Monday, June 24, 2024

John F. Kennedy Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

The original Joe Biden 🪦died 4 years ago from a heart 🫀attack. He was first replaced by primitive clones and another dark human, who looks like him, but not exactly. The 🛸Galactic Light Forces destroyed the facility of the Negative Ones, which had advanced 🧬clones, so they got stuck with the old models. These outdated clones don’t last long, and they constantly malfunction. All of the Joe Biden‘s clones eventually stopped working, so the Dark Ones are now stuck with the fake human Biden.
The fake Biden also is not 81 years old, he is actually almost 88 years old, who is weak, old, has health issues especially with his 🧠brain functionnility, which doesn’t work well, and he has dementia. The replacement Biden behaves similarly to the original Joe Biden, because he is a dark soul. The new Biden 🤥lies all of the time in public about his personal life and his achievements, on how his lost uncle in World War ll, who was supposedly eaten by cannibals.
Also, the imposter Joe Biden tries to smell others in public, recently he was trying to smell the ✝️Pope. Not too long ago the none real Biden was too sick to attend a public event, the Dark Ones out of desperation were forced to bring back one of his none working clones. It didn’t go too well, the clone basically froze and didn’t move at all, while everyone else was moving to the rhythm of the 🎶music and 🎤singing, he also gave a creepy none human smile.
John F. Kennedy
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

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