Friday, October 16, 2020



1. Turn your focus inwards  

2. Shut your eyes.  

3. Turn your focus to your breath.  

4. Imagine that you’re breathing in and out through your heart,
as if your heart was your lungs.  

5. Feel your breath start to slow and deepen.  

6. Really focus on doing just this and nothing else.  

7. Feel your breath start to slow and deepen.  

8. Feel how your cortisol levels are reduced.  

9. Feel your stress begin to vanish and disappear.  

10. Drop into the stillness of the present moment…  

11. …where nothing exists outside of you.  

12. As you stay focused on your breath…  

13. Notice how you can’t be anywhere else
but where you are right now..    

14. You are in the present moment…  

15. …and going deeper into stillness.  

16. Drop and anchor from the center of your being …  

17. Into the core of Gaia…  

18. … and then set your intention for this day…  

19 … this month …  

20. … and this year …  

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