Saturday, November 30, 2024

Here Is The Latest Energy Update By Archangel Michael For You:

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Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

Beloved One, when you love another, you are loving yourself.

When you attack another through judgement and criticism, you attack yourself.

Why is that?

Before the mad idea of separating from God occurred, there was only One Son of God. (It means One consciousness that was a creation of God. To keep this message simple, we will use the term "Son of God." It doesn't indicate a gender.)

So, there was only One Son of God. 

Then, the mad idea of separating from God occurred, and the One consciousness fragmented into billions of pieces.

These billions of pieces, or souls, are experiencing the Illusion construct of the Ego Mind.

This was the Ego Mind's way of coping with the incredible guilt that was felt, when the idea of separating from God occurred.

The fragmentation is an Illusion. You are still One consciousness.

As you are encountering these fragments in form of others, you are encountering yourself.

The guilt of wanting to separate from God never left and was projected outward, as a way of not wanting to own this tremendous guilt.

When you encounter another not acting in a loving way, it is simply your projection of the negative emotions within you.

The illusion matrix acts as a mirror to show you what you are projecting, because the Ego Mind is trying to hide them from you.

Therefore, all unpleasant experiences serve you to see what you still need to release and heal.

But, what happens when you project Love?

Then, you are getting a glimpse of the Oneness, which is the only true reality.

These glimpses of your Oneness with other will assist you to feel your Oneness with God again and to help you to find your way back Home to God.

These glimpses will trigger your memory and you will remember who you really are and who God really is:   Love.
Welcome Home.

We are walking beside you, every step of the way.

Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth."


Thank you, Archangel Michael! 
For Workshops about Ascension, Abundance, Relationships, 
Galactic Contact, How to Channel and More...

~Asara~ Adams
Founder of The Telos Channel
Trance-channel for 
Adama of Telos
Archangel Michael and
The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light

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