO.   
For truth be told – and this applies not only to the type of consciousness that you need to be holding during the challenging days of the great changeover (to come ahead) – but also as a general rule for living life itself:   
If you could develop just ONE skill in your entire goddamned LIFE – then, trust my words on this – let that be CONFIDENCE and CONFIDENCE ALONE.   
All else will fall into place all by itself.   
So, how exactly does one even really begin to gain said calmth and confidence, you wonder?
Well, to begin with, there are countless wonderful meditations (and meditation methods and techniques) available out there upon the internet right at this very moment for all of you to massively benefit from; pretty sure there’s one (technique) for practically anyone and everyone out there. Especially look up the keywords ‘meditation’ and/or guided meditation’ (without the quotes) on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok (if not on Google directly), to find a treasure trove of some of THE MOST amazing ways to meditate out there. And if you somehow do not find any (this is very, very unlikely; by the way); just go visit your local library and go look for some meditation-related books!   
Now, there’s a potent AF meditation technique ( provided within TECHNIQUE 5 ) later within this very article TOO. Also, you can also use some of those meditation apps the likes of Headspace; or devices the likes of Muse, Healy and such. Full Disclosure: I myself have not tried absolutely any such apps/devices myself; merely letting y’all know that such things exist out there in the marketplace. And as always, do your own due research before buying any such stuff!
Now, given the fact that meditation is what folks literally use to calm down their very minds; and the fact that a calm and quiet mind literally goes hand-in-hand with unshakeable confidence; it should be needless to say here that if you still haven’t begun meditating, perhaps NOW would be a most fantastic time indeed to (duly) begin! And T-R-U-S-T M-E O-N T-H-I-S, you’ll be so very glad to have actually taken out the time to practice this BEFORE the chaotic times even really began; because begin they shall and well…literally all of the signs (and energies) all around us are essentially making that whole thing rather obvious at this point, no? Well, you get the point here.
Also, if you nonetheless find that your mind continues to be cluttered for some unknown reason here; here’s a fun little technique that can truly assist you, very, very well indeed! The technique requires you to list down ALL contents of your mind on a piece of paper (or a digital device, should you prefer such). Which essentially includes listing down all things that make you truly anxious; ALL (impending) deadlines driving you nuts; ALL pending task lists; ALL “bucket lists”; ALL of your worst FEARS; as well as all other focus/consciousness consuming things that occupy your mind on a continuous or day-to-day basis!   
Once this is done; cross out all things that are COMPLETELY beyond your control; and hand them all over to source creator (aka god) or ascended masters or angels or archangels or your very own higher self if no one else! For you (clearly!) neither have the power to resolve said “issues”, nor even the MEANS to truly DO SO (not at said time anyways). Plus all of that “worrying” isn’t going to do jack shit to assist your cause. So why not instead give it to someone actually capable, the likes of source creator or other higher/divine beings?   
As for the rest of the things on said “list”; feel free to arrange them all in order of priority instead (as per how important or critical they even are to your current wellbeing); and begin dealing with them one task at a time; beginning with the highest priority task first; and then the next, and then the next, and so on and so forth! After all, less clutter equals more clarity for a damn good reason! (Just go ask an interior designer!) And so, the clearer that you ultimately are, the faster and better are you able to find and enact actual and tangible solutions to your many problems! The clearer and more at peace’ your very mind so becomes, as a result! So yeah, go say NO to multi-tasking; thank me later.   
Layer #3: The Spiritual Layer — And now, at long last, we have finally arrived at the spiritual layer. The layer of your dreams and your aspirations. Your aura and your energies. The very layer that encompasses your vibes, so to speak.
The following are some of THE best tools to keep your vibes up”; from what myself have found to be effective personally:   
Begin by expressing gratitude daily; even for the tiniest of things. Like having access to the internet to be able to read this very article; or even having the eyes to even be able to read it no less! Or having food upon your table, or simply the sheer ability to breathe! And to know as to just how very effective that could even be, here’s what the science folks are saying about it (for a change!) Click a link below to watch the video of your liking!   
1. The Power of Gratitude by Errol Gerson   
2. An Experiment In Gratitude by Participant   
3. The Gratitude Antidote by the famed Kurzgesagt!   
The second thing that everyone here can (and very much ought to) do daily is to engage in regular self talk. Speak to yourself, your soul, and your very cells no less! Give yourself love and care; pampering and loving talk. Forgive yourself for all of your (so-called) “wrongs”. And then, give yourself unconditional love and respect. As also upliftment and inspiration, energizing and strengthening. And you’ll literally witness for your-self the utterly magical differences (that these make to your very life!); and within mere days at that! Feel free to support it with some powerful daily affirmations and self care routines; and you’re absolutely good to go on the spiritual level of things!   
