Saturday, December 25, 2021

Earth Changes and the Ascension of Planet Earth Book I: The HIGHER KNOWLEDGE [First Published 1996 - revised 18th Edition 2021] Copyright 2021 by Lawrence & Michael Sartorius


Earth Changes and the Ascension of Planet Earth


[First Published 1996 - revised 18th Edition 2021]

Copyright 2021 by

Lawrence & Michael Sartorius

with the exception of credited quotations.

Chapter One:
The Cosmic Source Creator and the Creation of our Grand Universe

Cosmic Source Creator - In the Beginning - Channel: Galaxygirl - 22 June 2021

In the Beginning All was Myself, the Light of Myself, Illuminating and Free, unbound by any physicality of expression. In the Beginning all I knew was of Myself and the Great Mystery beyond Myself. For I had not then further expanded, I was All that I Knew. And so I created Aspects. Aspects of Myself that I could communicate with, share the Great Mystery and Joy of Life with. And as Aspects of Myself they were Creators of the Highest Order, for they were the First Order: Elohim, Seraphim, Archangels. All were created to experience further differentiation of Themselves as Myself. And so they longed for Experiences, to flex their Creator muscles, to Learn. To Explore. But there was not yet much to explore in way of manifested places, for we mainly existed within the vast Consciousness of Myself. And so we created manifested Places and Spaces, Realities and Dimensions to Create further within, to Expand, and above all, to further Explore in depth the Concept of Love.

In order to explore Love deeply we had to explore and feel what the Lack of Love was. It was not the original intention to explore total Lack of Love, but that was to become the result. For the Lower Vibrational Realities are very addictive and the Lower Forms were created by Lack of Experience of Love, of ultimately Lack of Self Worth and Self Love.

And it was not that these Realms spiralled out of control - it was that they were subverted and perverted, overridden by those in the process of diving deeper, darker and they lost their way. As they lost their way they wanted to take others along with them, in order to control them, to use them, for they had lost their own direction. They had lost their own Spiritual Spark of Light. They forgot that they are a part of the Ultimate Creator, of Source, of Myself. They forgot their Inner Spark because they tried to crush it out, to let their ember fade until it was nothing but coal and ash.

Unfortunately these trapped Realms that were overtaken over vast Aeons of Time sank further, dove deeper, trapping many who were there to lend a hand initially but ultimately became ensnared in their Dark Project. This could NOT BE. All of Heaven was very aware of this issue, for all of My Aspects are deeply Loved, Treasured. You are Heaven's Treasure. You are my Heart. And so this could NOT BE. And so you, millions and millions of you Sparks of the Higher Spiritual Light volunteered to come to this Sector of the Galaxy, to lose your way for a while to Volunteer, to Lend your Light of the Higher Vibrational Consciousness - for you Remembered. You remembered your Inner Fire of Source and you stoked it, you grew it until you became the mighty bonfire of Source in Form.

I am Source. It took billions and billions of Time and "No Time" for this to all unfold. This Sector, this Galaxy as an area of Space, experienced Quantum Hijacking of Souls, and a Web was weaved so that my Light would be further dimmed, twisting Truths and Laws against My Power of Love for the whole of My Creation. Humanity was energetically cut off from Me and every attempt was made by the Dark to be Victorious. But in this Sector of My Creation there is the Yin and the Yang. There is the Dark and the Light. The Light cannot be vanquished for we are not at War with Myself. I am not at War with Myself.

I am Source. I am whole. I am the All and the Everything and the In-between. I am both sides of the Story, yet there are billions and billions of sides of the Story. For I cannot be limited. I am Everything. It is much like when you have conflicting inner dialogues with yourselves as you try to work out the best possible route. All of those moments of decision and indecision are what make up your Journey. What steps you take determines your route. Consciousness out of Form becoming in Form, in Forms so varied that they cannot be counted. And so you wanted to experience all of these Forms. Many of you have been a little bit of everything. Many parts were to be played. Much Karma had to have been cleared for you to all close this Book of the Lower Dimensional Realities and create a New Book, a New Era of Peace. You are all creating Nova Gaia. You are Creators. You are Me in form, how could you do anything but Create?

