Greetings my Dear Ones,
I am Buddha, and I am always very happy to be back to share my wisdom with humankind. As usual I was waiting for my opportunity to speak on behalf of the Ascended Masters.
My Dear Ones, we said already before, no matter on what the Darkness does, it’s going to loose the fight with Light. Dark Controllers assume that they have all of the power, unfortunately for them they already lost their domination over humanity. We, Light Beings including the Ascended Masters, keep introducing in each message a new piece of truth hidden from human beings. There will be only one outcome in your 3D reality, the Old Earth will be replaced with a New 5D Earth. The destiny of your low vibrational planet has been determined many millenniums ago.
When I was here, I dedicated my whole life to help humans in need, and I spend every free moment I had to connect to the wisdom of the Universal Consciousness through daily silent meditations and release the Light to this world. No matter on what the Darkness plans, the process of changes on Mother Earth will continue and nothing can’t stop it. Divine is healing this planet from scars, which were created by Controllers. All of the abusive behaviors towards the Animal Kingdom and the human population, will be stopped in the upcoming future. Freedom needs to prevail in this part of the Milky Galaxy, Divine is not going to tolerate this type of behavior anymore by anyone.
Everyone, who will stand in the way of positive changes, will be removed and striped of their soul from their physical bodies and send back into the Universal Consciousness in a bubble form. The plans, made by humans, so far only generated more chaos and nothing else. Your outdated financial system should have be removed from circulation in 1980, and the same goes for your current money system, which also should not be used anymore to pay for all of the goods. Your society suppose to be free and free from money and move forward to higher dimensions. As I speak today, not much changes happened so far in your world, you still have negative governments who control everything and continuously create more issues for humankind.
If you are waiting for humans to save you from this low vibrational reality, it’s not going to happen. Light Beings will implement a new plan made by Divine recently, because she got tired watching over and over seeing no progress anywhere and only false promises to make things better on Gaia. You don’t need thousands of years to change the structure of a slave system to free everyone. The procrastination on the part of the Ground Crew is not going to be rewarded, it failed to complete expected tasks, and only a very small group tried and did some work. We, Light Beings, are going to continue to watch over this planet, and the assigned ones will start to make needed changes. This is direct order from Divine, no more delays or excuses.
I am a big believer in the power of silent meditations, which opened my eyes and let me connect to the infinite knowledge of the Universal Consciousness. I tried yoga during my life on Mother Gaia, and quickly realized that it’s not going to lead to my advancement on a spiritual journey. Many humans associate yoga with spirituality, that’s not true at all. It’s a 3D physical exercise that stretches the body, nothing more. Your 3rd eye, kundalini or whatever you would like to call it, is not going to open or connect you to the Universal Consciousness by doing yoga, it’s on a physical level only and not on a spiritual one.
You are not going to become a spiritual master from practicing yoga either. Also, It’s not going to help you ascend to the 5th dimension in anyway, otherwise by now you would had many Ascended Masters from this planet and not just a few. The spiritual masters from around the world, most were from Asia, when they were on the path to enlightenment and did not know all of the answers, at some point in their journey tried yoga. Eventually, all of them came to the same realization, that yoga doesn’t really do anything for the advancement of the soul, and they moved on from it. There is nothing wrong with yoga, but it has nothing to do with spirituality.
I am grateful for Divine leading me to my Nirvana, and I wish the same for everyone. Please, accept my Supreme Love. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces for this occasion to speak to humanity.
Follow Your Soul Journey to Enlightenment
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces
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