Tuesday, May 16, 2023




9-14-2212.  PREJUDICE

First we will define prejudice (to PRE-JUDGE), “1.  A judgment or opinion formed BEFORE the facts are known; especially an unfavorable, irrational opinion. 2. Hatred or dislike for a particular group, race, religion, etc. 3. Injury or damage to a per­son arising from a hasty and unfair judgement by others.”  Now one who is prejudiced is usually also referred to as a bigot, de­fined as, “An intolerant, prejudiced person.”

So one who is prejudiced pronounces judgement based solely on their own OPINION which has very little or NO basis in truth or fact. For example, in your current society,when Hatonn, within the PHOENIX JOURNALS, brings up and exposes THE TRUTH about what are THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION, what is the true motivation of the ONES behind ZIONISM, how the term "jew" was created and is henceforth revealed as a mis­nomer or incorrect "made-up" word, he and the publishers are called ANTI-SEMITIC. Well, this word anti-Semitic is also USED by theONES who are NOT Judean, but come from the Nordic and Mongol tribes of Russia, who were then called KHAZARS who adopted Judaism as their religion, to allow shield from "identity" and thus CAUSE confusion and dissen­sion to FURTHER their OWN ANTI-SEMITIC, ANTI-LIFE or ANTI-CHRIST means. The word, as you have learned in pre­vious PHOENIX JOURNALS, "SEMITE" comes from the lin­eage of one of the sons of the one called "Noah". His name was SEM (SHEM), whose ancestor was ADAM, the father of the white human race, who was conceived by union of the Heavenly son and guardian angel, SEMIASA and an "earth" woman. Sem (Shem) and his line wherefrom came Joseph, "earth" father to Jmmanuel, were seeded of HOLY GOD from HIS celestial SONS. So to call one an ANTI-Semite does not mean anti-­"jew" or anti-other races; it means ANTI-GOD!

Yet, you ones, including the truly GODLY Judeans, have been programmed by "opinion-molders" created by THE EVIL ONES of satan, who now call themselves ZIONIST JEWS, to falsely believe that those who openly expose and oppose the ANTI-GOD activities of ZIONISM, THEIR AGENCIES, SUCH AS THE ADL, THE MOSSAD and the state of ISRAEL are ANTI-SEMITES and, therefore, TO BE SILENCED! Clever indeed have been the ones who wish only to DESTROY GODNESS and control your world. So you see, dear ones, if you believe the lies of the "opinion molders", you too are then PREJUDICED, and by your IGNORANCE you become a tool of EVIL and allow destruction of SELF and OTHERS who fol­low you willingly down the road to HELL. You've heard it said, "The road to hell is paved with' good' intentions." Make sure your "good" intentions are GOD'S intentions backed BY TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE, not by OPINIONS designed to allow YOU to HANG YOURSELF.

The evil ones are possessed by irrational pre-judgment, hatred and dislike for others which makes them intolerant or bigoted toward those who oppose THEIR self-will OPINIONS of how things are or should be. As was discussed under the first "deadly" sin of PRIDE, if the one possessed of evil first cannot seduce others into believing what is THEIR DESTRUCTIVE and manipulative false VIEW of things, they will then desire and seek to DESTROY the ones of "goodness" and "integrity" because of THEIR (the evil ones) own intolerant bigoted will.

Now we would like to give clarification unto ones struggling to understand the meaning of Hatonn's statement of Truth, "There are no victims, there are only volunteers." I, Sananda, and MANY of THE HOSTS OF GOD/ATONwere present this weekend past, with our speakers, Desiree and George Green. Our beloved chela, Desiree, repeated that statement to the group attending the "seminar" introducing THE PHOENIX JOUR­NALS. We observed a very precious one unto us and GOD/ATONstruggle with this concept. He asked two ques­tions which we would like to bring clarification upon. But be­fore we start, please let us give understanding of intent and pur­pose of these two of GOD/ATON's speakers.

Our beloved George brings the sharing of his life experiences with intent to introduce and bring understanding of THE TRUTH he recognizes within the JOURNALS. He has much experience with speaking before groups, and of being target for criticism. He is "THE SOLID ROCK" who gives strength to the others of our mission because he moves fearlessly ahead in FOCUSED DEVOTION for bringing "LIGHT" and "TRUTH" where there is ignorance, in spite of the slings and arrows thrust at him and Desiree, Dharma and Oberli and all the others of our circle. He brings you his earthly perception of understanding which he hopes you ones can relate with and FURTHER inves­tigate for yourselves.

Desiree brings the balance of the SPIRITUAL lessons that GOD/ATON has presented within her. She stands in represen­tation and humble service unto TRUTH that you may relate to her humanness to allow further GODLY clarity and under­standing of YOUR DIVINE HERITAGE. Will they occasion­ally err in their projections of facts given in the JOURNALS? Of course, they too have "limited" memory and many volumes to study. We tell you this that you relate humanly with these ones and recognize that the "errors" of details are minor, as the INTEGRITY of these blessed ones is integrity of DIVINE God­ness. THEY have come in humble service as GOD/ATON'Shuman physical messengers to introduce THE WORD and plant the seeds of awakening within you ones. IT IS THEN UP TO EACH TO READ THE JOURNALS FOR YOURSELVES, make your own discernment of Truth and thusly, make the changes within and without to change of the evil circumstances before you. DO not expect these ones OR ANY OTHERS to "spoon" feed it to you and "discern" it FOR you!

We are Sananda, Lord Michael, St. Germain and Druthea, your HOSTS sent of HOLY GOD/ATON, in HIS service and in YOUR service of LIGHT AND OF TRUTH. We come, along with our MANY cosmic brothers/angels of LIGHT, because WE ALL LOVE YOU as is THE WILL of our FATHER AND SPIRITUAL RULER, GOD/ATON, FOR WE ARE ALL BUT ONE WITHIN THE CREATION.




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