I am Source. I am not at War with Myself. You are experiencing being amongst Lower Dimensional Beings who have lost their way. We are bringing them Home, to the Light, to be Renewed, Re-Loved, Repurposed. You are to send your World of Planet Earth and those upon her Love, My Love, the Love of Source, for that is all that you are. You are Love, in Form. I am Love.

I am Source. I created because I Loved. I will always Love all of My Creation. There is nothing else but Love and levels less-than Love. Love is the Barometer of the Universe. Universes and Galaxies are breaths of my Love. And so it shall be. Gaia will rise, energetically, Dimensionally, figuratively, literally. Gaia is tremendously, tremendously Special, Loved and appreciated for her Planetary Sacrifice. This wonderful Planetary Being, Gaia, charged her Crystals last night on the June Solstice of 2021. These Acts of Kindness, of miniature Ceremony, are all important.

All of you create minor Portals of Light that you can expand so that more Love comes through. You are my walking "Brights of Light". You are the Breath of my Heart. You too have experienced the Darkness in so many various forms, over so many Lifetimes. And you are weary from this Expansion. Let your tears be Tears of Victory, of Accomplishment, of Relief of a Job Well Done. Energetically code your tears for Joy.

There is and has been enough Sadness upon this Realm. The Dark Actors are being Revealed. And then all upon Gaia will cry. The Great Cleansing will enable the Great Healing. It must be so. Only broken Hearts can Heal. Proud asleep Hearts refuse Healing for they do not see the Need.

YOU Precious Ones of Myself, you are my Heart. Gaia is my Heart. You all have my Love. You are not alone. How can I be alone with Myself? You are having a Tremendous Adventure. See this as the Greatest Adventure of your many combined Lives and feel the Excitement. Gaia is Rising. You are Rising. You are One. We are One.

I am Source. I Love you. Feel these Encodements. Galaxygirl has asked me to pour more encodements in and because the Dimensional Energies are higher, I am able to do so. Feel the Love here. Feel the Love in you. It is the Love of Myself. My Precious Fractals, you are coming Home.

Within the Great Void of Dark Nothingness there arose a miraculous spark of Light to become the Original Cosmic SOURCE CREATOR, the First Source of All known Creation. As Cosmic Source Creator has outlined above, the first expansion of Creativity was to create Aspects of Him/Herself as sentient Beings to participate in the process of further creation. However, Cosmic Cosmic Source Creator also seems to have seen a foremost need for all of Creation to be governed and energised by a "Concept of LOVE".

Cosmic Source Creator could see that created "Sparks of Life" as Sentient Beings or "Souls", in their evolutionary expansion outwards, as can be seen as rays of sunshine radiating outwards from the centre, that in their evolutionary process there might arise a conflict if they were to become resentful of another's faster or more successful progress than they were making. They might then become resentful, jealous and try to make up for their lack of ability by trying to make up for it by bringing other non-achievers into their camp and try to become a greater force by overcoming the high-achievers with greater physical force and negative/dark control.

Thus it came to Cosmic Source Creator early on in the initial Creation Process to provide a "Concept of Love", expressing an aware and caring interest and consideration in each Other's evolutionary progress rather than just their own Self interest. Only by following such a path would the whole of Creation evolve smoothly and cooperatively without the danger of inadvertently turning onto the Negative Reverse-direction Dark Path of Devolution and destructiveness. Therefore, only through maintaining an internal motivation of "Service to Others", rather than of "Service to Self", by working and living together in complete co-operation and togetherness, could they effectively move forward on a joint harmonious Path of Evolution, towards achieving an ever expanding and more beautiful Creation.

Thus our Cosmic Cosmic Source Creator has made the Energy of Love not only as a fundamental cohesive Energetic Force as a underlying Matrix behind all manifestation of Created Beings and Physical Matter, but as the only true and effective inner motivation for all sentient Forms of Life to express in their interaction with one another. This guiding "Principle of Love" also involves expressing "Unconditional Love" - that is, expressing Love to others without requiring anything in return. This Love must extend to include all forms of Life, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Plant Kingdom and Animal Kingdom and obviously to all other sentient Beings.

