Vladimir Putin Soul 

Part 2
Good morning,
It’s being said that I kill my opposition and enemies in Russia, again it’s not true, what usually happens they eventually eliminate themselves, as they are negative and have their own enemies. The West was saying and portraying that Alexei Novalny was this democratic leader fighting for the freedom of the Russian people. That was another big lie, he was a racist, extreme nationalist with Neo Nazi connection, he called Muslim immigrants cockroaches, and he worked for American CIA. His purpose was to destabilize the country and become an opposition leader to me of Russia, trying to prevent me from being the president. He failed, as he only had a few percent of support from the population, as everyone in the country knew he was a trader and a CIA operative.
Novalny was supposedly against corruption in Russia, yet, he was found guilty for fraud and embezzlement served time in prison for it. No one really cared in Russia, except for the paid off fake demonstrators by America. Then I was accused of killing him, when he left his human body in prison, that was another lie, he died from bad health, it was also revealed, that I was in a process of exchanging him with United States for Russian prisoners. So why did America want him? Is it because they care about democracy, of course not, he worked for their CIA agency. It was the same story with Evan Gershkovich, he was not a journalist. He was spying on our military sites, that is on why he was arrested.
Why do you think United States exchanged him with Russian prisoners, it’s because he was another CIA operative. American dark government doesn’t care about journalists or their lives, what did they do to Israel, which killed more than 141 actual journalists and media workers during the Gaza War, absolutely nothing. If you still had any delusion that United States represents democracy, that should have been destroyed by their unconditional support for Israel in the Gaza War. By sending weapons like the 2000 pound bombs that were dropped by Israeli jets on the apartment buildings, billions of dollars, providing military intelligence, protecting them in UN by vetoing any resolution for ceasefire or anything, that would force Israel government from killing mostly Palestinian civilians and allowing for IDF military to do anything negative they want to them and their territory.
The Ukraine War was forced on me by the Dark NATO and United States, I was avoiding it as long as I could. I did not just suddenly decided to start this conflict out of nowhere. This began over a decade ago, when Ukrainian government and their military including their Nazi Azov brigade, which has the Nazi Waffen battalion symbol on their military uniform, two black lightings, and they even took photos with the German swastika on the Ukraine flag. They started to discriminate, suppress, take freedom away and attack regions populated with Russians in Ukraine, this went on for many years and the people in Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporuzhzia and Kherson wanted military help and voted unanimously from 87% to 98% to be part of Russia. Our government parliament voted to allow me to send our army to help them from getting eliminated by the Nazi regime and their military.
The West keeps calling this invasion of Ukraine, that is a lie, it’s called a special military operation for a reason, as it’s more of a liberation of the Russian people, who have been oppressed and militarily attacked by Ukraine army for a while, they were not happy that it took this long for us to finally intervene. If you look at the map of Ukraine on how much territory we actually occupy, it’s the Russian populated regions, most of the country is free, because it’s not an invasion. I can conquer the whole Ukraine, if I want to, but I have no interest in doing this and Russia would lose a lot of soldiers in the process. I can also destroy the whole country, but I don’t behave like Israel does, which destroyed everything in Palestinian State. We recognized Palestinian as an independent country since 1988.
Russia mostly targets Ukraine military sites with exception of energy sites that power military infrastructure. Sometimes weapons malfunction, miss the intended target or get hit by defense missile systems. When Ukrainians show videos of civilian buildings destroyed, they are not telling the whole story, like the reasons on why this happened. This is usually because the Ukrainian soldiers were inside them not leaving and fighting. This special military operation was supposed to last only for a few months. There were peace negotiations going on between the two countries, but America and former prime minister of United Kingdom Boris Johnson put pressure on Ukraine not to do a peace treaty and continue the war. Ukraine is not a member of NATO, what NATO country received this much money and weapons that has been sent to Ukraine, none.
The West doesn’t care at all about Ukraine, they just want them to be part of NATO to use their territory for their military and weapons to eventually to start attacks on Russia. After we launched our special military operation, NATO countries created a special Repo task force with members from Australia, Canada, European Commission, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, United Kingdom and United States in their countries froze and stole 330 billion dollars of Russian assets and America even gave 5 billion dollars of Russian money in the United States to Ukraine. They have no right to do this, so us sending a military force to go rescue and protect Russian population in Ukraine, who have been attacked by a Nazi regime for a decade, their response is to freeze and steal over 330 billion dollars of our assets and put a ton of sanctions on Russia.
What does Ukraine have to do with any of these countries, it’s not even a NATO member. I asked in the past Bill Clinton, if Russia could join NATO, he said yes and hours later said no. There is no point of NATO existence today except to go to war with Russia, which we have zero interest invading Europe, but we will defend ourselves, if we are attacked. The West is just using Ukraine, as a battering ramp against Russia without caring about the Ukrainians at all, they will try to drag this war to the last second, until the country is completely out of soldiers and weapons. I am being called a dictator, but Zelenskyy canceled elections in Ukraine on November 7, 2023, his president term expired on May 20, 2024, since that day he has been officially a dictator. He also signed a decree on October 4, 2022, saying it’s impossible to negotiate with me for peace.
