Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Sophia ~ The Singularity

August 16th, 2023


Welcome to my newsletter! I hope this finds you well.

Today's topic of discussion was a surprise to me. There were no additional "clues" as to why this was chosen for you right now, other than what you'll soon read. It is intriguing for sure.

As promised, my next book, Drops of Light can be talked about a bit more at this juncture. This is a book I was not prepared to write. It has gone through a few versions, yet I am happy to report that it looks to have finally settled in on a final take. That said, it will be later in the month of September than I had originally planned for the release. I hope to be more specific in a few weeks, as of today, that is about as much as I can say. This book will be our story, told as much from us as from elsewhere. This is a switch from previous works, and it is one I hope you will enjoy!

There are two links for ways to support the victims of the Maui fires that will be shared here. First, here is a link for needed donations (click here) through Amazon. Many low priced items are listed here. Here is another donation site (click here) where money can be sent. Both of the links were shared by someone from Hawaii, someone trusted.

This next link is being shared because, as a writer, I know what it takes to write and publish a book, specifically on Amazon. This is an 86 page book that was released on 8/10/23. The fires happened on the 8th, right? Notice the title. "Fire and Fury - The story of the 2023 Maui fire and its implications for Climate Change" (click here for Amazon link). Books aren't written that fast. The author is Dr. Miles Stones. He's written other books, according to Goodreads. I will leave it up to you to decide the myriad of reasons for this book's release. Hopefully it will wake people up to these methods of programming and sheer disregard for people. It is disheartening for so many reasons, and telling for so many more. You'll want to read the reviews for this one.

Please share this complimentary edition!

With love, light and appreciation this newsletter reaches you today. Hang in there. We are each struggling with our own version and pace of enlightenment. Nothing will be left unseen before we are finished. This is a great thing. One day, we'll all gather around and reminisce about this time we are sharing. Until then, know that you are not alone, and that you're doing a fine job!


PS Thanks for your reviews on Amazon, they are a help for us all!
It is the One.

There are subjects to discuss as your world dissolves in front of your eyes. It is advised that we speak for a bit.
Okay, let’s begin.
You approach the singularity.
So, would you be a little more specific? As in, what sort of timing does “approach” signify? And what will the singularity feel and look like for us?
This is a vast subject that encompasses many components. Precise 3D timing cannot be given. You have heard the term “event driven”. This is the case now.

As inevitable events proceed on your current timeline, others move into place and occur. Much of the “timing” for these is determined by your response to them. There are many factors and each one contributes to the timing of things.

Your frequency shifts also. The rate for this increase is not necessarily a constant, and therefore cannot be predicted.

In other words, events occur when they do, and the frequency range determines how rapidly they affect the timeline. Frequency has an effect on the people’s response, and also how quickly information is disseminated and processed. It all matters.

What can be said here is that the current timeline is neither shocking, nor unexpected. That indicates that the process is occurring pretty much how it was expected to occur. Hence, the reason for today’s subject. The singularity approaches. It is time to consider the possibilities.

Okay, what are we looking at then?
You will experience a moment – a zero-point moment of pure potential.

Once you traverse through that moment you will have accessed pure potential. After that moment, your world changes.

It is important to realize that all of you are creating your current life. You do this according to your own expectations, beliefs and intentions.

Each of you will thus contribute to your zero-point moment. It will have a singular attribute in every case – pure potential. Yet, from there you will go just as far as you expect, believe and intend.

You will define your new world. You will define it in concert with the whole.

This is the reason for these outrageous attempts to capture your fears and weaknesses with a string of physical and geo-political disasters now. If you create from a base of fear – you will be falling right into the hands of those who desire to control you. This is where they want to hold you always.

This zero-point moment will be unsettling for some. Those of you who are riding these incoming energies (easily and/or gladly, “woo-hoo!”) will be delirious with joy and power. It will be energizing.
Yet, not all of you will comprehend what is occurring. For those who do not, it will feel as if all the controls have been let go of, or lost – they will be at sea. This could instigate fear for them.

It is at this moment when your composure and Light will be so very much needed. It is the moment when you’ll sense an energetic opportunity, and a pulse. You’ll know then why you are here. You will recognize it. It will be like the starting sound before a race.

It will initiate movement for you – while for those who are not here for the same reasons, it will stop them in their tracks.

This is how you’ll know who needs help. Each of you is perfectly placed for the approaching singularity.
That is all.
Thank you.
~~~The Book Shop~~~
That's it for today!

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