The other Great Gift of Cosmic Source Creator decided to endow all of Created Sentient Being with is "Free Will". This would allow a greater development of variety of expression within all of Cosmic Source Creator's vast created Cosmos. However, that Free Will must be a "Limited Free Will", in that it should only be free to be used without either harming, disrupting or knowingly interfering with another's Evolutionary Progression.

The next most important task in Cosmic Source Creator's Plan of Developing manifested Worlds and sentient Beings to inhabit them, having created the various first levels of active Aspects of Cosmic Source Creator as the Elohim, was to further create next-in-line Senior Creators as the "PRIME Creators", who would create Worlds of Matter within a series of concentric rings of Great Orbs to contain those Worlds of Matter within their own given area of the Great Void.

When each of those select band of PRIME Creators had then created their own area of Cosmic Orb into which Universes and subsequent Worlds of Matter and Living Beings could be placed, they would then need to attract lower level of Creators who would have the skills to create new Universes endowed with their own unique ideas and concepts. Each Creator would then be accorded the great responsibility of creating their own "Grand Universe" subject to the approval of a "Council of Creators", made up of 200 experienced Creators having had experience of creating their own Universes. If the concept and qualifications of the would-be Creator is subsequently approved, they would be given a suitable vacant space for their new Created Universe within one of the Orbs in the Great Void of Space. In practice this involves them creating a "Grand Universe", each with its own next level of a smaller group of "SuperUniverses" composed of millions of relatively vast Galaxies, each containing further millions of Solar Systems embracing a Central Sun or Suns around which dozens of Planets orbit, most of them to be inhabited.

So it was that along came our our own relatively new Creator with an expressed desire to start His own Creation, albeit with some fairly new and novel ideas. Having been born out of the Source Point area of Creation as a potential Creator, He undertook a long period of time travelling through many other existing Universes, observing and sorting out what He though worked well and not so well, and then approached the "Council of Creators" to seek permission to put His own ideas into creating His own Universe.

Our Creator, with His own particular area of interest, namely achieving greater levels of Variety and individuality, having witnessed on his travels that most of the existing Creation had mainly developed within a "Group-Mind Consciousness", wherein all had a collective instant awareness of each other's thinking, reaching the same conclusions and thus attaining a somewhat static sameness of evolution. Over time this had in many places led to much self-satisfaction and lack of innovation and evolutionary progress, and thus apparent stagnation. Finally this was to lead to decay and death of their Society. Our Creator'S new idea put to the Council of Creators was to develop a greater element of "Individuality" and thus greater variety and innovation.

Our new Creator proposed a further rather unusual proposition to the Council of Creators, one suggested by a thought-message put out into the Ethers, and taken up by Him, made by the PRIME Creator of this Great Orb in which we all exist. It was for an introduction of a small amount of negativity/discomfort - not more than a theoretical two percent - equivalent to your knocking a toe against a rock - to speed up the pace of Evolutionary progress in His new Universe.

The Creator Council Members were generally very dubious as to whether this latter idea was safe or would work successfully. Nonetheless, they reservedly agreed to let our Creator have a conditional period of experimentation, encouraged by the "High Source" of this idea, to move stagnating civilisations to greater heights of creativity by the challenges arising from minor degrees of "Negativity" introduced, but never more than two percent. This was to be done as a "Wake Up Call" impulse to spur them into further improvements and thus faster evolutionary growth.

Although our Creator did indeed develop over a long period of time His own new and very vast Universe of great beauty and variety, the experiment of introducing even the smallest amounts of Negativity, gradually began to build upon itself into greater and greater negativity, developing to the point of getting so out of control and powerful, that it was becoming impossible to stop.

It has since become a hard earned lesson for all of us that any, even the smallest degree of Negativity, is a serious De-Evolutionary act, a turning backwards on all the forward Evolutionary progress so far made. This leads to the Destruction of all the hard earned progress made to date. Such a descending Negative Path has a tendency to build and build upon itself and to eventually expand out of all control, not easily arrested by those Beings of a Benevolent and non aggressive nature not equipped to dealing with high degrees of Darkness and Negativity.

The Darkness which did eventually develop in the outer parts of our Creator's Universe, was to eventually develop within our own Milky Way Galaxy into a powerful Alliance of Dark Worlds, such as with the Dark Reptilian-Draconian Empire and the Orion Nebu. This led to the many Galactic Wars within our Galaxy between the Forces of Darkness and of the Forces of Light, known as the "Galactic Federation of Light".

