Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden

The Story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of EdenAround forty thousand years ago, the Life Carriers on duty responsible for Earth’s biologic and Human development took note that, from a purely biological standpoint, the developmental progress of the Urantia Races was nearing its apex. They made a petition to the Most Highs of our local Norlatiadek Constellation Headquarters on Edentia, that Urantia should be inspected with a view to authorising the next stage in a young Planet’s evolution. This requires that there be an instalment of two «Adamic» biologic uplifters in the form of a traditionally termed «Adam and Eve», that is, two highly evolved Ascending Mortal Beings – a «Material Son and Daughter of the Local System». This is the normal process for a young Planet to further advance the genetic quality of the indigenous Races.One important rule is that the chosen «Adam and Eve» genetic upgraders are never allowed to mate with the indigenous inhabitants, as they must retain intact their pure genetic characteristics brought over from their Higher World. Only their own Earth offspring would be allowed to procreate with some of the carefully selected indigenous Mortals in order to upgrade the World population’s genes and racial characteristics.A planetary inspection was made by the Constellation Fathers of Norlatiadek who arrived from Edentia, the Constellation Capital. Following this the new Adamic genetic upgrading step for Urantia/Earth was approved by them. They made a selection of two suitable volunteer «Adamic» Rulers for Earth from the residents of Jerusem, the Local System Capital of Satania, who would be accorded the traditional planetary title of «Adam and Eve».The next stage was to build a «Garden of Eden» on Urantia/Earth, based on the beautiful semi-tropical gardens of the Constellation of Norlatiadek’s Headquarters Sphere, Edentia. This area was to function as an Administrative Headquarters for the new Adam and Eve. Van and Amadon, Leaders of the Amadonite Race who had remained loyal after the Rebellion were asked to come down from their highland Headquarters and recruit from sixty-one scattered settlements, a Corps of over three thousand willing and enthusiastic workers to build the new «Garden of Eden». From a possible choice of three selected sites, one that was finally chosen was on a long peninsula – almost an island – projecting Westward from the Eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea and with a good warm climate.The neck of the Edenic Peninsula was over 37 miles wide and at the center an exquisite stone Temple to the Trinity Father of the Grand Universe was constructed. Right in the heart of the Temple was planted «the Tree of Life» brought over from the Constellation of Norlatiadek’s Headquarters Sphere, Edentia. The fruit of this tree had the properties of prolonging almost indefinitely the life span of the Adamic Beings originating from Satania’s Headquarters World of Jerusem. The Garden of Eden’s Administrative Headquarters were established in the Northern part of the Peninsula and the homes for the workers and their families in the South. The plans laid for the Garden of Eden provided for enough homes and abundant land in a beautifully semi-tropical garden landscape to allow for an eventual total of one million inhabitants.By the time Adam and Eve arrived from the Local System of Satania’s Headquarters Sphere of Jerusem over thirty-seven thousand years ago, the Garden of Eden was already one quarter finished, complete with irrigation ditches, paved roads and pathways. There would eventually be over five-thousand brick dwellings in the various sectors, each neighbourhood locality allowing for only a maximum cluster of seven in one area. They were all to be surrounded by great numbers of trees and plants and within the most beautiful garden landscaping.However, after their arrival and formal installation as the new Rulers of Urantia/Earth, Adam and Eve soon became very aware of the Planet’s isolation from contact with other worlds. Silent were the familiar Galactic Broadcasts, and absent were all the circuits of extra-planetary communication.Their second day on Earth was spent in session with the «Planetary Receivers», the Melchizedeks and their Advisory Council, who had been appointed provisional Custodians of the Planet. From them they learned the bitter news, that they were suffering the isolation imposed on Earth as a result of the Caligastia Rebellion. Nonetheless, all went reasonably well for a time on Urantia/Earth under the new Adamic Administration. It even appeared that Adam might gradually be able to develop a successful plan for the extension of the new Edenic civilisation outwards amongst the surrounding primitive tribes.Adam and Eve had in fact been given a long training period on