And speaking of forgiveness, it truly is glorious tool indeed (much like the famed violet flame) to powerfully cleanse your aura and energetic fields of all negativity and darkness and anger and hatred etc. alike! And yet, does it do so without absolving or freeing anyone (who harms others) of their karma or anything! Ultimately, the easiest way of forgiving others is to merely remember that those who harmed you merely did so because YOU (at a soul level) literally asked them to via a soul contract! So essentially speaking, they agreed to do what they UTTERLY hated, despised and abhorred doing to you (not to mention the karma that they’d even end up accruing (incurring) in the process!); just so that you could learn and grow and experience what you truly needed to!
So just imagine the sheer amount of (truly!) un-conditional love that these beings must (ultimately) be holding for you; for they are indeed, your very greatest teachers and supporters here! And yes, we all have done some truly terrible and dark and utterly abhorrent deeds (to another) in some lifetime or another; or we wouldn’t even be allowed to be here right now. So well, you get the point here. In short, someone who is ultimately you forgave YOU for your dark deeds once. So perhaps now is the time for you to perhaps consider reciprocating stuff here a bit? Sound fair enough yet?
Also consider practicing seeing the perspectives’ of those whom you entirely disagree with. For this indeed is the way ahead for all who seek to reach into the unity consciousness realms out there. And NO, this does NOT mean that you must “agree” with them; just that you are able to walk in THEIR SHOES, if only for a bit; in order to even be able to see where they’re coming from. In order to develop not just acceptance and forgiveness; but also true empathy and compassion towards them to boot! After all, unity consciousness and unconditional love is (at least initially) something of a two way street; and indeed the way of the ‘new world’ no less! And so it starts with some amount of diplomacy; some (healthy!) discussions; some level of compromises; as also building bridges (as opposed to burning them or building fences instead!) Simple as that.   
TECHNIQUE 7: Imagination meets visualization meets INTENTION.   
This one’s rather short and sweet. Just spend time imagining and intending (to create/experience) the new earth of your dreams! For starters, you could simply visualize things the likes of clean air; pristine water; pure and nourishing soil; greenery everywhere; delicious (all organic!) fruits and vegetables; beautiful birds; delightful flowers; cute animals; brilliant rainbows; stunning auroras; along with a planetwide human populace that is creative, beautiful, strong, fun-loving, wise, powerful, capable, intelligent, light-hearted, peaceful, compassionate, empathetic, kind, forgiving, confident and unconditionally loving no less! Humans, who are in-tune and in harmony with their divine masculine and divine feminine aspects (and energies); and so on and so forth! You could also well add in plenty other exciting things the likes of beautiful architecture; magical realms and experiences; universal libraries; portals and stargates; holographic and other advanced (yet spiritually aligned) technologies, interdimensional travel, extraterrestrial and extradimensional families and relationships, and what-elsehave-you!   
Also, do NOT forget to ALSO visualize and imagine a beautiful unfoldment of your personal (as well as COLLECTIVE) timelines in a manner that is kind, peaceful, loving, joyful, vibrant, and full of infinite abundance, bliss, excitement and enjoyment-filled POSSIBILITIES no less!
Finally, for those who simply suck at visualizing or “imagining” stuff; kindly note that the mere setting of an INTENTION; (including thinking, verbalizing or writing it down), prayers, blessing, and offering gratitude for the same (as though the realities of your wildest dreams have already arrived in your life right NOW) can often work wonders in both MANIFESTING as well as SPEEDING UP the ACTUALIZATION of said TIMELINES! In other words, go for it, folks😉    
BONUS Fun Fact: Did you know that you can experience absolutely any desire of yours (including some of your most taboo ones) right there within your imagination, and WITHOUT anyone else’s “permission” or “approvals” or “consent” or absolutely any unceremonious BACKLASH whatsoever? How’s THAT (as a pro-tip) for keeping those vibes up during the very worst of times to (potentially) ever descend upon our very planet here? * wink wink * 😉😉
TECHNIQUE 6: When ALL else FAILS, just BREATHE.    
Well, LITERALLY.    
Just sit down, and enjoy the very task” of your own BREATHING. In fact, go right back to the memory of absolutely any given happy moment from within your own LIFE: be it having a hot cuppa coffee in your home (when it’s busy snowing outside); or merely relaxing by a quiet beachfront as you sip on a smooth cocktail; the FACT REMAINS that you were actually BREATHING in a very, VERY SPECIFIC (and enjoy-able way) to even BRING said “joy” ABOUT.    
As a matter of FACT, you were quite literally enjoying your very act of BREATHING (during ALL of those times and moments); ALL without even as much as REALIZING such! And if you still “doubt that”, go visualize or imagine absolutely whatever scene it even is that truly makes you feel all happy and BLISS-filled from deep WITHIN; and then tell me that what I said above in here ain’t “real”.    
