Saturday, November 30, 2024


Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Allow yourselves to feel good in a world where so many don't. You need not feel guilty for the things you enjoy, the moments when you relax, and the times when you don't want to do what others think you should. We encourage you always to reach for what feels best in a given moment. We work with all of you to find the path of most joy or at least comfort in any given moment. We know your happiness is a vibrational gift to the world.

Allowing yourself to be happy even when you watch difficult things on the news, know people who are suffering, and don't have ideal conditions in your own life runs contrary to a lot of your programming. We are not suggesting you become insensitive or lord your happiness over another who isn't feeling well. To the contrary, we are suggesting that as you permit yourself to enjoy what is good in your life, you become a lighthouse and a beacon to others who need to give themselves permission to do the same. Your happiness attunes you to the frequency of love where you will find the help you seek, the joyful connections you crave, and the peace that surpasses understanding.

The Divine is always broadcasting on the frequency of love. Your angels constantly offer a vibration of love. In the smallest moment of appreciation, you, too, are attuned to the frequency of love. The more time you spend in this vibration, the more you rise above the chaos and uncertainty of your world and exist in an entirely different reality.

Your personal reality can be peaceful. Your personal world can be in flow. Your problems can be solved with remarkable elegance as you relax into the moment, permit yourself to enjoy the here and now, and allow us to help orchestrate the answers to your prayers. 

We are always looking for opportunities to guide you towards what you want. We are always looking for those with whom you will find mutuality and joy. We are always striving to remind you of your worth. Your job isn't to figure it all out. Your job is to find the "station" where Spirit broadcasts so you can receive all that we are trying to give you.

You can find this station through appreciation, through loving anyone or anything, and by telling the stories that uplift you rather than repeating the ones that drag you down. Until stories of love sell, they won't be the main event in your mainstream media. However, stories of love, kindness, generosity, and compassion can be the stories you focus upon and the stories you tell.  They can be the stories you share with one another and, in so doing, elevate both yourselves and the receiver.

As you permit yourselves to be happy, you give others permissionn to do the same. There's no need to preach positivity dear ones. Have you ever tried to tell an upset child to be positive? Far better to be kind. You can share a story of hope or inspiration. You can say something compassionate. And when you are down, you can do the same for yourself. Tell yourself a good story. Seek something inspiring.  Watch something that makes you laugh. Be compassionate with yourselves.

As you enter your season of light, we celebrate you! We celebrate the millions of small kindnesses you have shared throughout your life and the countless times you have wished others well—even total strangers. We celebrate your willingness to reach for the light even when life appears difficult because it is there, dear friends. The light is always there. The Divine is always loving. We are always guiding. Reach for what feels best in a moment and open to all that love.

Feel no guilt whatsoever for feeling good, having goodness in your life, and being good, even when others want you to agree with their upsets.  Dear ones, you are the lights on the tree of life, and your radiance makes a difference upon your earth.

Happy Season of Light. We celebrate you.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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