Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Supporting Full Disclosure – An Important Turning Point?

Supporting Full Disclosure – An Important Turning Point?

Trump has been a far more important player in maintaining the current timeline than most people realize. The current timeline long ago ran out of power and has been nursed along by those I call the secret government.

The secret government split during Trump’s first election campaign in 2016 and the Trump faction won control of the voting machines which allowed Trump to steal that election. The same equation was in force in the 2020 election but the Trump faction underestimated the mail-in vote differential and lost several swing states because the mail-in votes caught and surpassed the voting machine bias. Big, BIG oops!

Now what? Trump tried various methods to try and overturn the lost election and that culminated in the protests in Washington, DC on Wednesday, January 6. That fizzled and we are now on the timeline of Biden becoming president. Biden is no bastion of light, in fact quite the opposite, but Biden has no real power within the secret government. He is a puppet, wholly and completely.

Katelon and I work at the level of energy, perhaps more appropriately called the level of creation. At that level we have had considerable interference and opposition from Trump and those supporting him. Trump has been a major player within the secret government. Most of the other major players are unknown to us and to the world in general as they have operated like the Wizard of Oz, manipulating things from behind a vail of secrecy.

One of the most powerful and abused tools used by the secret government is time-travel. With the aid of technology and by cultivating innate skills, the secret government used time-travel in a variety of ways. One was to travel into the future to discover threats to the current timeline. Once a threat was identified, they would return to the present and brainstorm various antidotes; then time-travel to test and find the most effective ones which they would implement… very effective. Another way was to embed these artificial antidote timelines with booby traps and fail safes triggered by light based progress. A third was to create time-travel loops that return to the time of origin which undoes light based progress and returns situations to the status quo condition. Trump and his cronies were skilled in all three of these methods, creating formidable obstacles.

The failed protests of January 6 have ended any real chance of Trump remaining president. They also signal the end of his influence… thank goodness.

What remains is another formidable threat to humanity’s freedom known to the world as the pandemic. Many secret government puppets are running with this boogey man with great success. The secret government owns and operates all the major media outlets and the pandemic gets full editorial support. Censorship is in full bloom and anyone speaking pandemic truth is censored. The current world health authorities all pay homage to the pandemic boogey man. Pretty formidable.

Biden and the USA is about to join this sham.

Can it be stopped?

We believe it can and a plan is in place to end this threat to humanity’s freedom. Stay tuned.

Freedom for humanity…


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