Jerusem on all the techniques of improving a young world’s readiness to accept a step-up in evolutionary civilisation. Now they had to face up to the pressing problems of establishing a rule of Law and Order in their surrounding world of savages, barbarians, and semi-civilised Human Beings. Unfortunately, apart from the cream of the Earth’s population assembled in the Garden of Eden, only a few tribal groups here and there were at all ready for the reception of the new Adamic culture. Tribal development had been badly set back by the administrative disruption following the earlier Lucifer Rebellion.Adam made a heroic and determined effort to institute Representative Government in place of a Monarchial one, but he met with stubborn resistance at every turn and eventually had to abandon all efforts to do so. He had already put in operation a system of group control throughout the Garden of Eden itself and had federated all of these groups into the «Edenic League». He also succeeded in establishing almost one hundred outlying Trade and Social Centres where selected individuals of a strong ability ruled in his name.But serious trouble always ensued when he ventured outside the Garden of Eden and sought to apply these ideas to the more distant outlying tribes. The moment Adam’s associates began to work outside the Edenic area, they met the direct and well-planned resistance of Caligastia. Although the fallen Prince had been deposed by the Constellation Fathers as Earth’s ruling Sovereign, he had not been physically removed from the Planet, and this in fact was not done so until the time of Christ Michael’s Bestowal life on Earth two thousand years ago. He was still able to some extent to encourage many primitive tribes to resist all of Adam’s plans for the rehabilitation and upgrading of Earth’s society.Caligastia however was allowed to pay frequent visits to the Garden of Eden in order to try and settle the differences between his leadership of the outlying tribes and the Adamic Administration. Despite many conferences with Adam and Eve, Adam always remained opposed to any compromise, and the wily Prince Caligastia soon gave up trying to work directly on Adam and decided to try a subtle flank attack on Eve. He laid plans for entrapping Eve into committing a serious error by breaking the «Adamic Pledge» never to procreate with any of Earth’s indigenous Mortals.Adam and Eve had completed their first one-hundred years on Earth, having produced sixty-three of their own children along with 1,647 grandchildren as their pure-line Descendants. It was at this time that Caligastia decided to set in motion a wily plot to undermine Adam’s rule. It should be appreciated that Caligastia, having originated from a superior non-mortal Race on Satania’s Jerusem, still had considerable powers to influence the thoughts and actions of Earth Mortals, even those more advanced and progressive. It so happened that a senior Tribal Leader named Serapatatia had just come into the leadership of the Western or Syrian confederation of the Nodite tribes upon the death of his Father. Serapatatia who stood out as an unusually intelligent and advanced Human Mortal, had already made several visits to the Garden of Eden and had become deeply impressed with the righteousness of Adams’s leadership and rule. Therefore, shortly after assuming the Leadership of the Syrian Nodites, he announced his intention of establishing an affiliation with the work of Adam and Eve in developing and upgrading tribal administration. He put it to the Nodite Tribal Confederation that it was going to be to their greater benefit and the Nodite Tribe readily agreed to support him.It was shortly after this tribal acceptance that Serepatatia and some of his new Staff were invited and entertained by Adam and Eve in their own home in Eden. Serapatatia thereafter became one of the most able and efficient of all Adam’s Lieutenants. He was entirely honest and thoroughly sincere in all of his activities. He was never conscious, even to the end, that he was to be used as a circumstantial tool against Adam and Eve in a clever plot set in motion through concealed mental suggestion by the wily Caligastia.The «Fall» of EveSoon Serapatatia was appointed Associate Chairman of the Edenic Commission on Tribal Relations, and many plans were laid for the more vigorous prosecution of the work of winning the remote Tribes to the Adamic cause. He thus held frequent conferences with Adam and Eve – especially with Eve – and one day, during a talk with Eve, a mental suggestion came to Serapatatia that if the Nodites, as the most progressive and co-operative Tribal Race, could have a Leader born to them incorporating the elevated genes of her non-mortal Celestial Race, it would constitute a powerful tie binding these people to the Garden of Eden. He was then mentally influenced to reason with Eve that if