Hell yes it is.    
Thank me later.    
Yeah, folks. Just literally go and replicate said ‘enjoyment-focused breathing WAYS’ of yours to get those happy little feelings back. The end.    
Here’s the FACT FILE, folks: What you can OBSERVE or WITNESS, you SIMPLY cannot BE.”    
ONE MORE TIME: What you CAN “observe” or witness”, you CAN NOT ever “be.”    
For example: you are all already well aware that all of the “other” people (that you can observe all around you), are, well, simply not “you”. After all, you don’t die when they do now, do you? So then “they” simply CAN NOT be whoever it is that “you” (truly!) are!
But then you’ll say: “But I can also observe my very own arms! And surely they’re the same as “me”, are they NOT?”    
To which I’ll simply ask: Ever seen (or heard of) living breathing human be-ings who do NOT have any ARMS?    
Yeah, that.    
The deeper that you go into observing and witnessing ALL that arises WITHIN you WITHOUT the slightest bit of prejudice, judgement, fear, hatred, manipulation and/or suppression or repression; the MORE are you able to real-ize as to who you TRULY are as the eternal and ultimate OBSERVER / WITNESSER. As a matter of fact, you’ll pretty soon find that you ARE indeed pure AWARENESS, and nothing ELSE whatsoever! For indeed are you NOT your mind, NOT your body, and NOT any of the people or things present all around you. And you’re most definitely NOT your name” or your position” or your “profession” or your collected / hoarded objects or all of the “status” that you’ve achieved so far in your life; but instead, something far, FAR BEYOND THAT!    
So yeah, let those thoughts, feelings and (bodily) sensations of yours come up and disappear all on their own; all under the powerful love-light of your very awareness no less (aka, the TRUE YOU!) And the exact same PROCESS applies for your emotions (and your emotional baggage) here as well.    
Same goes for all of the other energies, discomforts, fears, issues, anxieties, worries and/or recurring or persistent pains and traumas that may arise from deep within you during this particular process. So yes, go observe all of these WITHOUT repression, WITHOUT suppression, WITHOUT hesitation, WITHOUT denial and WITHOUT judgement; and let them simply vanish off on their own accord EVENTUALLY. And yes, no matter WHAT you do, please do NOT attempt to “fight”, “outsmart”, “outclass”, “over-power” or “control” these things; because trust me, you absolutely CANNOT do so with literal ENERGY. You’ll just make it all the more powerful and chaotic and controlling (of you) in return instead. Far better to simply observe whatever it is that even arises, and then, to simply let go of whatever it is that even appears.    
So just observe, and let go. Observe, and let go. Observe, and let GO.    
Easy does it!    
For if you do not let go” in here; what you’ll ultimately even be attempting to do in here would be the equivalent of trying to repress or contain” pure, raw ENERGY. And guess what would happen to you if you tried to restrain (or contain) a literal STEAM ENGINE; or even a tiny little pressure cooker (from blowing off STEAM?)    
Yeah, THAT.    
And so with that very method, you’ll soon be experiencing a level of (permanent!) healing; along with a level of incalculable bliss that is so very powerful, potent and pro-found; you’d wonder as to just why you’d never ever known about this way sooner! There’s (quite a lot of) perks to knowing the true YOU’ after all. This whole (KNOWING one-self as the eternal observer / WITNESSER) thingy is ALSO what is popularly referred to as self REALIZATION or ENLIGHTENMENT, by the way.    
And NOW you’ll know just as to WHY.    
Go give it a shot, my dearest monks-in-the-making…with or without them darned Ferraris! 😀 And yes, you CAN INDEED do the above exercise sitting, sleeping, slouching or even STANDING; whatever floats your (respective) boat!! 😉    
TECHNIQUE 4: Do (only and ONLY) what truly EXCITES you.
By far one of the simplest ways of never EVER getting consumed by all of the chaos and the negativity (that may potentially begin swirling all around you pretty darn shortly) is to focus ENTIRELY only and ONLY upon CREATING the new (and the new EARTH) instead. And NO, this is NOT about being an “ostrich” and burying one’s head in the sand here. Also, it’s not like you’ll even be able to “escape” any revelations to come forth hereafter to even as much as begin with.
INSTEAD it’s quite literally your very ‘Vibrational (Survival) Toolkit’ at this point. One, that is very, VERY effective indeed in every single way imaginable! As also one that assists not only in uplifting YOU; but also all “others” AROUND you; all whilst doing so (i.e. birthing the new earth) a HELLUVA lot FASTER; both INDIVIDUALLY as well as COLLECTIVELY! 😉 😉
And so, for NOW just go focus on doing what REALLY excites you THE most in THAT given moment here; and THEN going on to doing something ELSE that excites you as much NEXT! (Read: The Complete Excitement Kit / Formula by Bashar for all of the details). So yeah, go give that extra time of yours to all of your favourite HOBBIES and fun ACTIVITIES; be that bathroom singing or online gaming, ping pong or poetry, maths or magic, artistry or agriculture, break dancing or even having that piping hot cuppa coffee (or that sweet sweet nap no less!) 😉    
