Archangel Michael 

My Beloved Souls,
I am, Archangel Michael, and I would like to remind the importance of hearing and accepting the truth, otherwise there will be no Ascension for humankind.
As soon as you accept the facts about your reality, you are raising yourself above the 3D Matrix. Each step has a purpose in your journey. When you don’t know on what is happening around the world or in your neighborhood, it’s only for one reason to keep you in low vibrations. So, what exactly is Light and what is Darkness? Light reflects high frequencies, which can be achieved through silent meditations and also, by being kind and loving towards each human you meet in your path. Being critical, angry, resentful, spiteful and etc. all of these negative emotions will lower your vibrations.
To achieve balance and peace in your life without constant stress and negativity is only possible by doing the spiritual work of silent meditations on a daily basis. The gap between humans who do the required spiritual work, and the ones who don’t, keeps increasing. Your society already split into two groups, one of them is ready to take the next step into multidimensional a New 5D World, and the second one continues to spin the wheel around in circles by focusing on meaningless things. Any positive momentum raises your vibrations, and negativity puts you back into the 3D web. This is on what Darkness wants you to do. It only cares about complete control and making human beings live in miserable conditions and fight between each other.
You learned from Darkness negative behavior like to steal, taking advantage of each other, kill and etc. Your movie industry portrays on purpose only problems, violence and extortion to teach the young generation, on how to leave life in low frequencies. You can change this immediately by refusing to stay in negativity and switching into the positive behavior by being first kind to yourself and then to others. The reason Darkness was able to take over this planet, because the human civilization lost their connection to the soul, which is always connected to the Universal Consciousness, and got switched instead to ego.
My Beloved Souls, today I am going to point out the meaning of higher self and selfies. Humans including in the Light Community describe their spiritual part as higher self, that’s absolutely not true. We, Galactics and Light beings, in higher dimensions do not use the word higher self or in any of our messages, so if the message has higher self in it, it’s definitely is not coming from us. The word higher self comes from ego, self is ego, it’s Spiritual Consciousness and not higher self. You can’t channel your higher self, you can only connect to your soul or Universal Consciousness. The information coming from Universal Consciousness is not channeled, you receive it effortlessly in silence.
Many humans love taking selfies, why do you think it’s called a selfie? Selfie is a self, which is ego, that worships itself by taking selfies. Do you think, if Buddha, Quan Yin, Jesus, Muhammad and ect. would be here today on your planet, they would be taking selfies of themselves? Of course not, that’s all ego. If your constantly taking photos or videos of yourself and posting them on your social apps, your serving your ego. Sadly, you even have selfie sticks, humans let Darkness without much resistance take them far away from the path of enlightenment towards selfishness and ego.
That is on why humanity, so far has not united as one and overthrown a small group of Dark Ones from power, compared to the billions of human beings, as humankind entertains ego and selfishness and do not care enough about each other. The Galactics and Light beings do not have selfishness, like humans do, the ego is not there at all. They are connected to their soul, and Universal Consciousness is in charge of their being and not a 3D mind or ego.
Right now, I am going to explain, on why the Taal Volcano in a Batangas province had a phreatomagmatic eruption in Philippines. A 600 meter tall dark plume rose that reached 2,800 meters above the island. The eruption only lasted four minutes. Ashtar Command eliminated another underground facility. Again, it was done directly from a cloaked spaceship from a distance. The military base was used to experiment on animals and humans, especially on children to create deadly viruses, mass destruction weapons, superficially to raise the oceans temperatures and levels and etc. to drastically reduce the number of humans on Earth.
Don’t get discouraged, be strong and have faith that you can turn things around into a positive direction towards Ascension. You need to hear the real truth, by knowing it your vibrations are going to go up. Any positive action in your daily life immediately raises your frequencies. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please accept my Blessings and Supreme Love.
Humanity Is Strong Enough to Overcome Anything
Archangel Michael
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