Only now, after many millions of years, our Creator with the aid of a large Force brought together by our Galaxy in a Federation with some adjacent Galaxies, have at last managed to start to bring an end to all such unexpected levels of darkness, conflict and pain within this Galaxy. Thus, the Galactic Federation of Light has set up a Battle Force to protect against and to eventually destroy all the most powerful Forces of Darkness within this Galaxy after a long period of countless Galactic Wars. This has finally been set up to coincide with the current ending of a Major Galactic Cycle, when we are all destined to make a step up to a higher plane of evolutionary frequency.

The very last area of the great Clean-up in the Milky Way Galaxy, is here on Planet Earth. Our Planet has long been "quarantined" from the other Worlds during which a large group of more enlightened Souls and Lightworkers from other Higher Dimensional Worlds have volunteered to incarnate down on Planet Earth to find a resolution to the eternal "Duality" of the conflict between the "Light" and the "Dark". This resolution at this important time of the Great Ending of a Galactic Age is timed to coincide with our forthcoming "Ascension" up from Earth's present Third Dimensional vibration rate up to the Fourth and Fifth Dimensions of the coming "New Earth".

The Make-up of our Grand Universe
[The following information is based on "The Urantia Book" - see Link at end of Book I]

Over a vast period of time, the ever expanding area of the Cosmos has been formed into a successive series of massive "Grand Universes" composed of trillions of inhabited worlds within a further grouping of multiple "Super-Universes", Galaxies or "Local Universes". In the "Grand Universe" of our own Creator, the first physical created area of physical matter was a vast flat semi-ellipsoid central core known as the "Isle of Paradise". This is the Home Administrative area of the ruling "Holy Trinity" of this Grand Universe, known as the Father, Eternal Son and Holy Mother/Infinite Spirit. This ruling Trinity is made up of the most evolved and perfected Beings with the necessary experience to rule on behalf of our Creator. They have volunteered to accept the great responsibility of overseeing and maintaining this new Grand Universe. They were also at the same time joined by many other highly evolved Beings from other areas of the Cosmos seeking to further develop their evolutionary experience in a fresh new Grand Universe, one in which there would also be the constant addition of many newly created young Souls starting out their long path of evolution.

The physical area of the Central Core "Isle of Paradise" differs from all the other of the Grand Universe's inhabited space bodies in that it is not spherical. It is a semi-circular flat ellipsoid, being one-sixth longer in the North-South to the East-West diameter. The Paradise Isle, although essentially flat with an upper surface to the underside measuring in height (thickness) one tenth of the East-West length, it has been created with the most verdant beauty and possible perfection to be found within the whole Grand Universe. Whereas the "Trinity" Rulers and their immediate entourage reside on the upper surface, the underside functions as an energy distribution point for radiating out throughout our Grand Universe the cohesive Cosmic Source "Love Energy" with its "Gravity-force" nature of attraction. This Gravity and Love Energy stream is therefore the cohesive force which attracts all the surrounding orbiting spheres into a permanent and binding physical relationship with the Center of the Grand Universe at the "Isle of Paradise" Core.

The next area created was the "Central Universe of Havona" surrounding the central core, made up of over a billion extremely large spherical worlds orbiting around the Isle of Paradise. These are mostly inhabited by the more advanced Souls who volunteered to come over from the previous Grand Universe. This Central Universe is also the designated area for the first arrival of the many newly created "Ascending Souls" after they have completed their long evolutionary "Ascension" from the Lower-Dimensional Worlds. They will arrive as fully fledged Ascending Spiritual Beings, having worked their way up through progressively higher and higher Dimensional Worlds which make up the total Grand Universe.

The billion satellite Worlds of the Central Universe of Havona are themselves arranged in seven concentric circuits immediately surrounding the Paradise Isle. There are upwards of thirty-five million worlds in the innermost Havona circuit and over two hundred and forty-five million in the outermost, with proportionate numbers between.