And that’s exactly how you end up riding that “high” (feeling) all DAY long – and likely all NIGHT long too – if you get my drift here! * wink wink *
TECHNIQUE 3: Play with the energies.    
Provided below are some fun little methods that you can use and utilize (during these particularly challenging times to come) to very VERY effortlessly aid and assist the entire WORLD at large. So feel free to pick (and play around with) all of the ones that you find as being THE most exciting and/or ENJOYABLE and/or INSPIRATIONAL (to say the very LEAST!) 😉
Method #1: Pulsate => Imagine, visualize or straight up PULSATE some FULL-POWERED waves of pure love / light / peace / healing / joy / bliss / fun (or absolutely any other positive/helpful energies that you truly find enjoyable to put out into the world!) Imagine them as powerful tsunami waves or shockwaves that wash right over the entire planetary surface and beyond (and even within it!)    
Click to see: visual reference I and visual reference II of what I’m hinting at here to get a real feel for things here. And yes, be pretty certain to do so with absolutely ONE HUNDRED PERCENT confidence and KNOWING of how very POWERFUL you truly even ARE here! Because it is exactly THAT WHOLE PART which ultimately makes the real MAGIC happen here; so go TAP INTO that inner CONFIDENCE of your superman self (or higher self) to play the game from THAT LEVEL of things accordingly!   
Method #2: Radiate => Pretty much the exact same stuff as above; EXCEPT that HERE, you’re essentially seeing these energies embodied within you (and as you); and as radiating (outwards) from there or your heart space — much as if YOU or your very HEART were a brilliantly glowing SUN! So here you can (choose to) radiate anything from joy and bliss and glory to splendour, peace, unconditional love, light, fun, magic, charm, pure magnificence, or whatever other (energetic) cocktail or mix that you can even so conceive of!   
Also, you can also do what I call ‘power walks’ — in which you go for walks around town and keep on radiating the energies of your choice / liking OUT towards anyone and everyone who comes into your very proximity! And you’ll never even KNOW as to just whom you’ve immensely UP-LIFTED through such a simple little act’ of yours! Or even saved someone from an anxiety attack, or even literal suicide for that matter!
Or maybe you gave someone an (energetic) GLIMMER of HOPE to dissolve their endless cycles of utter despair and even complete and total DEPRESSION no less! Truly a magnificent way INDEED to change and uplift the entire WORLD at large in but a single GO! And yes, my favourite energy (to put out) whilst doing this is one of pure gratitude (for ALL big and small ENJOYABLE experiences that I come across on my way!)   
For instance: I express endless GRATITUDE towards the beautiful FLOWERS that I see, as also the many green AF TREES in my way that HOST and BIRTH them; as also the captivating COLOURS of various HOUSES, pretty WALLS and attractive PEOPLE and whatNOT!    
ALWAYS a fun and delightful thing to even DO; not to mention a tremendously powerful and beneficial boost to our very ascension process no less!    
Method #3: Channelling => Once again, the EXACT SAME thing as BOTH of the above listed things, except HERE, ALL that you’re essentially even DOING is literally CHANNELLING your chosen energies DIRECTLY; and/or messages (containing such energies themselves); and/or channelling incredible ideas based off of such energies; and/or channelling creative inspirations endowed with such energies; and/or accessing intelligence / downloads / upgrades / activations embedded with such energies; and/or bringing forth such vibrations/frequencies DIRECTLY from WITHIN your very BE-ING no less. Something that you can do via connecting to a higher source of said energies — which could well be source creator (aka god), angels, archangels, ascended masters, galactics, inner earth masters, or who-else-have-you! And yes, you can indeed do this at any and ALL times; whether you’re sitting, standing, walking or even SLEEPING (see: trance channelling) for that matter!
Method #4: Word Bubbles => Ever seen ‘thought bubbles’ or ‘speech bubbles’ hovering above cartoon and comic book characters? Well, this is the exact same kind of stuff; except these are very specific and large-sized (floating) three-dimensional words or word blocks that I imagine as hovering within (or above) my physical body or my energy field.    
Now, EACH OF THESE floating words, e.g. “Love”, “Peace”, “Joy”, “Fun”, “Bliss”, “Healing” etc. contains an ENERGY that I visualize/feel to the very BEST of my ABILITY, to constantly REMIND myself that I am holding (said energy/energies) right here WITHIN me; as I visualize or imagine so whilst on my ‘power walks’ and such. And when I’m reminding myself nonstop of being in literal POSSESSION of such an energy (whilst also RADIATING it around NONSTOP); every single WALK that I take – or CONVERSATION that I so make – then becomes a ‘power walk’ (or a ‘power conversation’) all by itself, and automatically at that!
Method #5: The Snap => Nope. This isn’t a Thanos reference. Instead, it’s a self hypnosis trick in which you associate a finger snap (or any other easily repeatable movement) with a word; and more importantly, the energy associated with said word of your choice. This (association), you achieve by programming a link between said action and said word (i.e. energy).   
For example, suppose you wanted to program a ‘finger snap’ (of your right hand arm) with the feeling of utter peacefulness; what you’d then need to do, is to simply imagine or visualize a setting that normally (i.e. naturally) gives you a sense of complete and total peace and relaxation.   