this child could be reared and educated in the Garden of Eden, it would exert a great influence over his people and possibly influence the many other tribes.For more than five years these plans were secretly progressed between them. At last they were developed to the point where Eve consented to have a secret conference with Serapatatia’s close Associate, Cano, a most brilliant mind and the active Leader of the near-by colony of the friendly Nodites. Cano was very sympathetic to the Adamic cause and was also the spiritual Leader of this neighboring Nodite Tribe which had been amongst the first to choose to have friendly relations with the Garden of Eden.The fateful meeting occurred during the twilight hours of an autumn evening, not far from the home of Adam. Eve had never before met the beautiful and enthusiastic Cano – and he was a magnificent specimen of the superior physique and outstanding intellect of his remote Descendings of the Planetary Prince’s original Staff. And Cano also thoroughly believed in the righteousness of the «Serapatatia Project», since multiple mating was a common practice outside of the Garden of Eden and was not considered in any way to be wrong.Encouraged by flattery, enthusiasm, and great personal persuasion, Eve then and there consented to embark upon the much-discussed enterprise, to add her own contribution of «World Saving» to the Divine Plan. Before she quite realised what was transpiring, the fatal step had been taken and the deed was done. The child arising from this union was eventually to be named Cain.Adam however very soon sensed from Eve that something very seriously wrong had taken place. He asked Eve to come outside with him into their garden. And now for the first time Adam heard from Eve the entire story about her and Serapatatia’s long-nourished plan for accelerating world improvement by stimulating the upliftment of the tribal bloodstock and genes of one of the more advanced world tribes.And as they communed in the moonlit garden, they suddenly heard a discarnate «Voice in the Garden» reproving them for their disobedience. It informed them that they had transgressed the Garden of Eden Covenant and had defaulted in the execution of their Oaths of Trust to the Rulers of the Local Universe. Upon hearing this, Eve’s disillusionment was truly pathetic. Adam had quickly taken in the whole predicament they were in and whilst heartbroken and dejected, he nonetheless felt a great sympathy and pity for his erring Mate.It was in Adam’s despair at the realisation of Eve’s failure that the day after Eve’s misstep, he sought out Laotta, a brilliant Nodite woman who was Head of the Western schools of the Garden of Eden, in order to balance out Eve’s great shame by committing the same act himself. He wished to deliberately share his beloved Partner’s fate. He loved his Mate with a supermortal affection, and the thought of the possibility of a lonely vigil on Urantia without her was more than he could endure. Later, when the result of this union was the birth of a daughter named Sansa, and since Laotta died in the childbirth, Eve without hesitation took Sansa to her bosom and she was reared along with Cain to grow up to be a woman of great ability.When the worker inhabitants of the Garden of Eden learned of what had happened to Eve, these infuriated inhabitants declared war on the near-by Nodite settlement. They swept out through the gates of Eden and down upon these unprepared Nodite people, utterly destroying them – not a man, woman, or child was spared. Cano, the father of Cain yet unborn, also perished and Serapataia, overcome with remorse at what he had set in motion, drowned himself next day in the Great River.But still more trouble was brewing: the news of the annihilation of the Nodite settlement near Eden was not slow in reaching the home tribes of Serapatatia to the North, and presently a great host was assembling to march on the Garden of Eden. And this was to be only the beginning of a long and bitter warfare between the Adamite tribal followers and the Nodite Tribes. Adam, having realised that he and Eve had failed in their Adamic Mission, and not wishing to go to war with the tribes, agreed with twelve hundred of his loyal followers to flee by caravan East to the second originally selected site for the Garden of Eden, at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Mesopotamia.The Flight to the Second EdenAs the Edenic Caravan proceeded on its way, Adam was not entirely certain how the Hierarchy was going to react to their offence. On the third day of their journey, they were halted by the arrival of the Seraphic Hosts from Jerusem, who formally informed Adam and Eve of their transgressions and advised them concerning their fate. Gabriel, the Chief Administrative Officer of the Local Universe of Nebadon, had pronounced judgment from Nebadon’s Headquarters on Salvington