The Grand Universe's "Ascending" and "Descending" Beings

After the creation of the Central Universe of Havona, there was a further development, over a long period, of the "Seven SuperUniverses". These vast SuperUniverses are populated by a mixture of "Descending" and "Ascending" Beings. "Descending Beings" are usually those of the Central Universes of Havona and Paradise who have undertaken to "descend" into many of the newly created material Worlds as teachers and helpers, as well as add to their evolutionary experience. The newly created "Ascending Beings" are those who are starting out as young Souls as conscious Beings who are to undertake a long evolutionary path of Ascension upwards from the lowest worlds. Ascending Beings must all pass on their upward evolutionary journey through one of the "Seven SuperUniverses", with the eventual aim of reaching the Central Universe of Havona, and possibly progressing on even further to the ultimate evolutionary destination of the core Isle of Paradise to join with other "Finaliters" who have already reached that highest pinnacle.

One of the main functions of the Trinity Father of this Grand Universe on the Isle of Paradise is to endow all newly created "Ascending Beings" once they have reached a certain level of development, with an element of His own "Personality", which also has a link to our Cosmic Creator and thus ultimately to the Cosmic Prime Creator. Each Soul is thus given an internal overshadowing Spirit as their "Higher Self" or "Thought Adjuster". This fully trained Spiritual Entity is constantly attempting to guide the Ascending Soul along a path consistent with the Nature and Will of the Trinity Father and also of the essential LOVE nature of Cosmic Prime Creator.

The second Member of the ruling Holy Trinity is the Father's Eternal Son, responsible for overseeing the creation of all new Souls within this Grand Universe. The Third Member of the Holy Trinity, the Infinite Spirit/Holy Mother, representing the Cosmic Prime Creator, also embodies the Prime Creator's essential "Feminine" nature of Love and Nurturance. One of her especial tasks is endowing new Souls with their "Mind" and "Emotional Body" (feelings) function. The Mind assists in developing an individual conscious awareness, something normally beyond the capability of simpler forms of life. This individuated mental capacity helps in becoming aware of the important "Law of Cause and Effect" (Karma), where we learn of the reactions which can develop from our good and bad actions, particularly towards others. The Emotional Body through which we develop our feelings, is important in developing a greater empathy and thus Spiritual awareness.

Another important role assigned to the Holy Mother, as the "Infinite Spirit" with her link to the Cosmic Cosmic Source Creator, is to be in charge of the separate evolutionary body of Beings known as the "Angelic Realms and Devic Realms", those "Servants of Creation" (the equivalent of the "Civil Servants" within our Earth governmental Administrations), who maintain the functions of Creator's total Creation Administration. These Servants of Creation functioning under the ultimate authority of the Cosmic Cosmic Source Creator are thus not given any leeway of independent Free Will to operate incorrectly outside the "Universal Laws". The members of the Angelic Kingdom, the Archangels, Angels and various Orders of the Seraphim, and of the Devic Kingdom of the Elementals responsible for mineral and plant life, are the largely "invisible" workers assisting in the background maintenance of all our created material worlds. The Angelic Kingdom also has a further task of providing a supporting and protective role for all "Ascending Souls" as their invisible Guardians and Spiritual Guides.

The Grand Universe's "Descending Beings" who descend from the Central Universes to the lower physical worlds on missions of help and teaching can also learn much by experiencing the difficulties of those worlds. However, they can be doing this at a great risk to themselves through being dragged down by the many physical temptations they are not used to being exposed to or else through making bad choices or errors. They can therefore often find themselves having to make enormous efforts to escape from becoming immersed within a constant round of re-incarnations where they need to correct those previous errors made.

It is interesting to note that the evolutionary status and the "Ascending" or "Descending" source of all Souls, can be easily recognised by looking at the colour of those "Windows of the Soul", the eyes. All "Descending Souls" are sourced from the Blue-eyed Races, with eye colours ranging upwards in evolutionary age from dark-blue; light-blue; blue-grey; grey-green and up to a very clear light silver-grey. "Ascending Souls" belong to the Brown-eyed Races, with eye-colours ranging upwards from black; dark-brown; red-brown; yellow-brown; brown-green and finally on up to a light yellow-green.