As an example: imagine a feeling-filled visual of you peacefully sipping tea in a quiet and cozy little garden; and then, start chanting the word “peace” (either verbally or mentally, even LOUDLY will do) whilst also performing the ‘finger snap’ gesture on repeat each time you “say” or “chant” the word “peace”.   
Now eventually, your very mind (and especially your subconscious) will COMPLETELY (and totally) ASSOCIATE these four things with one another; namely, the finger snap, the word (“peace”), the visual (of peaceful be-ing), as also the deep and restful feeling and experience and ENERGY (of complete and total peacefulness and restfulness and relaxation) in/as a singular ‘package’ of sorts.
So that the next time you find yourself helplessly stuck in a mental / emotional CRISIS, turmoil (or even tangible physical chaos for that matter); all you even have to DO then is to simply SNAP your FINGERS (and, if needed at all, mentally/verbally chant the word “peace”). And voila! You’ll INSTANTANEOUSLY find yourself entering into a state of deep and utter PEACEFULNESS; as if utterly MAGICALLY!    
You’ve got to TRY IT to KNOW IT; and it ONLY takes about a week or two of DAILY practicing this (at least THRICE each DAY) to see those incredible EFFECTS of this mind-blowing (self hypnosis) trick for yourselves!!! So do indeed keep this ‘weapon of peace’ (or a weapon of any other energy/energies of your liking) real HANDY; for who even KNOWS as to just WHEN you may (desperately!) NEED it NEXT!    
The MORE that you ULTIMATELY ALIGN (and PRACTICE aligning) your thoughts, words, actions and INTENTIONS to the very highest of vibrations and frequencies during this time; the better will be the outcomes not only for YOU, but also for the ENTIRE human (and planetary) COLLECTIVE no less! And yes, for every single ONE of the above points provided; KNOW that it is your ‘KNOWING’ of how very powerful YOU truly even ARE that makes ALL of the DIFFERENCE here! In other words, simply/merely “hoping” that such is true will barely scratch but the SURFACE of what you can even ACHIEVE using all of the above methods and techniques. But full on KNOWING? Now that’s some god-tier POWER PLAY right there!    
TECHNIQUE 2: Compassion is key.    
Besides your passion, it is your very deepest empathy and COMPASSION that’s going to save the day when shit finally hits the fan (and real shortly at that). So once you’re done putting on your OWN oxygen mask FIRST (i.e. vibrationally up-lifting and taking care of your own damn selves here); feel free then to firstly assist (and uplift!) your primary near and dear ones (i.e. your direct family members, your closest friends and relatives etc.); and then, at long last, your community at large in whatever little ways and capacity that you can possibly use and utilize in ASSISTING them!   
Also feel free to answer any of their (SINCERELY ASKED) questions no matter how very silly or “uninformed” they might even sound to YOU. And NOT harshly, but kindly and lovingly and COMPASSIONATELY instead!
BE the COMPASSIONATE GUIDES for THEM that YOU never had WAKING UP. Which – by the way – is the very REASON your OWN soul/self (by a pre-birth soul contract and AGREE-ment) even CHOSE to wake up FIRST! So that YOU may then be ABLE to provide THIS very SERVICE to YOUR fellow people at LARGE!    
Also, PLEASE try not to drive them utterly insane or anything by giving them ‘downloads’ or ‘information drops’ that are simply WAY too heavy for them to comprehend or digest! For remember, SLOW and EASY does it!   
So do indeed give them what they seek in small, understandable and DIGESTIBLE chunks (like one gives a toddler!) Kinda like, one small, simple, and DIGESTIBLE info DROP at a TIME. And then, once they have FULLY grasped it (and are SINCERELY asking you for a tad bit more); then and (ONLY THEN) is when you give them the next one, and the next one, and so on and so forth. After all, you wouldn’t ever feed bacon to a baby now, would you? Case closed.    
Turns out you indeed were awakened early for a (damn good) reason, after all.    
TECHNIQUE 1: Lighten up.    
What separates an Enlightened MASTER from an Unenlightened NOOB? A fully-working, fully functional sense of HUMOUR, that’s what. Forget the sixth sense, for it is indeed this seventh sense where it’s all really at! Because only a TRUE MASTER can ever really see through all of them illusions out there, where all others simply CANNOT! For only a master can ever ‘make LIGHT’ of matter-s; because literally making ourselves (as also the rest of the collective) LIGHT-ER is why we’re all even here on this godforsaken mission to even as much as BEGIN with!    
Now sure, there are indeed some pretty dark, grim, terrible and utterly depraved and DESPICABLE things going on out there today; and calling or referring to them as “illusory” might well feel utterly privileged or even outright disrespectful / distasteful / vile to some (to say the very least). But then again, here’s the catch: going deeper and deeper and ever DEEPER into negative emotions, “bad” feelings and low energy spirals (due to over-focusing upon such things) helps or benefits absolutely NOBODY. In FACT, it’s the staying continuously and consistently within the focus/energies of JOY and LOVE and PEACE and FUN that ACTUALLY helps resolve (and even dissolve!) such issues and energies for GOOD. So yes, your laughter and your mirth and your cheer and your girth may just (quite literally) help save the entire WORLD (instead of destroying it forever!)NO JOKE😉

