Saturday, February 17, 2024

Mastering the Game

Dear Openhanders,

We've got to be aware humanity is being played with. The daily dramas in society are being manipulated on both sides of the fence - the shadow, and the awakening movement. It's designed to distract and disempower. That's why we must realise the real aim, the real peak to attain.  That's our purpose here to clarify. <<< Open 🙏




Mastering the Game

My Dear Friends, it's getting ever more complex out there right now in society, in the media, and on the internet. What's the real truth of what's actually going on?

To me, it's become blatantly obvious that an unseen "Spymaster" - Ra - is playing both sides of the game: both the mainstream and alternative movements. To be clear, I'm not pointing the finger at any alternative organisation. But what I'm saying, is that all too often, the real game of life on the planet is not being seen - the real game is not being played. Because commentators are falling for the purposefull distraction being created for them: "The Shadow is in Disarray and Falling Apart".

No, that's naieve. It's simply shape-shifting and taking on a new form. By some new 3D glimmer of hope in society, that looks potentially benevolent, it creates the illusion that we're winning.

What the shadow doesn't want people to realise, is that there will be no winning by playing its 3D game - applying its rules. Especially where AI is now configuring the hand they play. So how can we win?

We have to realise there will be no ultimate "fixing" of this broken, rigged, unjust and baised system we're living in. Instead, it needs to be swept from the board. And it will be, in due course. The real game then, is that of extracting out of it, by the Ascension of your Consciousness. Because only such a Shift can change the nature of the game itself.

A new reality is already forming amidst the breakdown of the old. As you ascend out of the restrictions, limitations and duplicity of the old, then you already begin to channel in the light of a new possibility. Resources and opportunities start to manifest for you, in a different way.

Be not the proverbial donkey chasing the carrot in the external. Instead, let this new game be about the emergence and actualisation of your True Self. Let that be the game - then the pieces you really need, will come to you. The resources will shape around you - those that you truly need.

Let's not be conned by this old "Spymaster" a day longer. Choose to free yourself right now. Let go of the need to fix the 3D. Come instead from infusing soul, that expands and uplifts you. That makes you feel good inside yourself - optimistic and with a positive outlook on possibility. Embody the sense of adventure and alchemy.

Then you will change the nature of the game. By always working to actualise your highest self, in any given day, you will always win.

<<< Open 💎
Be Inspired: Watch the New Video

Game Players of the Shift

Dear Openhanders, we can win - every single day. Providing we engage in the true game - that of actualising our true brilliance, our true selves. Let a bright new reality then take shape around us. Which we step positively into.That's our commitment to you in the ongoing work of Openhand.

Bright Blessings <<< Open 💎
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