Right now, he is an illegitimate government that doesn’t represent the Ukrainian people. International Criminal Court issued arrest warrant on me on March 17, 2023 accusing me of taking hundreds of Ukrainian children from orphanages and care homes deporting them to Russia. Again it’s not true, why would I want hundreds of Ukrainian children. They left out one important detail that these kids were actually Russian children, who lost their parents mainly, because of Ukraine attacks by their military and they were being neglected and not being taken care of. So we took and send them to Russia, that they would at least be properly cared after and have a chance at a better life. Not to mention Russia is not part of ICC, so they have no jurisdiction over us, Even Ukraine or the United States are not part of the organization, the whole thing is a joke.
At the beginning of the Ukraine conflict you needed to be 27 years old Ukrainian soldier to be able to fight in the war. Then it was lowered to 25 years old, because they lost a lot of soldiers and needed new ones to replace them. Now the White House of America is pressuring Ukraine to lower the age to 18 years old, as Ukraine is running out of soldiers to fight in the war. United States clearly could care less about Ukrainians. Zelenskyy has been very aggressive in mobilizing troops for the war. Ukrainian men daily are being kidnapped and forced into vans by military soldiers to be sent to the frontlines with little or no training at all against their will. He even sent men who can’t take care of themselves, there is video of a Ukrainian soldier with down syndrome in the trenches, the worst part he is being treated poorly by his own soldiers. Zelenskyy is sending anyone he can to the war including old men, many women, even some pregnant ones.
I am aware of the situation, so I give Ukrainian soldiers the opportunity to surrender and not to lose their human life for nothing. A special radio signal called 149.200 'Volga' frequency, which works in all of the directions on the frontlines. It gives the Ukrainian troops the opportunity to surrender, they will be fed, receive medical treatment and a place to sleep, and they won’t need throw away their lives for the government, that doesn’t value their life at all. Also, the Prime Minister of Hungary Victor Orban proposed to me to do one day ceasefire with Ukraine on Christmas Day and exchange prisoners of this past year, which would have been no fighting in the war on that holiday. I agreed and Zelenskyy did not.
Recently, I ordered the Russian army to launch surrender offer leaflets before attacking any Ukrainian soldiers, in order to reduce their casualties. Their military forces are not even trying to recapture the lost territory, they are mostly attacking civilian buildings in the Russian regions of Ukraine defended by our soldiers and many attacks inside of Russia, like drone strikes over 600 miles inside our country hitting residential buildings in Kazan, in the Tatarstan region. The West keeps saying daily on how I am sending waves after waves of Russian soldiers just to get killed against Ukrainians and that we are losing a lot of people everyday. This is another lie, It’s the opposite, I am being careful and not being too aggressive in order not too lose many soldiers, that is on why the overall progress of liberating Russian regions in Ukraine has been slow.
Plus you can’t put a lot military troops or armored vehicles like tanks in a small area, they are just going to get destroyed with drones, artillery or jets strikes. Attacks need to be done in smaller groups, because of the modern warfare today. We fight in battles, that are in favor in our odds or we stop and pull out. Ukraine is the one losing a lot of soldiers everyday, for every one Russian soldier that loses his life on the battlefield it’s usually 8-12 Ukrainians perish, sometimes it reaches as high as 1/20 ratio. The problem of dead Ukrainian soldier bodies became so big for Zelenskyy, that he is burying them in mass graves, for two main reasons. He wants to save money on funeral costs and he has the military tell the family members of these soldiers, who left this world, that they are missing in action.
Why would he do this? When a soldier is reported missing instead of being buried in the cemetery, their family won’t receive a one time payment for the death of the soldier and they can’t get military pension. Because they need a death certificate to collect the money, which is only given when a soldier is buried in a funeral at a cemetery. He is doing this on purpose, to put more money in his pockets. Unlike Zelenskyy, who forces and has the military kidnap men in public to sent to fight in the war. I try to take care of the soldiers, who are serving our country, by trying to pass different laws to help. We don’t treat our soldiers like Ukraine, if a Russian soldier looses his or her human life fighting for our country, their family gets one time payment of 5 million rubles ($45,000) and a military pension. I offered in July of in this past year 1.9 million rubles ($17,000) as a signing bonus to joint the military.
In November I increased from 3 to 4 million rubles ($36,000) in one time disability payment for injured soldiers, which includes a military pension. Also, in November I signed a law that for anyone, who joins the military on December 1, 2024 would have a chance including their spouse have debt written off, up to 10 million rubles ($90,000). If I am supposed to be this evil dictator that the West portrays me as, I am not very good at it, compared to Zelenskyy, he is a professional at it. What they accuse of me doing, it’s actually what they themselves are doing. I need to go now Putin is up and working, I can’t be away for too long from his body, when he is not sleeping. He works long hours into the night and doesn’t sleep much, trying everyday to improve the lives of the Russian people in his country and the world by launching BRICS.
In which the currency is backed by gold and minerals like it’s supposed to be on this planet and not like the dollar backed by debt. Also, so the money system can’t be used as a weapon against any country around the world and it’s population, by being sanctioned to death, on what United States does with its dollar to any country that doesn’t follow its orders. Please, take my advice don’t trust your countries mainstream media and do your own research to learn, on what is really happening around world, specifically in the countries with military conflicts, instead of jumping to the conclusion based only on one source of information. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces for giving me this opportunity to speak through this channel and say on what is actually going on in Russia, instead of the lies being told by the West. I give you my Blessings and I wish all of you Good Health in this new year of 2025.
See The Truth With Your Own Eyes
Vladimir Putin Soul
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