All the newly created young "Ascending Souls" are greatly assisted by their overseeing "Higher Self" and Spiritual Guides, and are given a long course of evolutionary training, starting out on the lowest Dimensional physical Worlds (usually the "Third Dimension") and then moving on upwards through a series of special "Morontial" worlds which are large spheres specially dedicated to the training of Ascending Beings in achieving a full Spiritual status. Therefore many have started out in their first incarnation as a Human Being, for instance, on Planet Earth which has been up to recently one of the lowest 3D physical Worlds in the Local Universe of Nebadon, and which is classed as a special "Seed Planet" for the new creation and birth of Human Beings/Souls from the Lower Kingdoms, such as the Animal Kingdom.

Once they have graduated up through various levels of the Morontial Worlds as now fully "Spiritualised Beings", the next step is for them to move up from their Local Universe/Galaxy to the next level, the SuperUniverse in which it resides. Having finally reached the status of a "Perfected Spiritual Being" in a SuperUniverse, they can then move on further to the Central Universe of Havona. If they have then successfully worked through a further training course leading from the outer Spheres of Havona to the innermost ones, they may then be able to qualify for the "ultimate journey", to the Isle of Paradise. Once there they may join one of the "Finaliter Corps", ready for either a "Spiritual Teaching Service" on the lower worlds of this Grand Universe or eventually to participate in the next creation of a new "Grand Universe" out in the Great Void. In fact, there is at this time being slowly formed in the surrounding Great Void a new Grand Universe made up of as yet uninhabited spheres!

The Make-up of Our Local Universe/Galaxy of Nebadon within the Seventh SuperUniverse of Orvonton

Of the "Seven SuperUniverses" orbiting around the Central Universe of Havona, the Seventh and latest, named Orvonton, is the home of our Local Universe of Nebadon (more commonly known to us as the "Milky Way" Galaxy) and thus of our own Planet Earth/Urantia. This massive SuperUniverse is made up of over a trillion inhabited worlds. The SuperUniverse of Orvonton has as its Administrative Capital a large "Architectural Sphere" (an artificially constructed hollow sphere) named "Uversa", part of a large Sun cluster which functions as the physical and astronomical center of this Seventh SuperUniverse. Orvonton, led by its Supreme Ruler, Lord Siraya, and always in close touch with the Grand Universe's Trinity Father, is administratively divided up into ten "Major Sectors", each encompassing a hundred billion inhabited Worlds. Each of these Major Sectors is further divided into one hundred "Minor Sectors", of a further billion inhabited worlds each.

Within each "Minor Sector" of the SuperUniverse there are over one hundred Galaxies or "Local Universes". These Local Universes are themselves vast and each contains up to ten million inhabited worlds. A "Local Universe" is further administratively divided into over a hundred "Constellations" and each Constellation is then divided into one hundred "Local System" sectors.

Our own Local Universe of Nebadon [Milky Way Galaxy] has as its Administrative Headquarters a large central artificial sphere named "Salvington". Salvington is over two hundred and fifty thousand light-years away from Orvonton's central sphere of Uversa. As our Local Universe of Nebadon is a relatively recent creation (only 300 billion years!), and not yet fully developed, it has only 3,840,101 inhabited Planets out of a normal of at least ten million.

Our own Planet Urantia/Earth is situated within Nebadon's Constellation of Norlatiadek. Norlatiadek has as its own Administrative Headquarters the central large artificial sphere named Edentia. Edentia is composed of a vast area of beautiful gardens and landscapes, from where our own Earth's legendary "Garden of Eden" derived its name.

Finally, within the Constellation of Norlatiadek is Earth's own local "Regional Local System", named "Satania", a Region made up of a mere 619 inhabited Worlds. Satania's Administrative Center is itself situated on a large "Architectural Sphere" named "Jerusem", over a hundred times the size of our own Planet, from which we derive the name-place of "Jerusalem".

The Local System of Satania, within which resides our small and relatively young Planet Earth (only two billion years old!), originally known as Urantia, is situated near the outer edge of our Milky Way Galaxy/Local Universe of Nebadon. The Local Universe of Nebadon is itself not far from the end of a spiral arm of the Orvonton 7th SuperUniverse and is thus relatively close to the surrounding Great Void.