So yes, your ability to LAUGH in the FACE of ALL dire circumstances; and of seeing humour and love-light-bliss (where all others can find NONE whatsoever — even if it quite literally involves using what is known as “dark” humour); as also your ability to make others laugh when they’re feeling down in the ditches (be it mentally or literally); is a literal goddamned SUPERPOWER, folks! So don’t you EVER BE AFRAID of actually USING said superpower – all within limits of due discretion and common sense of course – whenever push comes to shove; which it most certainly WILL (at SOME point in our VERY near FUTURE!)    

So go right AHEAD and infuse love and LIGHT and excitement and JOY into the most “boring” and “mundane” of your everyday tasks during these TIMES to COME; whether said task be cooking or cleaning or what-else-have-you! And MAKE SURE to keep those “vibes up” and those “moods high” (to the level BEST of your abilities no matter WHAT) and ALWAYS at THAT! Also remember to be TRULY PRESENT with EVERY single TASK that you so undertake; and you’ll WITHOUT QUESTION find even the most mundane of tasks becoming AUTOMATICALLY (and extremely!) FUN somehow! Well, you gotta try it to believe it I guess! 😉

So be sure to ALWAYS LOOK FOR and DELIBERATELY FOCUS UPON the positive and the UPLIFTING; even in the most negative or dire of situations! For example: if you’re stuck in a traffic JAM; INSTEAD OF  getting raging mad or UTTERLY sad about it, what if you could instead focus upon the BEAUTIFUL blue SKIES that you can GAZE AT through your WINDOWS; or a BIRD flying right ABOVE YOU; or that pretty little green TREE in the DISTANCE; or a cute child or a cuddly pet sitting in the car right beside yours? Because guess what, folks; there’s ALWAYS a CHOICE to see the positive (within absolutely any given situation or moment) that is always, always, ALWAYS so available. And if nothing else, you’ll NEVERTHELESS still (and always!) have unlimited and permanent ACCESS to the PORTAL known as your IMAGINATION (to escape into); as also the very ability to enjoy your very breathing no less! 😉😉   

