Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The Lucifer Rebellion

The Lucifer RebellionAs Sovereign of the Local System of Satania, Lucifer had reigned for more than five hundred thousand years as the Chief Executive of Satania, a System of 607 inhabited Worlds. He was generally considered a magnificent and brilliant personality and he stood in line for promotion to becoming one of the Constellation Fathers in our Milky Way Galaxy/Local Universe of Nebadon. But during the last 100 years of his reign, Lucifer increasingly questioned the purpose behind the entire Hierarchical establishment of the our «Grand Universe» Administration.He eventually produced a «Declaration of Liberty» Manifesto in which he charged that the Paradise Isle «Trinity Father» did not really exist and was a myth invented by the Paradise Isle «Creator Sons» to enable them to maintain their rule of the Local Universes in a so-called Father’s name. Lucifer contended that the Local Universe Systems should be autonomous, and protested that Nebadon’s Creator Son Michael should not have the right to assume full Sovereignty of Nebadon until after he had completed his final Seventh Bestowal life on one of his Planets. He also objected to the amount of time and resources used in the vast programme of training billions of «Ascending Mortals» on the numerous Mansion Worlds for a «mythical Ascension purpose» up to the Central Universes, all to the detriment of Local Universe development.Lucifer first announced his plans to Satan, his First Administrative Assistant, but it required several months to win over this able and brilliant Associate. However, when once converted to the contrarian theories, he himself became a bold and earnest advocate of «Self-assertion and Liberty». The Head Chief of the Seraphic Hosts (the Angelic Orders) responsible for the day-to-day administration also joined the Lucifer cause, even though his Second in Command, Manotia, remained loyal to the Grand Universe Hierarchical Administration. The defection of the Head Administrator of what in our terms would be our Government’s «Civil Servants», influenced a large number of the Local System Administrative Seraphim to follow in joining the «Rebellion».According to a then highly placed observer, «The Seraphic Leader was spiritually blinded by the brilliant personality of Lucifer and his charming ways had fascinated the Lower Orders of the Celestial Seraphim so that they simply could not comprehend that it was possible for such a dazzling personality to go wrong».As put forth by «The Urantia Book»: present day readers, perhaps impressed by Lucifer’s highly evocative title, «A Declaration of Liberty», chosen for his Revolutionary Thesis, may be wondering: why so much fuss and such strong opposition. Three reasons along with their consequences put forward at the time by the Grand Universe Hierarchy were:First, and most seriously, it became clear on further analysis and observation that the so-called «Declaration of Liberty» was in fact a front for ambitions of a far more serious nature. This suspicion was soon to be fully justified by those on Planet Earth when one of the «converts», Caligastia, won over his First Associate, Daligastia, and they jointly called the «Ten Councils of Urantia» in a Session Extraordinary.The Assembly was opened with the statement that Prince Caligastia was about to proclaim himself «Absolute Creator Sovereign of Urantia» instead of just as a Planetary Prince appointed by the Constellation Fathers. He demanded that all Earth’s present Administration abdicate by resigning all of their functions and powers into his hands as «Trustee», pending the reorganization of the Planetary Government. Sixty percent of the Administrative personnel agreed to comply. The other forty percent, through their newly appointed Chairman, Van, instead made a direct appeal against this to the Local System of Satania Headquarters at Jerusem. However, since Lucifer was the Local System Sovereign, they obviously quickly received orders back confirming Caligastia as the new Supreme Sovereign of Urantia and commanding absolute and unquestioning allegiance to his mandates.The second problem was the serious split in governance at a number of levels, some administrators supporting, others opposing the «revolution». The ultimate effect of the Rebellion on Earth was that many of its skilled administrative civil servants and instructors were split and dispersed, causing considerable chaos and a major setback in the evolutionary progress of the indigenous tribes and any real progress in developing a higher civilisation on Earth. For over fifty years great administrative confusion reigned in Dalamatia and its surroundings.The third problem was that even had the «Rebel» plans for «Democracy» been wholly genuine, the primitive tribes were not yet ready for anything resembling self- or even participatory Government. It was not long before the entire remaining Staff loyal to Caligastia were engaged in an energetic defence of their City against the hordes of semi-savages who were to besiege its walls. This came as a result of the Doctrines of Liberty which had been prematurely spread amongst them by Caligastia. His grand scheme for the immediate reconstruction of Human society in accordance with his new ideas for individual freedom and group liberties proved to be a swift failure. The surrounding relatively primitive tribal society rapidly sank back to its old levels.A deeper and considerably longer-lasting effect of the Lucifer Rebellion was the reaction – one which may in retrospect be regarded as «over-kill» – of the Hierarchy, unaccustomed as they were to any questioning of the «status quo» and instinctively fearful of any possible adverse consequences.Though initially reacting with a policy of non-interference, they subsequently reacted with extreme severity. The Lucifer Rebellion would ultimately involve only thirty-seven inhabited Planets out of the 607 within the Local System of Satania. But this was deemed a possible threat to the three million or so other inhabited Worlds within the Local Universe of Nebadon. The 37 Planets, including Earth, which succumbed to the Rebellion have thus been kept in isolation/quarantine on the orders of the controlling Orvonton SuperUniverse Administration for nearly two hundred thousand years. A final adjudication was only made by the «Most Highs» of Uversa in 1985, when the Hierarchy’s «Quarantine Order» was finally eased, having had a major negative impact on the evolution of Earth’s civilisation and people. However, the surrounding electronic «Veil» insulating us from contact with other Worlds which was at the same time established by our Cosmic Creator, has not as yet been lifted.

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