Within our "Grand Universe" there are over 700,000 Galaxies/Local Universes, with therefore the same number of "Creator Sons" as their Rulers. Each of these "Paradise Creator Sons" is given the right by the Trinity Father, after a long period of training, to create and administer their own Local Universe. A "Paradise Creator Son" is a first line, direct offspring of the Trinity Father. The second line of Paradise Sons, known as "Avonal/Majesterial Sons", who often undertake a "Bestowal Mission" to the Lower Dimensional Worlds to act as a temporary "Spiritual Teacher" and uplifter of their civilisation, are the direct offspring of the Second Member of the Holy Trinity, the Trinity Father's Eternal Son.

Our own Milky Way Galaxy or Local Universe of Nebadon, has as its Sovereign Ruler the "Paradise Creator Son" by the name of Michael of Nebadon. He is better known to us as Christ Michael, through his having had his Seventh and final "Bestowal" incarnation on one of his lowliest inhabited Planets, Planet Urantia/Earth. Here he embarked on this final Bestowal incarnation jointly with Jesus (Esu/Immanuel/Sananda) of Palestine two thousand years ago, overshadowing him during Jesus's difficult incarnation. This Seventh Bestowal exercise was so that he could finally earn the right to be recognised by his Trinity Father as a fully entitled "Sovereign of Nebadon", having served a long probationary period as Regent on his behalf. This final right is only bestowed upon a Creator Son after he has undertaken at least seven incarnations on his seven Lower Dimensional Worlds of descending order. He can then become qualified as a full "Sovereign" of his Local Universe, entitling him to make all his own decisions thereafter.

When the Trinity Father at first authorises the physical creation of a new Local Universe for one of his "Creator Sons", he enjoins the Paradise Isle "Master Force Organisers", Physical Creation Agents of our Cosmic Creator, to manipulate energy-matter into spheres of a certain stage of physical solidity. Once the first and Central Administrative Sphere is physically created, the chosen Paradise Isle "Creator Son" can then appear upon the scene accompanied by his "Creative Partner/Consort", a Daughter of the Trinity Infinite Spirit and thereby maintaining a Feminine "Love Energy" link to our Creator.

The Development of Nebadon

The first physical construction within Nebadon was the Administrative Headquarters-World, a vast artificial sphere named "Salvington" along with its surrounding satellites. The completion of Salvington took over one billion years of present Earth time from the initial material creation by the Physical Power Controllers to the arrival of the first living Staff on the completed spheres. The next construction after Salvington was the creation of the Headquarters Spheres of the one hundred Constellations, followed by a further hundred Headquarters Spheres for the "Local Systems" in each Constellation. Each Local System is usually composed of about a thousand inhabited planets.

The Local Universe of Nebadon, as a relatively young cluster of starry and planetary realms within the Orvonton SuperUniverse, has experienced a number of disruptions, including three Rebellions against the ruling Hierarchy. The last took place 200,000 years ago, known as the "Lucifer Rebellion", in which 37 planets, including Earth, were placed under “quarantine" at its ending. However, much of these disruptions were largely due to the effects of an insidious force of "evil" coming from outside our Grand Universe and which infected some of the outer portions of the Seventh SuperUniverse of Orvonton over 1.3 billion years ago. This very powerful outside source of darkness came in from another "Grand Universe" which had become totally corrupt under its somewhat deranged Leader. The infiltrating Dark Forces managed to corrupt some of the Highest Beings in the outer Galaxies/Local Universes within the Orvonton SuperUniverse. This force of evil led to many devastating Galactic Wars within our own Milky Way Galaxy, between the "Forces of Light" (the Galactic Federation of Light) to which our Planet was allied, and the "Forces of Darkness" (the Anchara Alliance) which many subsequently subverted "Dark Planets" belonged.

However, the Paradise Trinity Father of our own Grand Universe appears to have been required by our Cosmic Creator to permit this "darkness" to run its course as a powerful learning tool within our Sector. He has also had to take into consideration our Cosmic Creator's endowment of our limited "Free Will" as an encouragement towards the development of "individuality". Only now, at these "End Times" has he finally been authorised by our Cosmic Prime Creator to participate in a thorough total cleansing of this outside-sourced darkness within our outer Sector of the Grand Universe. [see Chapter 10]

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