For there’s ALWAYS a higher frequency CHOICE (that is EVER available and ACCESSIBLE toYOU to make the MOST out of) within ANY given MOMENT!    

And if nothing else; merely staying NEUTRAL is way, WAY BETTER than going down any NEGATIVE SPIRALS of sorts! Also, if you DO INDEED HAPPEN to go down a NEGATIVELY spiralling PATHWAY for some reason; please, PLEASE do NOT beat yourselves up! Instead, dust yourselves RIGHT OFF and RETURN to going up that vibrational LADDER – ONE small STEP at a TIME – all OVER again! For the LIGHT has indeed WON; and so NO, you’re NOT at ALL at ANY risk” in here (just so you KNOW!) 😉   




Tsum things up, TRUE (spiritual) MATURITY is REALIZING that:


YOU were the real ETs and Angels and Ascended Masters and “Divine Interventions” that you were “waiting for” all ALONG!    

As a matter of fact, this ENTIRE MESSAGE is only and ONLY MEANT to EMPOWER you, and to REMIND you of your TRUE power; just in case you’d forgotten it for some reason! And indeed is this message is only and ONLY MEANT for the ‘strongest of the strong’; aka, the (SELF) empowered MASTERS who walk amongst us (or ARE us) during this most sacred and TRANSFORMATIONAL of times (within ALL of CREATION!)    

Closing Notes: Well congratulations! For you’ve at long last made it to the very end of this article! Which means that you’re already in an EXCEEDINGLY privileged position at this time; with complete and total access to some of the most powerful, useful, and potent techniques to ride out the in-coming STORMS! And so, with that part being underlined, do indeed REMEMBER to send STRENGTH, inspiration, upliftment, joy, HOPE, peace, HEALING ENERGIES and unconditional LOVE to ALL who are currently residing upon our planet during this most challenging of times! And to do so as often as you possibly can; and to do so ESPECIALLY in SERVICE to all of the LIGHTWORKERS out there; who all (so very badly!) NEED said ASSISTANCE!    

So go REMIND THEM of their unimaginable POWER by SENDING it to them; RADIATING it to them; and by REMINDING THEM of it (TELEPATHICALLY); or by setting a simple INTENTION prior to sleeping / dreaming that you’ll ‘remind them’ of such right then and there when you meet them all in the astrals! (i.e. within the astral planes or dream planes).

And in times of trouble, simply chant the word “peace” or “love” or “healing” or “joy” (either mentally or out LOUD) over and over and over again if you feel the world around you descending into chaos; all as you feel the very ENERGY (of your chosen word) radiating ALL AROUND YOU (or right from DEEP WITHIN YOU). Which you could (also) very well do WITHOUT EVEN chanting” anything, and just RADIATING said energies DIRECTLY!    

Alternatively, just outstretch your arms, aim them / point them towards the earth, and then shoot PURE LIGHT / LOVE deep into the very CORE of our planet DIRECTLY! Just be sure to do all of the above with the complete KNOWING of your true POWER; and then, just sit back, relax, TRUST, and pat yourself on the back for a job well DONE! (And do NOT forget to always INVITE all of the higher DIVINE ASSISTANCE available to you each and every single TIME; whether you’re even USING the above techniques or NOT!)    

Also, feel free to take the LEAD and ORGANIZE mass meditations whenever and wherever and however that you so can during these times to come quite shortly. Have a YouTube channel? Organize it there. Use Zoom or Google Meets? Organise it there. Or just go get your family and/or close friends and/or neighbours and/or relatives and/or even your work colleagues together and just go PARTICIPATE within those MASS MEDITATIONS in PERSON! Or reach out to all of your local communities and groups (especially the ‘spiritual’ ones and such) to get together during those times of great crises or upheavals in order to make some incredible mass meditations happen!   

To sum things up in here: all of us self empowered ones can indeed do a HELLUVA LOT to assist our entire WORLD; IF ONLY we ALL tried our level best to even do such! For there’s FAR MORE to what we ALL can actually DO to help out (than what we all currently think or even believe as being possible or feasible); IF ONLY we just got a tad bit more IMAGIN-NATIVE, a little more proactive, and just a tad bit more RESOURCEFUL (to say the very least!)   

For the TIME for staying within our respective “comfort” zones is long GONE. So no matter WHAT happens HEREAFTER; please do NOT let an “I actually could’ve DONE SOMETHING to assist the entire WORLD during that most TUMULTUOUS of TIMES; but I still DIDN’T; coz I was way too SHY and COMFY” be those ‘words of regret’ that you have to say later on in your life.    

Now, the ABOVE words have NOT been added in there to “pressurize you” or anything; but merely to remind you of your TRUE abilities here; and also that there’s a LOT that we are all ACTUALLY CAPABLE OF doing”; but simply CHOOSE NOT to (for some silly reason). All, only and ONLY TO woefully regret it all LATER. Now, all of the above is by NO MEANS intended to “push you” or anything towards “doing” something that you simply CANNOT or DO NOT wish to do here (or are simply not ENDLESSLY EXCITED about doing!), just to be very, VERY CLEAR here!

