Bring your open heart and imaginative intentions to create
positive high frequencies such as love, peace, light, and joy.
And most importantly have a lot of fun doing this!
Invite your friends and loved ones, including
humans, animals, nature, and unseen beings, to co-create this beautiful experience with you and dream in a life filled with peace, love
and respect for all beings and mother nature.
Choose a time on or around December 21st
and choose a location that feels special, somewhere in nature,
by a big window, or in your favorite high vibe space.
Dedicate from 30 minutes to a few hours.
Gather sacred items that hold meaning for you —
candles, crystals, feathers, singing bowls, instruments, flowers, pinecones,
and/or anything else that brings you love, peace and joy.
Consider the frequencies you want to feel and vibrate
through you into the world: such as love, light, beauty, silence, peace,
happiness, and all that you long for…
… and activate and accelerate these frequencies through singing, dancing,
sharing stories, laughing, hugging, feeling, giggling, playing and listening to music, saying blessings, offering prayers, honoring nature, and being silent.
Honor Mother Earth, feel her presence, feel her holding you
with gratitude for all she gives to keep us all alive.
We encourage you to dedicate 15-20 minutes of silence
to Simply Feel Peace in honor of
The UPLIFT 28 Days Peace Immersion
You are a powerful being who amplifies the collective vibration,
creating waves of peace and love that ripple far beyond what you can imagine.
Be Prepared To Welcome The Spontaneous And The Miraculous!

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