to the effect that, although they were not being charged of standing in «contempt of the Universe Government» and had not been guilty of rebellion, they had degraded themselves to the lower status of «Mortals» of the realm. They would no longer have immortality of life previously conferred on them along with their access to the restorative «Tree of Life». From now on they must conduct themselves as a purely mortal man and woman of Urantia, now subject to a limited life-span. They were henceforth to be totally dependent on any successful local development of Earth’s tribal Races for their own future well-being.It required almost a full year for the Edenic Caravan to reach the Euphrates River. When word reached the existing dwellers at the site of the Second Garden of Eden that the King and High Priest of the Garden of Eden was «marching on them», they fled in haste to the Eastern mountains. Adam found all of the desired territory totally vacated when he arrived. In this new location Adam and his helpers were now obliged to adopt relatively crude methods of living, whereas the first Garden of Eden had already been prepared for them, whilst this new one thus had to be created by the labour of their own hands. Adam’s caravan had had the foresight to carry the seeds and bulbs of hundreds of plants and cereals of the first Garden to the land between the rivers. They also brought along extensive herds of animals as well as some of the more domesticated ones. Because of this, they at least possessed some advantages over the surrounding tribes and eventually they were able to develop and enjoy many of the benefits of the previous culture of their first Garden of Eden.The site of Second Garden of Eden between the two great rivers was to provide a good natural defence from any marauding tribes. A short way to the North, where the Euphrates and Tigris came close together, a high defence wall was to be built between the rivers extending some fifty-six miles for the protection of the main body of the territory to the South. And so it was that they set themselves to building their own new homes and working from scratch to create a second beautiful Garden of Eden and eventually establish a new centre on Earth of relatively advanced culture and religion.Up to the time of leaving the first Eden, Adam and his family had always subsisted on eating only fruits, cereals and nuts. On the way to Mesopotamia they had for the first time been forced to partake of herbs and vegetables. Even though the eating of meat was eventually introduced into the Second Garden, Adam and Eve never partook of flesh as part of their regular diet. Neither did any of their first generation children of the original Eden become flesh eaters. They subsisted wholly upon «the fruits and nuts of the trees». However, the next generation of Adamic Descendants did begin to partake of dairy products, though they continued to follow a non-flesh diet. Many of the Southern tribes with whom they later united were also non-flesh eaters. Later on, most of these vegetarian tribes migrated to the East and became mixed in with the peoples of India.The psychic abilities of Adam and Eve were far superior to those of present-day peoples. Their extra-sensory senses were acute and they were able to see higher-vibrational Angelic Hosts and other higher dimensional Beings – this ability lasted them for over one hundred years after the fall of the First Eden. These higher senses were not to be so strong in their Second Garden of Eden offspring and tended to gradually diminish with each succeeding generation.Adam lived for a total of 530 years, 412 of them in the Second Garden of Eden, and died 35,000 years ago of what might be simply termed old age. His physical mechanism eventually wore out, the process of disintegration gradually gaining on the processes of repair, and the inevitable end came. Eve had died nineteen years previously of a weakened heart. They were both buried in the centre of the Temple of Divine Service which had been built in accordance with their plans soon after the Northern Great Wall between the rivers of the colony had been completed.The final end of the First Garden of Eden peninsula in the Mediterranean came almost four thousand years after Adam and Eve had fled. It had been overrun and occupied at different times by the lower-grade tribes of Nodites, Cutites and the Suntites. The end came in connection with violent activity of surrounding volcanoes and also the concurrent submergence of the Sicilian land bridge to Africa. The Eastern floor of the Mediterranean Sea was gradually sinking, eventually carrying down beneath its waters the entire Edenic peninsula over several hundred years. And so ended one of the most beautiful creations by the combination of Man and Nature ever witnessed on Urantia/Earth.

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