Above all, when in doubt, do NOT hesitate (for even a single SECOND) to call forth for higher assistance at absolutely any MOMENT that you so NEED TO; and they will INDEED show up GUARANTEED and absolutely IMMEDIATELY at that! Be they source creator aka god, the angels, the archangels, the ascended masters, your own higher selves, your very spirit guides, the galactics, inner earth masters, or who-else-have-you! For they can truly help and assist you a helluva lot; as also inspire you (and everyone else too!); as also heal, uplift, help, assist, love, and even AMPLIFY your (benevolent) INTENTIONS and energies for you INFINITELY!   

PLUS they’ll send you downloads and upgrades and energies and ACTIVATIONS the likes of which you’d never EVER imagined of yet; AND do far, far MORE! But only and ONLY IF you ASK them for such out of your OWN free will — and never EVER without it (as per divine LAW!)    

And last, but by NO means the LEAST:  

HAVE FAITH. Either in god; or even your very own SOUL, oversoul, your own higher self or your spirit guides and guardian angels, if no one else (who seemingly appears to be ‘external’ to you!) For NEVER would they EVER ‘abandon’ you, it’ll simply never ever HAPPEN. So be sure to call upon them whenever / wherever you’re feeling stuck, hopeless, LOST, abandoned or even utterly HELPLESS! And know and TRUST that they WILL INDEED show up, guide you, or even POWER you right THROUGH (and OUT!) of said situation! Even perform literal MIRACLES for such if the situation truly demands it!! (And also, if nothing else, simply just go have FULL FAITH in the sheer divine POWER that is YOU YOURSELF! (After all, you’ve at the VERY LEAST overcome at least ONE (scary af) CHALLENGE in your life SO FAR – if not countless MORE – have you NOT? Well then; there’s your (rock solid!) EVIDENCE of your unbeatable POWER and STRENGTH and (indomitable!) SPIRIT for ya!)

So do NOT “forget” to keep the SAME (or GREATER!) FAITH — ESPECIALLY when the whole world seems to be coming apart right at its very seams. For you are HERE for a REASON. And you’re (absolutely) NOT some nameless, faceless, “galactic volunteer” to be abandoned or discarded” at WILL; but instead, a truly loved and CHERISHED and universally RESPECTED M-A-S-T-E-R; as also one who is the ‘strongest of the strong’ WITHOUT DOUBT! A true blue Chosen One indeed!     

And so, you will never ever EVER be abandoned by source consciousness or creator or spirit or god or nature or guardian angel or higher self or whatever OTHER name you may have so given it (or your own SELF). So just KNOW this. ALWAYS KNOW THIS. Always, always, and FOREVERMORE!   

message issued in public interest by Don Spectacularis of the Cosmic Spectacularis Supercollective.   

P.S. If the above message resonates with you at all; PLEASE DO SHARE IT EVERYWHERE (even LinkedIn and Tinder will do!); help TRANSLATE IT into your local languages; or even TRANSMIT IT EVERYWHERE using absolutely ANY creative way or outlet that you currently may have or enjoy: be it Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Sketches, TikToks or even literal Memes if nothing else! And you’d likely end up helping WAY MORE people than you can even imagine at this (present) time. It’s called the ‘Butterfly Effect’ for a damn good reason ya know.


AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: You can now find me on the following platforms (launching December 2024). So definitely don’t forget to hit those ‘Follow’ or ‘Subscribe’ buttons just in case you so happen to enjoy (or feel assisted / uplifted) by any of my creations at all; or simply wish to support my cause of bringing empowerment, upliftment, and enlightenment to ALL of humankind! Also, if you have received any benefits from any of my writings so far at all; you can simply express your gratitude via your prayers and blessings of abundance, light, healing and love to me by simply intending such! Any residents of India (amongst those) however can also contribute to me financially (if they are in any position to do so at all that is) by simply donating to the following QR code: My eternally endless gratitude to one and all for their incredible support and kindness during this most challenging of times! 🙂 🙂

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P.S. If you ever see or find “me” saying mean, offensive, hurtful or inappropriate things to you in these comments sections; please do report the same to KejRaj immediately. There are many (of the dark variety) lurking on here who have done this to (unsuspecting) commenters previously in order to tarnish my name / image for reasons rather obvious; and only KejRaj can weed them out as he ALONE knows my TRUE login credentials on here. Hope this helps! 🙂

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