Friday, June 21, 2024

Wake Up New Zealand

Another large collection of articles, the two most topical being from May 18:

New Zealand, Like The Rest Of The Western World, Is In The Grip Of Populism As Anti-Establishment Sentiment Rises & A Collective “Common Enemy” Now Stalks Mankind

- And the most recent one below from today: The truth about the Covid jab deaths and injuries is really starting to become exposed now.

The dam is bursting…

June 22 2024 - Why Is Scientific Fraud So Rampant? & The Challenge Of The 'Corona Crisis': Your Life, Your Mind, Your Soul + More

June 21 2024 - The Global Power Hierarchy: Three City States Control The World

June 20 2024 - We Are Surrounded By Masonic Symbols: How Modern Logos Are Linked To Secret Societies

June 19 2024 - Socialism Equals Triumph For Corporate Criminals

June 18 2024 - How Words Can Be Used As Magic Spells: Contracts, Law And Enslavement

June 17 2024 - Death By Hanging From A Doorknob - The Signature Of Pedophilia-Related Assassinations? Eleven People So Far - Who Knew Doorknobs Could Be So Deadly? & Pedophilia Is More Common Than You Think

June 16 2024 - Interview With Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: All Those Who Challenge The Ruling Ideology, Are Called Fascists

June 15 2024 - How You Can Undermine The ‘Evil Cabal’

June 14 2024 - Massive Genetic Study Reveals 90 Percent Of Earth’s Animals Appeared At The Same Time

June 13 2024 - Twelve Tips For Understanding The World And Why It Is The Way It Is

June 12 2024 - Fluoridation Is Mass Medication, New Zealand Supreme Court Rules

June 11 2024 - Why ‘Conspiracy Theories’ & Spirituality Are Intimately Connected

June 10 2024 - When You Hear Negative Voices In Your Head, Remember This

June 9 2024 - Governments Are Corporations & The Gold Standard Will Break Up The Banking Cartel

June 8 2024 - How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma And Waged War On Natural Cures

June 7 2024 - The Monetary System: Downward Slide Into Tyranny, Slavery, And Self-Destruction 

June 6 2024 - If You Limit ANY Free Speech, This Is What You Get

June 5 2024 - World Of Naked Lies

June 4 2024 - 'Rulers', 'Foolers', & 'Shooters': They're Closing The Cage In Plain Sight

June 3 2024 - The Violence-Inducing Effects Of Psychiatric Medication & The Psychiatric Agenda Destroys Creative Children

June 2 2024 - The Monetary System Is Collapsing: The Most Insidious Form Of Theft

June 1 2024 - An Invisible Form Of Oppression: Our Food System

May 28 2024 - Poll Shows Americans Waking Up, Majority Now Suspects Unelected Shadow Government In Charge [2018]

May 27 2024 - Agenda 21: Awareness And Activism + UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: Blueprint For The Global Enslavement Of Humanity Under Corporate Masters

May 26 2024 - Unless We Kick Our Addiction To Growth, We’re Heading Towards A Debt-Fuelled Dystopia

May 25 2024 - Trillions Spent On ‘Climate Change’ Based On Faulty Temperature Data, Climate Experts Say 

May 24 2024 - Primary Water: Why We Do Not Have A Water Shortage & Rare Diamond Confirms That Earth's Mantle Holds An Ocean's Worth Of Water

May 23 2024 - Willful Ignorance: Why We Stay Oblivious To Facts That Threaten Our Health And The Planet

May 22 2024 - Science Is Broken, And The Peer-Review Process Produces “Utter Bulls##t” Parading Around As Real Science

May 21 2024 - When Life Gets Too Complicated: Minimalist Living: How To Enjoy Life More With Less

May 20 2024 - Do You Know What We Are Breathing In From Weather Geoengineering Efforts?

May 19 2024 - The Global Fascist State: Physical Control Of The Global Population Is Impossible

May 18 2024 - New Zealand, Like The Rest Of The Western World, Is In The Grip Of Populism As Anti-Establishment Sentiment Rises & A Collective “Common Enemy” Now Stalks Mankind

May 17 2024 - What Is Globalism And Where Is It Going?

May 16 2024 - Fear Is Contagious And Used To Control You & The Fascist Scale Revisited

May 15 2024 - Study Shows Kids Are Born Creative Geniuses But The Education System Destroys Imagination

May 14 2024 - The Powerful Global Spy Alliance You Never Knew Existed

May 13 2024 - “A Blatant Display Of Unscientific Propaganda:” Cornell Student Exposes GMO Propaganda In Scathing Letter

May 12 2024 - Researcher Uncovers What May Be The Real Cause Of Depression

May 11 2024 - In The Western World Lies Have Displaced Truth

May 10 2024 - The God Of Freemasonry Exposed 

May 9 2024 - How To Spot A Media Psy-Op

May 8 2024 - Globalism, Socialism, Technocracy: Three Names For The Same Thing

May 7 2024 - We Don’t Need Government, We Need Purpose

May 6 2024 - NWO Control System Vs. The Awakening - Which Will Win?

May 5 2024 - You Are Being Programmed: Five Ways Your Thoughts Are Being Driven Against Your Own Self-Interest

May 4 2024 - Meditation For Beginners: A Guide To Inner Tranquility

May 3 2024 - Explosive: A Review Of Fake Medical Tests

May 2 2024 - Israel Rules The UK As Well As The US: Israel Lobby Is Slowly Being Dragged Into The Light & The Balfour Declaration At 100: Seeds Of Discord [Historical But Relevant]

May 1 2024 - May 1st: The Day The Illuminati Slavery System Transferred From Monarchies To The Corporations

April 30 2024 - When The Rockefeller Trilateral Commission Exposed Its Own Secret

Peace Out,


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